[情報] Diamondbacks Release Scott Podsednik

看板Diamondbacks作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間12年前 (2012/08/03 11:23), 編輯推噓8(804)
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Diamondbacks Release Scott Podsednik http://0rz.tw/cCFN7 The Diamondbacks have granted Scott Podsednik his release after he declined an assignment to Triple-A, reports Nick Piecoro of The Arizona Republic (on Twitter). Arizona acquired him as part of the Matt Albers-Craig Breslow trade earlier this week. Podsednik, 36, hit .387/.409/.484 with six steals in 70 plate appearances with the Red Sox this year and .242/.308/.291 in Triple-A. The speedy outfielder also missed a little more than two weeks with a groin strain earlier this season. --- Scott Podsednik拒絕被下放,賞他釋出 科科 -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/03 12:22, , 1F
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08/03 14:37, , 2F
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08/04 10:27, , 3F
今天驚險的贏了 明後兩天要戰左右兩大王牌...
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08/04 10:48, , 4F
Upton今天先是百轟 在來又殺了追平分在本壘
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08/04 10:48, , 5F
那一球雖然很近 但是短時間傳的又直又快 果然是游擊手
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08/04 12:28, , 6F
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08/06 13:16, , 7F
把Breslow送走的報應來了 關鍵時刻派不出壓制力夠的左
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08/06 13:17, , 8F
投...別跟我說Zaguski能做好這件事 他先把ERA消腫再說
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08/06 13:43, , 9F
慘 接連爆
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08/10 20:10, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1G6qH2A5 (Diamondbacks)