[Mind]wanna be a happy girl

看板EngTalk作者 (^_________^)時間13年前 (2011/05/26 23:47), 編輯推噓1(214)
留言7則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
don't know why just feel so upset now I just want u to know that I always care about you so much but you just make me feel confused, and dissappointed maybe it's my fault to think too much about everything but I just want to get an answer!! I just miss someone that can't give me anything... hope tomorrow is a nice day hope the weather can be great and I can start to open a new life for myself! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 06:21, , 1F
good luck...
05/27 06:21, 1F

05/27 11:12, , 2F
to start a new life, u can't hope it.... u gotta
05/27 11:12, 2F

05/27 11:14, , 3F
u gotta do it. Com'on! u gotta smile cause u deserve
05/27 11:14, 3F

05/27 17:23, , 4F
good luck you deserve another good one!!
05/27 17:23, 4F

05/27 17:24, , 5F
try not to think that person and be yourself
05/27 17:24, 5F

05/27 17:25, , 6F
you'll be getting better and better!!
05/27 17:25, 6F

06/07 17:56, , 7F
Look for what you've left out..and treat yourself better
06/07 17:56, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1DtdO1bF (EngTalk)