N Djokovic - Interview [2011 US OPEN QF]

看板Djokovic作者 (橘子)時間12年前 (2011/09/10 15:29), 編輯推噓4(403)
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http://ppt.cc/(0bb An Interview With: Novak Djokovic Thursday, September 8, 2011 Q. Obviously you read about some of your colleagues on Wednesday were upset about having to go out on the court. Felt like their careers were in jeopardy. There's always going to be a balance between the promoter trying to make money and long-time career health issues. Has there ever been a time you said, I'm not going to go out there or tried to rally some of your comrades, Wait a minute; this is not a good idea? 你一定知道有些球員對於星期三的出賽很不高興,認為會危及他們的職業生涯。在大會追 求利益和球員的長期健康之間,人們一直在尋找平衡點,你有曾經遇過這種情況嗎?你說 你不會進球場比賽,但又猶豫這不是是適當的決定? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I experienced many situations in my career where I would always prioritize my health regardless of the situation I'm in. Always. Because, I mean, we are all tennis professionals. We all want to win and we all want to be the best in what we do. That's a fact. But this is not something that we will do all our lives. After we are 30 or whatever, when we finish our careers, we want to still be healthy. We want to have normal families. We want to still play tennis, have the academies, be a coach, whatever, but be healthy, because this is something that matters most. 在我的職業生涯中我經歷過很多情況,但不管面對什麼情況,健康永遠是第一優先考量, 永遠都是。因為我們都是職業選手,我們都想贏、想成為最好的球員,這是事實,但我們 不會一輩子都是職業球員,在我們三十歲之後、在我們結束職業生涯之後,我們還想要保 持健康,我們想要在退休後還有正常的生活,可能打打網球、讀點書、當教練,不管是什 麼,重點是,健康永遠是最重要的。 So, yeah, there has been experiences where I felt that I'm hitting a wall where I think my voice wasn't heard enough. But, you know, I was very understandable. I tried to always understand the tournaments. I tried to understand the people who are participating in the organization of the events. I tried to understand the ATP in the end, because, you know, we are all trying to make this sport better. But the fact is that the players feel frustrated. The players feel they're not protected enough, I guess. So this is maybe a turning point for all of us. God knows what's gonna happen now. But, you know, I'm actually happy to see that players are getting together in some ways. Maybe this is not a greatest subject to talk about, always to be in a fight with somebody, but at least, you know, we're getting our voices out there. 然後,的確有些時候我覺得我的意見沒有被聽見,像在跟一堵牆說話,但我是很明理的, 我試著去瞭解舉辦這項賽事的人的想法,我試著去瞭解ATP的運作,我們都在試著讓這項 運動更好,但事實是球員們都感到很挫折,我們覺得我們沒有被適當地保護,所以,這次 也許會是個轉捩點,天知道接下來會發生什麼事,但老實說,我很高興球員們開始團結起 來,也許這不是最重要的議題,但至少我們的聲音被聽見了。 Q. So for the fourth year in a row the final is gonna be played on a Monday. What are your thoughts on that? 已經確定了連續四年的男單決賽都在星期一,對於這件事你有什麼看法? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I'm not really happy about that, to be honest. I'm not, because there is always Davis Cup, you know, the weekend after. Last year I played finals and finished very late on Monday. Took off Tuesday, arrived Wednesday, and had to play on Friday already, Saturday. How that is possible? You know, it's just too much, really. It's too much. But that's the way it is, I guess, for everybody. I'm still not in the finals. I cannot think about that. I'm thinking about my semifinals only. 說真的我對這個決定不是太高興,真的,因為週末我還有 DC 要打,去年我晉級決賽,星 期一很晚才結束,星期二上飛機,星期三到,然後我星期五星期六就要比賽了,這種情況 太誇張了,太多比賽要打,但我想現實就是這樣,每個人都一樣。我現在還沒進決賽,我 還不會想到那邊去,我專注在四強賽上。 