Randy Johnson Perfect Game 相關報導 (道賀篇)

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這裡收集的是各界對 Randy Johnson perfect game 的祝賀詞 同樣歡迎大家補完.... 前隊友兼好友 Curt Schilling "I'd like to find the people who were talking about the end of his career last winter," Schilling said. "Guys that play at that level do things other people only dream about," 前水手隊總教練,現職小魚隊總教練 Lou Piniella "I've seen Randy pitch many good games," "You knew he had one or two in him. I'm happy for him." 前水手隊之隊友 Edgar Martinez "I watched the last inning and it was amazing what he did. He has had an amazing career and to be able to do that at this stage of his career is pretty amazing. I remember when he had that no-hitter, how intense he was. Looked like the same guy, the same intensity. Like he hasn't lost anything. Throwing as hard as 97 (mph) in the last inning is amazing. He is a very special pitcher and works really hard. His dedication is great. His size, his body, his ability, his work ethic and determination. He has everything. He has a ring, all the achievements and now a perfect game. That is pretty cool and I am happy for him." (RJ 拿過完全比賽,無安打,三冠王,單場20K,世界冠軍戒指....我也想不到他還有 什麼沒拿過的....) 前隊友 Damian Miller "That doesn't really surprise me at all. When he's got it all going, he's capable of doing something special every time out." 前水手隊之隊友 Paul Abbott "He's such a dominating pitcher it's hard to believe it's only his second no-hitter," "He's truly the elite of the elite." 前水手隊之隊友 Jose Cruz Jr. "He's got that kind of stuff. He's electric." 前隊友 Vladimir Nunez "Everytime somebody throws a no-hitter or a perfect game, it's a dream come true. It doesn't matter how much he's already done. It's still a dream for him. It's a dream for anybody. Hey, for me, my last no-hitter was when I was in Little League." 前 D-Backs 總教練 Buck Showalter "I think people take for granted how hard it is to do what he does. We've become spoiled at times. I've seen him evolve to a point that is amazing. A night like tonight tells you how good his two pitches are." 前 D-Backs 投手教練 Mark Connor "It sounds crazy, but it doesn't surprise me to hear that he has thrown a perfect game. He's a fierce competitor. It took five or six years of being in the big leagues to master his mechanics. Once he put it all together, you can see what he has developed into." 前 D-Backs 教練,現職 Mariners 總教練 Bob Melvin "I was pulling for him. To be throwing 97 mph in the ninth inning is pretty impressive for a guy everyone thought was done after last year." -- ╭──── Origin:<不良牛牧場> bbs.badcow.com.tw (─────╮ Welcome to SimFarm BBS -- From : [] ◣◣◢ ◢◢不良牛免費撥接→電話:40586000→帳號:zoo→密碼:zoo ◣◣─╯
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