[轉錄][情報] Peavy shut down after feeling should …

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1DXf8H57 ] 作者: mrkurt (瘋狗峰) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] Peavy shut down after feeling shoulder pain 時間: Mon Mar 21 07:47:27 2011 GLENDALE, Ariz. -- Jake Peavy was shut down on Sunday morning after talking with doctors about pain he was feeling following an 83-pitch effort Saturday against Oakland in Phoenix. Peavy was started on anti-inflammatory medication to try to nip the problem early. The right-hander said the words "rotator cuff tendinitis" are ones he had heard in possibly explaining the issue. "You know, what I'm experiencing has kind of been a culmination of start after start after start," Peavy said. "It's kind of been coming since that first time. It's been getting a little more uncomfortable as I keep going. "We want to not let it mount into some bigger issue than it is. But at the same time, I'm thinking it's just part of getting back into the routine. I threw for an awfully long time without any setbacks. "Once you start going close to game speed like I have, things can pop up," Peavy said. "You're asking your body to do exactly what you're going to do in the regular season. It obviously has caused a little bit of discomfort. It's a small step back, and we'll re-evaluate the situation in the next couple of days to see where we go from there." The next 48 hours are important in that evaluation process, according to Peavy. He added how his start Thursday in Mesa, Ariz., against the Cubs -- Peavy's fifth Cactus League start with a target in the range of 100 pitches -- had not yet been ruled out. But Peavy didn't do well in the tests he was put through Sunday, causing the White Sox to pull back a little bit and slow him down. Peavy understands missing Thursday's start pretty much means he won't break camp with the team or make his first start on April 6 in Kansas City. "I can tell you this: When I get back to Chicago and on this team, I will be ready to go as much as I can be," Peavy said. "There will not be anything ailing me out on the field. I will be as good as I can possibly. The decision was made today to slow things down to nip things in the bud. ---------------------------- Peavy又掛了...西元幾年才要乖乖回來阿..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/21 07:50,
03/21 07:50

03/21 07:51,
03/21 07:51

03/21 07:54,
全部都跳過沒選 不過我選Bedard不知道有沒有比較好XD
03/21 07:54

03/21 07:55,
北大狀況好很多阿 我賭了好幾隻XD
03/21 07:55

03/21 07:55,
不過Sale我是抓來賺HLD的= =
03/21 07:55

03/21 08:33,
傻眼 有痛痛化的現象 糟糕
03/21 08:33

03/21 11:37,
Berdard Peavy....都是我mvp很喜歡的球員QQ
03/21 11:37

03/21 11:42,
唉 7局16K
03/21 11:42

03/21 12:31,
03/21 12:31

03/21 12:54,
03/21 12:54
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/21 13:48, , 1F
Sale先發 價值是不是大跌啊..
03/21 13:48, 1F

03/21 13:49, , 2F
我是說FB價值 XD
03/21 13:49, 2F

03/21 14:13, , 3F
03/21 14:13, 3F

03/21 14:14, , 4F
03/21 14:14, 4F

03/21 14:49, , 5F
03/21 14:49, 5F

03/21 15:22, , 6F

03/21 15:23, , 7F
看起來真的怪怪的 好像在丟飛盤XD
03/21 15:23, 7F

03/21 22:11, , 8F
應該是會跌吧 選他不是本來期待他接CL嗎@@
03/21 22:11, 8F

03/21 23:58, , 9F
怎麼可能會跌 Sale白襪就是簽來先發的 不然花那麼多錢幹嘛
03/21 23:58, 9F

03/21 23:59, , 10F
SP跟CL的價值根本不能比 更何況白襪已經跟Thornton簽三年
03/21 23:59, 10F

03/21 23:59, , 11F
03/21 23:59, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1DXjeWDF (FBaseball)