[情報] Junichi Tazawa

看板FBaseball作者 (cokelon)時間11年前 (2013/05/08 01:28), 編輯推噓10(1004)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Red Sox manager John Farrell said on MLB Network Radio on Tuesday that he'd like to use Junichi Tazawa in the closer role and keep Koji Uehara in the eighth inning. Joel Hanrahan left Monday's game with forearm soreness and is expected to be re-evaluated Tuesday, but he's likely looking at a stint on the disabled list. While many considered Uehara the favorite to fill in at closer, Farrell likes Tazawa's velocity and demeanor. Of course, it's fair to assume that he wants to stay away from leaning on Uehara too heavily. Either way, Tazawa has the goods and is a must-own in all fantasy formats. FROM:ROTOWORLD 法羅說要讓塔薩瓦關門 尤哈拉繼續當SETUP MAN 大家快搶!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/08 01:38, , 1F
早沒了xD 不過最缺CP的盟剛好有一隻 希望就穩下來xDD
05/08 01:38, 1F

05/08 01:47, , 2F
05/08 01:47, 2F

05/08 01:48, , 3F
05/08 01:48, 3F

05/08 01:49, , 4F
05/08 01:49, 4F

05/08 02:01, , 5F
我的CL只剩下一隻 紅襪的沒了
05/08 02:01, 5F

05/08 02:32, , 6F
我的HLD都靠這隻啊!! 該高興還擔心...囧?
05/08 02:32, 6F

05/08 03:19, , 7F
05/08 03:19, 7F

05/08 04:58, , 8F
Tazawa 拜託別跟著受傷
05/08 04:58, 8F

05/08 07:16, , 9F
@@ 又多了sv
05/08 07:16, 9F

05/08 07:20, , 10F
05/08 07:20, 10F

05/08 08:32, , 11F
05/08 08:32, 11F

05/08 09:08, , 12F
05/08 09:08, 12F

05/08 11:02, , 13F
05/08 11:02, 13F

05/08 13:14, , 14F
不知道為何跑去賭了Breslow 想拿H 敗慘慘...
05/08 13:14, 14F
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