Re: [情報] The International Signing Market 10/9

看板Cubs作者 (宮園かをり R.I.P.)時間9年前 (2015/09/20 20:34), 9年前編輯推噓2(2012)
留言14則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
球員 守位 年齡 簽約金額 Eddy Julio Martinez OF 20 3.0M Aramis Ademan SS 16.8 2.0M Yonathan Perlaza SS 16.6 1.3M Christopher Martinez 3B 16.0 1.0M 註1 Jonathan Sierra RF 16.7 2.5M Miguel Amaya C 16.3 1.25M Anderson Amarista RHS 16.8 1.2M Yunior Perez RHS 16.5 0.6M Brailyn Marquez LHS 16.4 0.6M Luis Diaz SS 16.2 0.35M Vinicio Martinez RF 16.7 0.7M Gwang Min Kwon 1B 18.5 1.2M 宋文華 RHS 18.8 1.25M Jose Gutierrez OF ???? 1.0M(近) Jose Albertos Isaac Parades 註:亮字表示確定簽下/金額;紅字表示被搶走 註1:沒過體檢所以小熊退回先前100萬美金的簽約協議,實際簽約金額不明 ---- 有好幾隻還是沒有下聞 新的消息是小熊仍在追求Eddy Julio Martinez 目前Eddy Julio Martinez的談約很不順 所以他於近期撤換經紀人並聘用幫Yadier Alvarez拿到大約的經紀公司 除此之外,他的索價也降低 要求的合約降低是必然的 新的大聯盟規定讓小熊等球隊突然得到簽下以下球員的機會 1. Jorge Ona 2. Yusniel Diaz 3. Jonatan Machado 4. Omar Estevez 5. Yordan Alvarez 6. Lionel Perez 7. Yaisel Sierra 8. Lazaro Armenteros 更早到美國的還有Norge Luis Ruiz與超級大物Vladimir Gutierrez 這些古巴人的天份都不錯,有些甚至有選秀第一輪的實力 我想可能還得拖上好一段時間 我是很想要Ona、V. Gutierrez與Eddy Julio Martinez 不過這三支至少要燒掉30M美金再加上等額的罰金 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MLB.com球探報告: Eddy Julio Martinez | Rank: 4 Scouting grades: Hit: 60 | Power: 60 | Run: 70 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 Think a young Andruw Jones. That's how some scouts have described the 20-year-old center fielder from Cuba. Evaluators like his body -- described as solid and compact -- and his athleticism. But there's a lot more to like. In the batter's box, Martinez has a quick and compact power stroke. He's shown the ability to hit home runs to all fields and work the counts. He's speedy out of the box and shows base-stealing potential. Described as "hard-nosed," Martinez is aggressive and not afraid to take an extra-base. Martinez has shown good instincts on defense and the ability to cover the gaps in the outfield. Those skills combined with a playable and accurate arm make scouts believe he will stay in center field and could be in the big leagues in after a couple of seasons in the Minor Leagues. Scouts also like that Martinez has experience playing for Cuba's junior national teams in Mexico and Venezuela and that he spent two seasons with Las Tunas in Cuba's Serie Nacional, the island's top league. Martinez, who was declared a free agent by Major League Baseball in May, is eligible to sign. However, it is unclear if he will sign during the current international signing period or wait until the next period that begins on July 2. He is currently training in the Dominican Republic. Yonathan Perlaza | Rank: 15 Scouting grades: Hit: 60 | Power: 50 | Run: 50 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 Picture Martin Prado as a teenager. That's how some scouts view Perlaza. Perlaza might not be as "toolsy" as other players in this year's class, but scouts like the infielder's bat and consider him one of the better hitters on the market. Moreover, he's been praised for his swing and strong wrists, leading some scouts to believe that he could hit some home runs and drive the ball into the gaps on a consistent basis in the future. Perlaza is considered a decent defender at shortstop, and he could stay there as he develops. There's also the belief that he'll end up at second base. He's not the fastest runner, but scouts like his effort and hustle on both sides of the ball in games. He's considered fundamentally sound in all areas of his game, but it's his bat -- now and in the future -- that makes him an appealing prospect. Yonathan Sierra Estiwal | Rank: 18 Scouting grades: Hit: 50 | Power: 50 | Run: 40 | Arm: 45 | Field: 45 One famous player comes to mind when scouts talk about Estiwal: Darryl Strawberry. The 6-ft-3, 205-pound Estiwal is a tall and lanky left-handed hitter and thrower with some raw power. Most see him as a future right fielder, thus the Strawberry comparisons. Estiwal has a graceful swing, and scouts like his ability to barrel balls up. Evaluators discuss his improving hit tool when talking about Estiwal's future. Overall, Estiwal has been praised for his ability to hit in games and hit the ball to all fields. He has also shown some power in games and the ability to drive the ball to the opposite field. Scouts describe Estiwal as an average runner and say his arm might be a tick above average. Estiwal does well in games, and scouts like his makeup. He's been simply described as "a good baseball player who knows the game," on numerous occasions. Aramis Ademan | Rank: 21 Scouting grades: Hit: 55 | Power: 35 | Run: 50 | Arm: 50 | Field: 60 This is how one scout described Ademan: "Best hands out there right now. No question." A native of Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, Ademan has opened eyes with his athletic ability and skills on defense. He's expected to fill out his frame as he matures and improve all facets of his game once he enters a team's academy and receives daily instruction. An RBI 2014 Regional participant, Ademan is no stranger to intense competition and has shined in front of scouts in high-profile tournaments in the Dominican Republic. He's also participated in Major League Baseball's Amateur Prospect League events. Some scouts consider Ademan a glove-first infielder who has to get stronger and become more physical as he matures. He has shown the ability to hit in games. Miguel Amaya | Rank: 26 Scouting grades: Hit: 40 | Power: 40 | Run: 20 | Arm: 60 | Field: 60 From Los Santos, Panama, Amaya is arguable the top player from his country in this year's class. The teenager has shown the ability to hit, but he has impressed scouts the most with his defensive skills. He looks the part, scouts say, because he calls a good game and takes control behind the plate. How good is Amaya? Some evaluators believe he has a potential plus arm and could be a plus defender in the future. They also like his solid receiving skills, a must for any good catcher. Other scouts consider his arm average, but they also note that it's impossible to ignore the total package and overall potential he presents to a club looking to sign one of the top catchers on the international market. -- やっ..........!!!!!!止めろペイモンこの野郎~~~~~~っ 地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

