[創作] Thanks You

看板Create作者 (One day remains)時間18年前 (2006/06/21 12:00), 編輯推噓0(000)
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(Demo: http://0rz.net/6d1vu ) 還未編曲 破破的吉他 簡單的合音 Thank you Heaven seems not so far. Because I have you right now. Every time I look in your eyes. I find the answers all I want. You pick me up when I fall down. Save my life and make it light Frustration won’t take me down. As along as you’re here. All I want to say is thanks Thank you for all the time. Oh, you make it right. Oh~~ oh~~ oh~~ (background) I wanna tell you (Vocal) Oh~~ oh~~ oh~~ (background) You’re all that I need (Vocal) Oh~~ oh~~ oh~~ (background) You make me believe (Vocal) Oh~~ oh~~ oh~~ (background) Thank you (Vocal) -- 歡迎光臨芭樂王的創作天空。 http://www.streetvoice.com.tw/profile/home.asp?sd=17093 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: AlterBridge 來自: (06/22 02:26)
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