[文法] 這是否為倒裝句?

看板Eng-Class作者 (啊呀~)時間8年前 (2016/04/05 21:41), 8年前編輯推噓2(207)
留言9則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
All our clients benefit from the attention to detail their order deserves. 句子的動詞應該是deserve,看起來似乎是倒裝句, 請問不倒裝的話,句子是否為: The order of all our clients deserves the benefit from the attention to detail. 這是強調受詞得倒裝句嗎? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Eng-Class/M.1459863690.A.0BA.html ※ 編輯: masklife (, 04/05/2016 21:47:49

04/05 22:29, , 1F
04/05 22:29, 1F

04/05 22:39, , 2F
04/05 22:39, 2F

04/05 22:51, , 3F
不用加逗點 加個which可能比較好理解
04/05 22:51, 3F

04/07 03:55, , 4F
All our clients benefit from the attention to detail,
04/07 03:55, 4F

04/07 03:55, , 5F
which their order deserves.我覺得這樣語氣比較明顯~
04/07 03:55, 5F

04/07 03:55, , 6F
要倒過來我會這樣→The order of all our clients deserv
04/07 03:55, 6F

04/07 03:55, , 7F
es to benefit from the attention to detail. 因為benef
04/07 03:55, 7F

04/07 03:55, , 8F
it (from)是動詞你不能直接用the, the後面該接名詞。
04/07 03:55, 8F

04/07 20:34, , 9F
04/07 20:34, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1N0y2A2w (Eng-Class)