
看板FCBarcelona作者 (一年後更壞的壞人)時間18年前 (2006/02/26 07:03), 編輯推噓5(501)
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上一季結束後 巴塞隆納的報紙曾做過調查問巴薩迷 他們覺得巴薩那個球員少了不行 Deco在小羅之後排第二喔 今年的比賽似乎也說民了他的重要性 尤其是Xavi不在時更明顯......... 這篇文章的後面有一段點出了他其實才是巴薩最硬的男人(羞) http://www.uefa.com/magazine/news/Kind=524288/newsId=398159.html Deco delight for Barcelona Friday, 24 February 2006 by Michael Harrold from Stamford Bridge The muddy surface, a dirty tricks campaign, psychological war; the press room was rife with intrigue going in to the match. After it, more controversy, this time focused on the sending-off of Asier del Horno. When Chelsea FC and FC Barcelona meet, nothing is as it seems. Star turn With so many column inches devoted to the build-up of this heady re-match of last season's thrilling UEFA Champions League tie, Chelsea v Barca the sequel had much to live up. A new face had even been added to the mix, Lionel Messi now sharing top billing with Ronaldinho and Samuel Eto'o in Barcelona's all-star cast. Messi was the star turn, his power, pace and skill the bane of the Chelsea defence. The man who put him in the spotlight time and again, though, enjoyed more than just a supporting role. Industry Deco's brief was large, and crucial to Barca's eventual 2-1 success. He filled the considerable gap between their attacking triumverate and the protective shell Edmilson and Thiago Motta formed in front of the back four. At times he pushed so far forward Barcelona looked to be playing 4-2-4, at others he tackled back, eager to retrieve the ball and kickstart another attack. He drifted wide out right then back inside, stretching Chelsea's normally dominant midfield. His industry and workrate kept Frank Lampard and Claude Makelele on the back foot. The speed of passing, short and sharp, knocked Chelsea out of their rhythm and disproved the myth that the pitch would influence the result. Nothing could stop Deco or Barcelona in this mood. Patience The main battleground was the territory in front of the Chelsea back four that Makelele normally makes his own. Deco dared invade this space, looking to pull the Frenchman out of position and expose Chelsea's rearguard. Regardless of how tightly marked he was, Deco was forever seeking the ball, invariably it found its way to him. Never rushed as he waited for an opening, at times Deco's touch was sublime. Hemmed in by John Terry and Lampard he held the ball just long enough for Messi to time his run then flicked it with the outside of his right boot for the youngster to latch on to as he burst into the area. Messi squared his pass and both Eto'o then Ronaldinho contrived to miss with the goal gaping. Deco delivers More telling was Deco’s pass on 37 minutes. This time Makelele was drawn towards the right touchline where the Portuguese midfielder sent Messi racing into space down the right. Arjen Robben tracked back but was no match for the powerful Argentinian, who was bundled to the floor by a clumsy Del Horno. The Spanish defender was sent off, Chelsea's hopes of making home advantage count seriously diminished. Ronaldinho and Eto'o, who had filled the back pages in the build-up to the match, had hardly featured, but the game had already turned decisively in Barcelona's favour. Lampard frustration When Lampard marched down the pitch, pointing his finger in consternation at Deco early in the second half, it was clear the Barcelona playmaker had worked his way under Chelsea's skin. For Deco it was a happy reunion with former manager Jose Mourinho and Blues defenders Ricardo Carvalho and Paulo Ferreira. All four shared UEFA Champions League success with FC Porto two years ago. Deco pulled the strings for Mourinho en route to Porto’s triumph in Gelsenkirchen and is on course to do so again, this time for Barcelona. Open door If anything, coach Frank Rijkaard suggested afterwards, Chelsea's opening goal released tension and allowed his side to play with more freedom. Space began to open up as the extra man began to tell, and when Ronaldinho moved inside Chelsea's resistance finally crumbled; the cavalry had arrived. Ronaldinho's swerving cross was deflected in by Terry, Messi struck the crossbar then finally Eto'o stole in to head in the winner. "With ten men it's difficult to close the door all the time," Mourinho said. "Sometimes the door has to open." Deco's quiet promptings had found the key; his team-mates would eventually use it. 'Deco, Deco' Barca’s fans knew as much. When Rijkaard brought Deco off five minutes from time, his job well done, they rose as one. "Deco, Deco," they chanted as he slowly made his way to the touchline. Eto'o, Messi and Ronaldinho would again share the plaudits; for the second successive season controversy would swirl around a Chelsea sending-off; but away from the headline writers' gaze, Deco had told a very different story. uefa.com 1998-2006. All rights reserved. -- ██████████████████ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 07:25, , 1F
02/26 07:25, 1F

02/26 07:26, , 2F
02/26 07:26, 2F

02/26 14:12, , 3F
推Deco 要硬有硬 要柔也柔 比假更是一流~"~ 完美^^"
02/26 14:12, 3F

02/26 15:37, , 4F
還有小普超人阿~~~ ~>~<~
02/26 15:37, 4F

02/26 22:09, , 5F
02/26 22:09, 5F

02/26 23:19, , 6F
德科 & 小普 ~~ 巴薩硬漢2人組
02/26 23:19, 6F
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