[新聞] Dodgers celebate Robinson with win

看板Dodgers作者 (DavidChiang)時間16年前 (2008/04/16 14:18), 編輯推噓2(201)
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The Dodgers celebrated the 61st anniversary of Jackie Robinson's breaking of baseball's color barrier with emphasis on Tuesday, beating the Pirates, 11-2, at Dodger Stadium. 道奇今天在主場用11-2對海盜隊的勝利來慶祝Jackie Robinson在大聯盟打破膚色障礙 的61週年慶. Starter Hong-Chih Kuo rebounded from a shaky first inning in which he walked three batters, allowing one run through four frames before giving way to Esteban Loaiza. 郭泓志重回先發的第一局投的很不穩定(shaky),四壞保送了三個,但在把比賽交給Esteban 之前的四局只失了一分. The Dodgers' bats struck for three runs in the fourth, but it would get worse for Pirates starter Matt Morris. 道奇在第四局尻了三分,但對海盜的先發投手Matt Morris來說還會更慘. The Dodgers offense came back for more in the fifth. Morris gave up two more runs before being relieved by lefty Phil Dumatrait. After hitting a batter on a 1-2 pitch, Dumatrait then served up a three-run homer to Jeff Kent that ran the Dodgers' lead to seven. All the runs Los Angeles scored that inning came with two out. 道奇的攻勢在第五局更加兇猛. Morris在中繼投手Phil Dumatrait上來之前再掉了兩分. 在一好兩壞時K中了打者之後, Domatrait被Jeff Kent夯了一支三分打點全壘打,道奇就 領先了七分. 這局道奇所有的得分都是在兩出局之後. Though Kuo was erratic at the start, the Pirates only took minimal advantage of his control problems. After Freddy Sanchez beat out a potential inning-ending double play in the first, three straight walks pushed across the Pirates' first run of the night. 雖然郭泓志一開始並不穩定,但海盜隊只佔到了極小的便宜. 在Freddy Sanche首局 擊出差點變成雙殺打之後(雙殺的話就結束一局上了), 郭連續三個保送讓海盜得到今晚 的第一分. But when third baseman Jose Bautista struck out to end the Pirates' chance of tacking onto that lead, it also ended the best offensive opportunity the Pirates would have all evening. Five of the next eight hitters struck out against Kuo. 但當三壘手Bautista被三振後,就結束了海盜拉開比分的機會了, 同時也中止了海盜隊 今晚最好的得分機會. 接下來的八個打者有五個都被郭K掉了. ----翻不好的地方請指正喔 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/16 14:21, , 1F
推 接下來的八個打者有五個都被郭K掉了
04/16 14:21, 1F

04/16 18:25, , 2F
04/16 18:25, 2F

04/16 18:25, , 3F
而且用球數過多也是問題,所以Torre沒讓他投第五局= =
04/16 18:25, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #181PeeyY (Dodgers)