
看板Diary作者 (Get it right)時間14年前 (2010/04/01 17:34), 編輯推噓0(000)
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標題: 時間: Thu Apr 1 17:34:05 2010 喜歡單純明瞭的事情,可能因為我自己太過於複雜。 在地獄走過一遭的人如果到了天堂,大概永遠也不想回去了, 不是因為他們刻意抹滅那些苦難的記憶,而是他們知道和平的 日子是要付出極大的代價換來的,那些在天堂待不下去的人們 即使聽了勸告,還是前仆後繼地向下沉淪,直到有一天,那些 沒有被淘汰掉的倖存人類(姑且稱之為英雄吧)終於又回到了天 堂,宣揚著那些永遠不被後人遵守,但卻有其永恆不滅價值的 信念。 正義沒有一個固定形狀,是像碎片一樣被慢慢拼湊起來的。 簡單一把吉他,簡單幾個起起落落的音符,拼湊起來的力量, 卻像重節拍震撼著胸膛,好像說什麼也不能放棄一樣。 There's no message here for you. All connections and memories had been deleted, without any hesitation. Starting from now, I'll be in the dead zone, a place that somebody might call a hell. Maybe it's in the hell where I could feel most comfortable with myself. I can't deny any possibility that this could be another wrong way. But at least there's something out there at the end that's worth that kind of struggle, and I just know it from my heart. I always hope I could see you before I leave. The songs you sang, the power you gave me and words you've said are all gonna be with me wherever I go. There's no place in this world that I don't wanna take you with me. But now, I know I have to be alone. One day, if you look up in the morning and see it's a particularly beautiful day, and you will know we've made it. See you in couple of years. ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: precipitate 來自: (04/01 17:37)
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