But what I have to say is I just don't understand why, you know, if you have --for example, if you don't have a roof, okay, on this Grand Slam, why you don't have covers on the court, you know? So this situation what happened today on the Louis Armstrong where Roddick and Ferrer could not continue their match, happened because they didn't have covers and because there was too much water. So there is some really things that I don't understand, and I really hope that people will strongly reconsider, you know, what the players are talking about. Because we are not talking about only for our interests, you know. We also want this tournament and this sport to progress. We all want it better, right? So that's all. 但是我必須說我無法理解的部份,現在球場沒有屋頂,但你為什麼不用一些防水布去遮蓋 球場?所以今天在LAS才會發生這種狀況,Roddick和Ferrer沒有辦法進行比賽,因為場上 有太多雨水,這是我沒有辦法理解的事,我真的很希望有人可以認真的想想我們現在在討 論的事情,因為我們不只是為自己說話,我們都希望這項賽事這項運動更進步不是嗎?這 就是我要說的。 Q. Just to follow up on that, it seems like they moved the final to Monday so Nadal and Roddick's half of the draw wouldn't have to play four matches in four days. Do you think that would have been difficult for those guys? Does it give you and Fed any kind of advantage that you have tomorrow off? 延續剛剛的問題,把決賽挪到星期一的話,Nadal和Roddick他們,那半邊籤表的選手,他 們就不用四天四戰。你認為四天連續出賽對他們來說不會負擔太大嗎?但你和Federer明天 可以休一天,這樣是不是給你們某種程度上的優勢? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, look, you know, for the top half, it could be, you know. It has to be advantage in some ways, because we finished our fourth round couple days ago, and then today I finished my quarterfinals and I have a day off until my semis, where the other guys have to play day after day. That's the way it is. You know, you can't fight it. You can't complain. It's the Mother Nature that doesn't allow us. 嗯……對上半籤的選手來說的確會有些優勢,我們前幾天就打完第四輪了,今天我打完八 強之後我可以休一天再打四強,但下半籤的人必須要每天出賽,但沒辦法啊,你沒有辦法 抱怨什麼,雨就是一直下,天氣就是不讓我們比賽。 Q. Talking to Janko, he seems genuinely agonized over the decision that he had to retire. 對於必須要退賽,Tipsy看起來真的覺得很難過? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah. 對啊。 Q. He said that had he not had Davis Cup upcoming, that he would have fought it out there and he would have stayed. I wonder what that says to you. What does that say about him, you know, prioritizing about Davis Cup in the midst of a Grand Slam championship? 他說如果不是因為要打DC的話他會繼續打下去,我在想對此你有什麼感覺?他的想法是什 麼?把DC看得比大滿貫還要重要? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's unfortunate that he had to finish that way, that's for sure. I really wish him a good recovery. The fact is that it's a quarterfinals and he's first time in his career in the quarterfinals of a Grand Slam. He really put a great effort out there. He was playing great tennis first two sets. Start of the third was really still high intensity, high level of tennis. And then physically, unfortunately, he couldn't hold on. You could see, you know, that he could not move as well as he did in two and a half hours. You know, that's his decision. You know, I cannot comment on that. I support anything he does because he's my friend and I know him well, and I know he's somebody who doesn't like to retire. Definitely he's a big fighter, and that just says how much he respects his country and how much he appreciates to play for his country. He wants to be fit. But, you know, because Davis Cup is coming up next weekend, and he would have to play on Friday, so he has to recover if there is any injuries, you know, in his leg. 很不幸的他必須選擇這種方式結束比賽,我希望他早日康復。這是他生涯首次打入大滿貫 八強,他真的很努力,前兩盤他都打得很好,第三盤一開始還是很高強度的比賽,但之後 很不幸的因為傷勢他沒有辦法繼續了,他不能像前兩個半小時那樣迅速的移位。這是他的 決定,我不能說什麼,我會支持他所做的一切因為他是我的朋友,我很瞭解他,我知道他 絕對不喜歡退賽,他是個意志堅強的戰士;只能說他很尊重他的國家,他很珍惜他可以代 表國家比賽的機會,他想要保持健康,下個週末就要打DC了,他星期五就要上場,所以在 那之前他必須要康復。 