Top Ten Prospects from BA (2005)

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最近沒比賽 加上從 AA 拉了兩個菜鳥上來 無聊就從 BA 裡面翻了翻小熊農場的文章 想順便認識一下新秀 以下是今年球季未開打前 BA 對小熊農場的排名 TOP TEN PROSPECTS 1. Brian Dopirak, 1b 2. Felix Pie, of 3. Ryan Harvey, of 4. Angel Guzman, rhp 5. Billy Petrick, rhp 6. Renyel Pinto, lhp 7. Sean Marshall, lhp 8. John Leicester, rhp 9. Grant Johnson, rhp 10. Jason Dubois, of/1b BEST TOOLS Best Hitter for Average Matt Murton Best Power Hitter Brian Dopirak Best Strike-Zone Discipline Matt Murton Fastest Baserunner Dwaine Bacon Best Athlete Felix Pie Best Fastball Angel Guzman Best Curveball Rich Hill Best Slider Will Ohman Best Changeup Jon Connolly Best Control Bobby Brownlie Best Defensive Catcher Geovany Soto Best Defensive Infielder Carlos Rojas Best Infield Arm Ronny Cedeno Best Defensive Outfielder Felix Pie Best Outfield Arm Felix Pie 接下來是另外找的 Q & A 我把一些球員整理出來 =============================希望無窮分隔線=============================== [Brian Dopirak] Q: Thanks for the chat, Jim! I'm confused by the wildly divergent opinions of Brian Dopirak I've seen. B-Dope has been ranked anywhere from a top 10 overall prospect(!) to not even top 75. At the risk of oversimplifying, doesn't he basically project along the lines of Ryan Howard & Jason Stokes (.260-.270, 35-40 HR, 50-60 BB in his prime)? Thanks again! A: When some of the BA editors put together our personal Top 50s for the Prospect Handbook, I put Dopirak at No. 26. He has huge power and has a clue at the plate. He also was 20 last year, so he has plenty of time to develop. I like him more than Howard, and while Stokes is a prospect, I think he's generally overrated. I'd easily take Dopirak over Stokes. [Felix Pie] Q: What is Felix Pie ceiling right now? Carl Crawford or Carlos Beltran? If neither, what MLB player does he profile as? A: Pie has a high ceiling, but you can't put his current power anywhere near in the same category as Beltran's, so I'd put him closer to Crawford. He's got a much better arm than Crawford, so there's no reason Pie won't be able to stay in center field (well, except for maybe Corey Patterson). [Ryan Harvey] Q: Ryan Harvey hasn't done anything as a pro yet, what is it that keeps him ranked so high, 2 years after being drafted? A: Who was that guy who 14 homers in 58 games at short-season Boise at age 19, then tore up the Northwest League playoffs? Why, it was Ryan Harvey! His 77-20 K-BB ratio is a little scary, but he had a very good year for someone young for his league. His big-time power is right there with Dopirak's--they both are products of Dunedin (Fla.) High, for what that's worth--and he's a good all-around athlete. Harvey has the chance to be very, very, very good. Q: Of the top ten prospects, which one are you most uncertain will reach his potential? A: Hmmm. Good question. Probably Harvey, just because he's the furthest away. [Angel Guzman] Q: What's the truth about Angel Guzman? Will he ever be ready? A: You can't handle the truth, Jimmy. No, seriously . . . Guzman began his rehab as soon as he could after he had his shoulder scoped in 2003, and he worked so hard without taking time off, that he was worn out before the end of the 2004 season. The Cubs just decided there was no hurry, so they shut him down as a precautionary measure. He should be good to go in 2005, and you may see him in Wrigley Field at some point this summer. [Billy Petrick] Q: I'm a huge Cubs fan and think they have a bunch of stud pitchers in the minors. Looking at the numbers, why does is Petrick ahead of Pinto? A: Tank, put your clothes back on before your wife sees you. I think Billy Petrick has a chance to be a real breakthrough prospect in 2005. He has a heavy, heavy sinker, and his slider and changeup are starting to happen for him. His command is better than Pinto's, too. [Renyel Pinto] Q: Is Pinto overrrated? His numbers were the best in the organization and there is little speculation that he will make it to the show this year. A: I don't think Renyel Pinto is overrated, and you have to respect the year he had in Double-A as a 21.5-year-old. But some scouts think he doesn't pitch as well as the sum of his stuff or his stats might indicate, mostly because his command and location are his weakness. He's still young and fairly advanced, so I can see him turning out pretty well. ==============================上上下下分隔線============================== [Jason Dubois] Q: Many people believe Jason Dubois has proved scouts wrong on every level and deserves more respect as a prospect. How do you see his ML future working out? And how does he compare to Jason Bay? A: I think Dubois can hit, and I hope Dusty Baker gives him the chance to prove it. I don't think he'll be a star, but he can be a solid, cost-effective left fielder for the Cubs. Both Bay and Dubois tore up the PCL, if that's where you're going, but Bay is a better all-around athlete. [Matt Murton] Q: How far was Matt Murton from making the Top 10 and what do you see his ceiling being in the majors and when do you think he'll make it to the big leagues? Thanks a lot. A: He was as close as could be, coming in at No. 11. (Lewis was No. 12, and if anyone wants to know more specifics about our Cubs Top 30, they'll have to buy the 2005 Prospect Handbook!) Murton may be the best pure hitter in the system, though some who saw him in the Florida State League last year questioned how much power he'll ultimately develop. The last spot on the Top 10 came down to Murton and Jason Dubois. They have similar profiles, but Dubois had a huge year in Triple-A, so I gave him the nod. [Todd Wellemeyer & Michael Wuertz] Q: Where do the Cubs expect Wellemeyer and wuertz to be thisn season and where are they on the prospect list? A: Both Todd Wellemeyer and Mike Wuertz will get the opportunity to make the bullpen this year. It also wouldn't surprise me if Wellemeyer got traded to some club that will return him to the rotation. He doesn't qualify for the list any longer, but Wuertz is in the 11-20 range. ========================== hate 分隔線 XDD ================================ [Dusty Baker] Q: Just because Dusty Baker hit .321 with 17 HR and 76 RBI as a 23-year old rookie, does he expect everybody to be able to do this? Doesn't he realize that Barry Bonds hit .223 in 400 at bats his rookie season, and that his encore was hitting .261 in 551 at bats the following year? What gives with Dusty's reluctance to give young guys time to develop in the majors? If Bonds's first two seasons didn't teach him something, maybe the fact that he only hit .300 or higher twice more in his 19 year career should. A: No idea why Dusty is that way, but never had thought to look at it in terms of his own career. -- ★某同學 我要買王建民的球衣 To 某同學: 我寧願要 Kerry Wood 或是 Mark Prior 的 ★某同學 我不要傷兵 To 某同學: 更~~你狠 ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮ OS: 木頭 小普 拜託爭氣一點啊!!!!!!! >.< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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