[情報] House - It's going to happen! (雷)

看板EAseries作者 (糜爛高一生活)時間14年前 (2010/02/13 17:51), 編輯推噓13(1306)
留言19則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The prognosis on Huddy is in,and it's excellent. I just hung up with House creator David Shore, and — no beating around the bush here — he promised me,"Eventually, it’s going to happen. This is the thing we've been dancing around — even before we knew we were dancing around it. They're two very flawed people,but they're two people that are very attracted to each other. "I'm a Huddy fan, [too],"Shore added. "Just keep watching the show. It'll happen eventually." I can confirm that there was not a single qualifier in that sentence. I listened to the tape three times. Not a single"maybe"or"possibly"in there. Go ahead and reread it; I’ll wait. Coincidentally, Shore also happens to be in the middle of breaking this season's final episodes. Could it possibly culminate with real, non-hallucinatory lovemaking? My gut is telling me yes. What's yours saying? And do you worry that when Huddy finally does happen, a part of you might actually miss the waiting game we (and they!) have been playing for so long? Debate, discuss, deliberate below. ---------------- Huddy !! Huddy !! Lucas快走開! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/13 18:18, , 1F
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wilson: 那我呢? Q_Q
02/13 18:18, 1F

02/13 19:53, , 2F
剛剛也有看到這篇 該不會是大結局吧XDD Huddy!!
02/13 19:53, 2F

02/13 22:19, , 3F
HUDDY! 但千萬別因此發Lucas便當啊... 而且Huddy最好不要寫得
02/13 22:19, 3F

02/13 22:20, , 4F
太... 畢竟一部影集裡面只要有兩個主角在一起,感覺往後劇本
02/13 22:20, 4F

02/13 22:20, , 5F
02/13 22:20, 5F

02/13 22:28, , 6F
02/13 22:28, 6F

02/14 00:29, , 7F
如果寫在一起 一定還會寫分手 HOUSE那段時期就會走GA風
02/14 00:29, 7F

02/14 00:54, , 8F
02/14 00:54, 8F

02/14 00:55, , 9F
02/14 00:55, 9F

02/14 01:55, , 10F
"eventually"也可能是三年之後啊XDD 但Lucas很不討喜就是
02/14 01:55, 10F

02/14 02:27, , 11F
Poor Wilson. XD
02/14 02:27, 11F

02/14 03:58, , 12F
02/14 03:58, 12F

02/14 12:07, , 13F
02/14 12:07, 13F

02/15 02:04, , 14F
02/15 02:04, 14F

02/15 04:48, , 15F
02/15 04:48, 15F

02/19 01:50, , 16F
02/19 01:50, 16F

02/22 19:59, , 17F
02/22 19:59, 17F

02/27 00:12, , 18F
02/27 00:12, 18F

07/24 11:19, , 19F
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07/24 11:19, 19F
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