[問題] 這個是誰阿?

看板DarkSwords作者 (湯姆熊)時間17年前 (2007/04/22 01:40), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
01:30:25 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: hi its my jake4 01:30:28 Chatting for player Basterd has been prohibited for 5 minutes. (bad name) CursedFighter. 01:30:30 You miss Royal Warrior. 01:30:30 Royal Warrior hits you for 71 HP. 01:30:31 You hit Royal Warrior for 430 HP. 01:30:31 Your mighty blow catches Royal Warrior off-guard! 01:30:31 Royal Warrior misses you. 01:30:33 You hit Royal Warrior for 455 HP. 01:30:33 You feel searing pain as Royal Warrior brutally lacerates you! 01:30:33 Royal Warrior hits you for 71 HP. 01:30:35 You hit for 465 HP and kill Royal Warrior. 01:30:35 You receive 100 experience points. 01:30:35 You pick 17 gold coins. 01:30:40 You hit Royal Warrior for 463 HP. 01:30:40 Your mighty blow catches Royal Warrior off-guard! 01:30:40 pilw hits Royal Warrior for 134 HP. 01:30:40 You feel searing pain as Royal Warrior brutally lacerates you! 01:30:40 Royal Warrior hits you for 71 HP. 01:30:41 You hit for 451 HP and kill Royal Warrior. 01:30:41 You receive 100 experience points. 01:30:41 You pick 61 gold coins. 01:30:45 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: run 01:30:46 Tip: Alongside with gold there is another kind of currency - Platinum, which is used to purchase Artifacts, which are much more powerfull, than usual items. 01:30:48 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: run 01:30:54 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: down 01:30:56 pilw leaves south. 01:31:03 pilw leaves north. 01:31:08 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: left 01:31:11 pilw leaves west. 01:31:12 [DemonF1]: [pilw]: ? 01:31:16 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: down 01:31:17 pilw leaves south. 01:31:21 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: left 01:31:22 pilw leaves west. 01:31:27 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: left 01:31:29 pilw leaves west. 01:31:37 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: kill so run 01:31:51 pilw hits Royal Warrior for 140 HP. 01:31:51 pilw's mana shield reflects 39 damage to Royal Warrior. 01:31:51 Royal Warrior hits pilw for 98 HP. 01:31:53 pilw misses Royal Warrior. 01:31:53 pilw's mana shield reflects 39 damage to Royal Warrior. 01:31:53 Royal Warrior hits pilw for 98 HP. 01:31:55 pilw misses Royal Warrior. 01:31:55 Royal Warrior misses pilw. 01:31:57 pilw hits Royal Warrior for 79 HP. 01:31:57 pilw's mana shield reflects 39 damage to Royal Warrior. 01:31:57 Royal Warrior hits pilw for 98 HP. 01:31:59 pilw misses Royal Warrior. 01:31:59 pilw's mana shield reflects 39 damage to Royal Warrior. 01:31:59 Royal Warrior hits pilw for 98 HP. 01:31:59 beruk leaves north. 01:32:01 pilw fails to escape from Royal Warrior. 01:32:01 pilw's mana shield reflects 39 damage to Royal Warrior. 01:32:01 Royal Warrior hits pilw for 98 HP. 01:32:01 LordAndy leaves east. 01:32:03 pilw flees from Royal Warrior. 01:32:07 Sherrick leaves east. 01:32:12 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: heal my 01:32:18 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: heal my 01:32:21 Royal Warrior leaves east. 01:32:23 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: heal my pleasssss 01:32:33 [pilw]: [DemonF1]: heal my pleasssss noow 01:32:35 pilw leaves north. 他到底想幹嘛阿? 這應該不是版友吧? 況且我也不認識jake4... 他的意思是叫我打怪打一打讓他打死嗎? 不過他身上的LV10 buffs還蠻威的就是了 等級10也可以打Royal Warrior.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/22 02:20, , 1F
jake好像是1個美金玩家吧 = =
04/22 02:20, 1F

04/22 02:27, , 2F
04/22 02:27, 2F

04/22 03:09, , 3F
04/22 03:09, 3F

04/22 07:51, , 4F
04/22 07:51, 4F

04/22 08:29, , 5F
我只覺得他蠻不禮貌的 所以就不理他了
04/22 08:29, 5F

04/22 11:01, , 6F
那天我在打龍 jack4就自己加進來 還說要我給他龍爪
04/22 11:01, 6F

04/22 11:29, , 7F
最近也看過一個刺客 ID裡面有刺客這個字 = = 全身buff
04/22 11:29, 7F

04/22 11:29, , 8F
[14]就在打110的法官 不過是砍很久 XD
04/22 11:29, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #16AaoPKT (DarkSwords)