Q. Before I asked Nadal if he thought that the players had some responsibility in not fighting against this calendar and the fact that there is a Super Saturday at the US Open. He say, Well, all players have to be united. It's not just me and Federer and Djokovic, which is true. But at the same time, Super Saturday is something that is played only by the top four or five or six, eight players. So is actually the big ones, the top ones who have to... 之前我問過 Nadal 球員是不是不應該對全年的賽程或是「超級星期六」這個美網的特殊制 度表示反對,他說,全部的球員都應該團結起來,不只是他、Federer或是Djokovic而已, 這是事實,但是另一個事實是,超級星期六只對高排名的球員有影響,前四、前五、或是 前八的幾個球員而已,所以其實只是高排名球員的事情…… NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You don't know if the top players will arrive there. They are expected, obviously, but you cannot exclude all the other players, you know, from top 20, 30, 50, top 100 in the world. They are all part of this sport and they are all part of ATP, and we have to work together. You know, their voices have to be heard, as well, and considered strongly. But, you know, I agree. Obviously top players are the ones who are bringing the show in; I agree with that. But, again, we have to be all united in order to achieve things we want. Yeah, it's obvious. There is no secret about, you know, frustrated players out there. You could feel, could you see in the last two days. But this is you know, it was coming for many years. And we always hit the wall whenever we need to try to get something going. Why? Because we all are playing in a tour that is, you know, so demanding. We are playing in the longest season in all sports. So we are changing continents, we are changing altitude, we are changing balls, changing courts, everything in just couple days' time. There is so many things we can discuss now. But, you know, it's just a never ending story. Players have to already focus for their next match, so we cannot spend our energy on conversation and discussions. Somebody else has to do it for us. Obviously we don't have great representatives. 但你不知道高排名的球員會不會晉級,沒錯他們被期待應該要晉級,但是你不能把其他球 員排除在外,不管是前二十、三十,還是五十、一百名的球員,他們都是這項運動的一部 分,ATP的一部分,我們必須團結在一起。他們的聲音也應該被聽見,應該被好好的考慮; 但是,我也同意後面的比賽是高排名的球員在參與,但一樣的我們還是應該團結起來去爭 取我們想要的。球員們都感到很挫折,這不是秘密了,你可以看到他們這兩天的情況,這 種狀況持續很多年了,當我們想要推行什麼的時候總是會碰壁;我們一直處於負擔非常大 的巡迴賽當中,我們有所有運動裡最長的賽季,我們在各大州之間飛來飛去,上山下海, 比賽用球不一樣、比賽場地不一樣,所有事情的改變都在幾天之間而已……有太多的問題 可以討論了。但這也只是個永遠討論不完的問題,因為我們必須專注在下一場比賽,沒有 太多時間可以處理這些,必須要有人來做這些,但很明顯我們沒有一個有力的代表。 Q. You lost your first set of the tournament today. Is there anything that you need to specifically work on? You have Tsonga or Federer up next. Is there anything you feel you really need to focus on? 你今天掉了在美網的第一盤,有哪個部份是需要再調整的嗎?你下一場的對手是Federer 或是Tsonga,有什麼事是你需要特別注意的? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think I need to step on the court in next match and just be close to the line, be more aggressive. I think the last two matches I have been starting very slow. I'm very passive. All the credit to my opponents, I mean, especially Janko today who has been playing amazing tennis. So credit to him that he pushed me back from the baseline. But, yeah, I will try to have that in the next match. 我想我必須盡量靠近邊線一點,更主動攻擊,我覺得我前兩場都太慢熱太被動了,我的對 手都打得很好,尤其是Tipsy,他表現得太棒了,他一直在壓迫我的底線。下一場我會試著 去更積極去壓迫。(請說到做到) Q. Just briefly, it's pretty obvious that you want to shorten the schedule. What would you do with Davis Cup, and would you get rid of Super Saturday? 所以簡單來說,你想把賽季縮短,你要怎麼處理 DC 的問題?你會想取消超級星期六嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Look, you know, it's just it's too many things on the schedule, too many things. I really don't want to open this subject, because it's not something that one player can decide. You know, we have to sit down, all of us, and try to find a solution, find something that the players would appreciate and would like to have in the future. So any further actions we will take after I hope -- after the tournament. 