[單字] cold, hard cash?

看板Eng-Class作者 (熹)時間11年前 (2013/04/11 11:48), 編輯推噓8(8055)
留言63則, 7人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
請問什麼是cold, hard cash呢? 是辛苦錢的意思嗎? 還是指印幣? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/11 11:54, , 1F
04/11 11:54, 1F

04/11 11:56, , 2F
語言有象徵意義,有字面上意義,contexts always matter
04/11 11:56, 2F

04/11 21:13, , 3F
context doesn't matter here. cold, hard cash is just
04/11 21:13, 3F

04/11 21:13, , 4F
cash. It's a way of emphasizing "cash"
04/11 21:13, 4F

04/11 23:00, , 5F
then you don't know about language, or story-telling
04/11 23:00, 5F

04/11 23:13, , 7F
-> 10 ...
04/11 23:13, 7F

04/11 23:19, , 9F
i know what dictionary says,i was talking aboutcontext
04/11 23:19, 9F

04/11 23:20, , 10F
you guys never have fun of pun?
04/11 23:20, 10F

04/11 23:26, , 11F
04/11 23:26, 11F

04/11 23:26, , 12F
04/11 23:26, 12F

04/11 23:27, , 13F
意思(也許你只是要知道這較字面/直接意思? 總之以後問問題
04/11 23:27, 13F

04/11 23:27, , 14F
04/11 23:27, 14F

04/12 11:10, , 15F
What kind of puns do you have with cash? Hell, no one
04/12 11:10, 15F

04/12 11:11, , 16F
uses cash anymore. We have credit cards now..
04/12 11:11, 16F

04/12 11:43, , 17F
that's why i said you don't know about story-telling
04/12 11:43, 17F

04/12 12:01, , 18F
Mate, come back when you have one pun. Seriously.
04/12 12:01, 18F

04/12 12:01, , 19F
Cold hard cash is used to emphasize that I physically
04/12 12:01, 19F

04/12 12:02, , 20F
am holding on to money, as opposed to digits in the
04/12 12:02, 20F

04/12 12:14, , 21F
A: Nowadays people tend to use credit cards instead
04/12 12:14, 21F

04/12 12:14, , 22F
of hard cash.
04/12 12:14, 22F

04/12 12:14, , 23F
B: well, I always earn hard cash. Never earn easy
04/12 12:14, 23F

04/12 12:14, , 24F
money in my life.
04/12 12:14, 24F

04/12 12:16, , 25F
if you just have a bit sense of writing, you would
04/12 12:16, 25F

04/12 12:17, , 26F
know contexts always matter
04/12 12:17, 26F

04/12 17:05, , 27F
1) The expression is always "cold hard cash".
04/12 17:05, 27F

04/12 17:06, , 28F
2) Context. Contexts is user to refer to multiple
04/12 17:06, 28F

04/12 17:06, , 29F
contexts, and there is only one being referred to.
04/12 17:06, 29F

04/12 17:08, , 30F
3) If you're going to call out my writing ability,
04/12 17:08, 30F

04/12 17:08, , 31F
why don't you provide something you wrote? The reason
04/12 17:08, 31F

04/12 17:09, , 32F
you irk me so is because you started attacking me.
04/12 17:09, 32F

04/12 17:10, , 33F
4) Also, if context always matters, then why do we
04/12 17:10, 33F

04/12 17:10, , 34F
need dictionaries? If you /need/ context, then it's a
04/12 17:10, 34F

04/12 17:10, , 35F
social context.
04/12 17:10, 35F

04/12 17:18, , 36F
then i give you cold hard cash, can't you just make it
04/12 17:18, 36F

04/12 17:19, , 37F
yourself based on the example i just wrote for you?
04/12 17:19, 37F

04/12 17:19, , 38F
A: Nowadays people tend to use credit cards instead of
04/12 17:19, 38F

04/12 17:19, , 39F
cold hard cash.
04/12 17:19, 39F

04/12 17:20, , 40F
B:well, i always earn cold hard cash, and thus i use
04/12 17:20, 40F

04/12 17:22, , 41F
it instead of credit card. Actually, I've never
04/12 17:22, 41F

04/12 17:22, , 42F
earned easy money in my life.
04/12 17:22, 42F

04/12 17:23, , 43F
by the way, it's not always "cold hard cash", didn't
04/12 17:23, 43F

04/12 17:23, , 44F
you see the link dunchee provided above?
04/12 17:23, 44F

04/12 17:24, , 45F
and you refuted my statement first, i am just
04/12 17:24, 45F

04/12 17:25, , 46F
defending it
04/12 17:25, 46F

04/12 17:27, , 47F
and again, context always matters when it comes to
04/12 17:27, 47F

04/12 17:27, , 48F
language learning, which doesn't imply dictionaries
04/12 17:27, 48F

04/12 17:27, , 49F
are not necessary
04/12 17:27, 49F

04/13 01:53, , 50F
With the real estate market being so cold, hard
04/13 01:53, 50F

04/13 01:54, , 51F
cash flow is preferred over equity appreciation.
04/13 01:54, 51F

04/13 01:55, , 52F
In this sentence, cold, hard cash does not refer to
04/13 01:55, 52F

04/13 01:56, , 53F
cash in the ordinary context. Context is necessary.
04/13 01:56, 53F

04/13 01:56, , 54F
04/13 01:56, 54F

04/13 02:20, , 55F
BTW, I'm with z on asking people for context before
04/13 02:20, 55F

04/13 02:20, , 56F
answering questions, because context is usually
04/13 02:20, 56F

04/13 02:21, , 57F
easy to provide (just post the full sentence) but
04/13 02:21, 57F

04/13 02:21, , 58F
can help immensely in the solution.
04/13 02:21, 58F

04/13 05:45, , 59F
z&t: Hear, hear! One can never overstate the importance
04/13 05:45, 59F

04/13 05:48, , 60F
of context.
04/13 05:48, 60F

09/07 00:21, , 61F
In this sen https://daxiv.com
09/07 00:21, 61F

12/02 18:33, , 62F
Nowadays pe https://daxiv.com
12/02 18:33, 62F

04/13 22:53, 5年前 , 63F
1) The expr http://yaxiv.com
04/13 22:53, 63F
文章代碼(AID): #1HPZA9fb (Eng-Class)