09/20 20:42, , 1F
Christopher Martinez體檢失敗,小熊只願意給一萬還是五萬
09/20 20:42, 1F

09/20 20:42, , 2F
美金 所以就不歡而散囉!
09/20 20:42, 2F
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 09/20/2015 20:57:43

09/20 20:59, , 3F
Ben Badler的文章還是說小熊簽下Christopher Martinez
09/20 20:59, 3F

09/20 20:59, , 4F
應該是他錯了 C. Martinez已經戴著洛磯球帽簽下合約了
09/20 20:59, 4F

09/20 21:43, , 5F
sry. 是我錯了。跟洛磯簽約是Amarista。
09/20 21:43, 5F

09/20 21:44, , 6F
C. Martinez還是與小熊簽約了。簽約金額未知。
09/20 21:44, 6F

09/21 02:06, , 7F
我學鄉民 宋文華沒簽是種族歧視
09/21 02:06, 7F
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 09/21/2015 17:16:07

10/05 09:04, , 8F
Eddie Julio Martinez跟巨人簽約了?2.5M
10/05 09:04, 8F

10/05 09:04, , 9F
10/05 09:04, 9F
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 10/05/2015 09:21:51

10/05 09:22, , 10F
更新:Lazaro Armenteros坐飛機離開古巴,16歲的OF
10/05 09:22, 10F

10/05 09:23, , 11F
這隻的天份也很好 他的偶像是Yoenis Cespedes
10/05 09:23, 11F
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 10/09/2015 10:17:30

10/09 10:18, , 12F
更新:3M簽下 Eddy Julio Martinez
10/09 10:18, 12F

10/09 10:18, , 13F
更新:Lazaro Armenteros被評為下一個Moncada
10/09 10:18, 13F
※ 編輯: Zamned (, 10/09/2015 13:04:54

10/11 12:16, , 14F
10/11 12:16, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1L_gVdHb (Cubs)