[Intr] Hi there...i'm the new kid in town.

看板EngTalk作者時間16年前 (2008/03/12 19:01), 編輯推噓7(7041)
留言48則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Name: Jasper Nickname: J Birthday: 11/17/84 Hobbies: Video games, reading chinese novels, surfing the internet, riding my bike on a sunny day Occupation: Currently a senior studying at the University of Wisconsin-Madison How long have you been learning English? Since I was born...thanks to my awesome mother..XD What does English mean to you? What do you like about it? It represents half of my life, with the other half being Mandarin Chinese... I feel priviledged in being able to communicate with others in English, and to sometimes even dream in English. But still, compared to the average American my English isn't good at all...and I still try to strive and look for more ways to improve my English skill every day. Any other information about yourself? I've been away from Taiwan mostly for about 10 years, I left Taipei for the US at the age of 14, and I miss every bit of it. I love Taiwan, and will plan to return to Taiwan for some time after my graduation this Summer, very looking foward to it... I'm really glad to have found this board, finally somewhere on PTT where I can communicate with Taiwanese people in English :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/12 23:56, , 1F
doh, you're my age brotha. we old bro, real old
03/12 23:56, 1F

03/13 00:18, , 2F
Not that old man... still have alot of chances.
03/13 00:18, 2F

03/13 05:05, , 3F
XD yea we are getting to be old...sigh
03/13 05:05, 3F

03/13 10:34, , 4F
i miss food in taiwan is convenient and cheap :)
03/13 10:34, 4F

03/13 10:42, , 5F
and i also look foward to returing to taiwan
03/13 10:42, 5F

03/13 12:06, , 6F
I fully agree, and US life is just so....boring.
03/13 12:06, 6F

03/13 12:07, , 7F
I enjoy the livliness of Taipei...something i'll never
03/13 12:07, 7F

03/13 12:07, , 8F
get tired of, at least for now...
03/13 12:07, 8F

03/13 18:58, , 9F
I couldn't help noticing "for some time." I was thinking
03/13 18:58, 9F

03/13 19:00, , 10F
about studing abroad myself, but can't decide if I'll
03/13 19:00, 10F

03/13 19:01, , 11F
live out my life in TW or US... I hear the pay is much
03/13 19:01, 11F

03/13 19:01, , 12F
better in US and all but I actually enjoy the chaos in TW
03/13 19:01, 12F

03/13 19:02, , 13F
What do you think? Would you come back to TW?
03/13 19:02, 13F

03/13 21:19, , 14F
my brother went to england last year.
03/13 21:19, 14F

03/13 21:19, , 15F
he has been hoping to go abroad since high school
03/13 21:19, 15F

03/13 21:20, , 16F
he hates Taiwan, hates the education, the living
03/13 21:20, 16F

03/13 21:21, , 17F
way and enviroment. he wants to run away from
03/13 21:21, 17F

03/13 21:21, , 18F
here, to escape. but after one year in london
03/13 21:21, 18F

03/13 21:22, , 19F
he said he finally realize that he lives in TW,
03/13 21:22, 19F

03/13 21:23, , 20F
and he IS a taiwanese, he is already "fused"
03/13 21:23, 20F

03/13 21:23, , 21F
in the country, the culture, the people
03/13 21:23, 21F

03/13 21:23, , 22F
the thoughts, tradition, and this
03/13 21:23, 22F

03/13 21:25, , 23F
culture-associated background can't change
03/13 21:25, 23F

03/13 21:25, , 24F
forever. he realized that he can never fit in
03/13 21:25, 24F

03/13 21:26, , 25F
the foreign culture and thoughts , or lives
03/13 21:26, 25F

03/13 21:29, , 26F
during the last few months in london, he missed
03/13 21:29, 26F

03/13 21:30, , 27F
Taiwan so much that he really wanted to fly back
03/13 21:30, 27F

03/13 21:32, , 28F
he never imagined the dream to "escape" would end
03/13 21:32, 28F

03/13 21:33, , 29F
with such a conclusion.
03/13 21:33, 29F

03/14 02:19, , 30F
kids, they never see things through
03/14 02:19, 30F

03/14 15:34, , 31F
I fully understand what your brother is going through
03/14 15:34, 31F

03/14 15:34, , 32F
Phoenix...even though after all these years i've lost
03/14 15:34, 32F

03/14 15:35, , 33F
contact with most of my childhood friends in Taipei,
03/14 15:35, 33F

03/14 15:35, , 34F
theres still something about Taipei that I love.
03/14 15:35, 34F

03/14 15:36, , 35F
Its really hard to explain..
03/14 15:36, 35F

03/14 15:37, , 36F
Overall, I do believe that my education and experience
03/14 15:37, 36F

03/14 15:37, , 37F
in the US will mean something great to my future, and
03/14 15:37, 37F

03/14 15:38, , 38F
the hardships and bitter years will actually be worth it
03/14 15:38, 38F

03/14 15:38, , 39F
in either way, there are benefits and downsides for
03/14 15:38, 39F

03/14 15:39, , 40F
coming to the states, just as long as you don't regret
03/14 15:39, 40F

03/14 15:39, , 41F
it'll be worth every tear and penny^^.
03/14 15:39, 41F

03/14 15:39, , 42F
And in response to Army...one of the main reasons for me
03/14 15:39, 42F

03/14 15:40, , 43F
going back to Taipei to live for some time is to finally
03/14 15:40, 43F

03/14 15:40, , 44F
get a feel for what its like to live in Taipei again,
03/14 15:40, 44F

03/14 15:40, , 45F
to live and enjoy all the chaos that actually makes me
03/14 15:40, 45F

03/14 15:41, , 46F
feel alive again. But I do think that in the end, I will
03/14 15:41, 46F

03/14 15:41, , 47F
end up being back in the States,just a matter of time I
03/14 15:41, 47F

03/14 15:42, , 48F
03/14 15:42, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #17rxVw8m (EngTalk)