真的太多賽程了,我不是很想講這個,因為這不是我一個人可以改變的,全部的人必須坐 下來,試著找出解決方法,找到一個以後所有的球員都會很感謝很滿意的方式,所以我希 望在美網過後我們可以處理這個問題。 Q. On a much different note, changing topics, you have been wearing your UNICEF pin during the tournament. If you could switch gears during a moment and talk about why, coming from such a troubled situation at home, you decided to... 換個話題吧,美網期間你都帶著你的UNICEF別針(有喔XD),你的家鄉曾經經歷過戰亂的 時候,談談你為什麼決定接受這個頭銜。(其實我看不太懂,翻錯請告訴我一聲) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, well, that's exactly why. Because I have been through a lot in my life, and I understand what my people are going through yet, you know, today. You know, the situation has changed. My country has progressed, and prospered, but we are still in a really difficult situation. There is a lot of kids who don't have opportunities to develop their potential. They don't have ability to realize their dreams, to achieve their dreams. So I have been living all my life with a big dream. That is to win Wimbledon, to be No. 1 of the world, and I achieved that. So I want to help other kids to achieve that, their dreams, as well. 剛剛你說的就是原因,因為我曾經經歷過很多,我知道塞爾維亞的人民還在經歷這些,雖 然狀況改變了,塞爾維亞進步了、繁榮了,但是我們還是處於很困難的情況裡,有很多孩 子沒有機會發展他們的天份,他們不能實踐夢想,像我一樣,我夢想贏得溫布頓、成為世 界第一,而我做到了,所以我也想要幫其他孩子完成他們的夢想。 Q. You talk about a roof. Don't you think the schedule of the US Open itself should be revised a little bit like you have three days first round starting Monday and Super Saturday has already been discussed? Do you have just some thoughts on that? 你剛剛講到屋頂,你不覺得美網的賽程應該要做一點改變嗎?第一輪的比賽打三天,但是 超級星期六已經決定了,你有什麼想法? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Again, coming back and saying it's too complicated, really. There are many things that players would like to change. As I was saying before, still, players -- I don't feel that the players have enough power to change things. That is definitely something that should be changed. And then when we are united, it's easier to achieve things and easier to change schedule or whatever, whatever we want to change. 跟我剛剛說的一樣,這太複雜了,有很多事情是球員們希望改變的,但我不覺得我們有足 夠的力量去做改變。網球一定有需要改善的地方,而如果我們團結起來,事情會比較容易 一點,改變賽季的安排或是其他任何事。 Q. Speaking with Janko earlier, he said this match was very big for your country. Can you speak about what it was like to play him in the quarterfinals of the US Open? Also, the days before the match had you heard any types of indications of excitement back home about the match coming up? 剛剛Tipsy說這場比賽對你們國家來說非常盛大,你可以談談在美網八強跟他比賽是什麼感 覺嗎?在比賽的前幾天,你有聽到任何家鄉的人說他們對這場比賽很期待嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, it's big because you don't get too often to see two Serbian players playing against each other in the last eight of one of the four biggest events in our sport. So, yeah, it was exciting to play him and definitely to be a part of a great match. He can be proud with his performance, even though he had to retire. I don't know what's going on back in the country. I don't know how many people have watched it, but I'm sure the ones that did, they enjoyed. 這場比賽很重要是因為你不太常看到兩個塞爾維亞人在大滿貫八強遭遇,跟他打很刺激, 這也是場很棒的比賽,即使他退賽了他也應該為自己感到驕傲,我不知道塞爾維亞的情 況如何,我不知道有多少人看這場比賽,但我確定有看的人都會很享受。 (Nole這次談了好多很嚴肅的問題,很少看到他語氣這麼強烈) --- 拜託四強請好好打 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: crystal1115 來自: (09/10 15:36)

09/10 22:29, , 1F
09/10 22:29, 1F

09/10 22:44, , 2F
這次賽訪讓我看到很不一樣的Nole 談到嚴肅的事情的時
09/10 22:44, 2F

09/10 22:45, , 3F
候他真的很成熟 雖然平常瘋瘋癲癲的XD
09/10 22:45, 3F

09/10 22:55, , 4F
而且他有很認真得檢討這兩場的問題 姆希望今天會改進~~
09/10 22:55, 4F

09/11 12:12, , 5F
09/11 12:12, 5F

09/11 15:02, , 6F
09/11 15:02, 6F

09/11 15:05, , 7F
哎唷翻譯也不是你一個人的事 互相cover一下OK的XD
09/11 15:05, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1EQn7Up2 (Djokovic)