[法國] Zizou的最後告別

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http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=373507&cc=4716 Zidane poised for the ultimate farewell BERLIN, July 8 (Reuters) - Football's greatest artist bowing out by playing a World Cup final seems too wonderful to be true but Zinedine Zidane has set the scene for the perfect final curtain on Sunday. 以世界杯決賽作為最後一戰對於一代藝術足球大師Zinedine Zidane來說是太過於美麗的 一個句點 他已經決定要以完美的一戰為自己的足球生涯拉下帷幕 Zidane will lead France into the title match against Italy in Berlin, the last game of a glittering career for club and country. 大師將會帶領法國隊在柏林與義大利爭奪世界盃冠軍 這是他光輝的俱樂部和國家隊生涯 最後的一場比賽 'He is one of the players who is worth the price of the ticket to see,' Italy midfielder Gennaro Gattuso, as scruffy as Zidane is elegant, said of the player he will try to stop from shining on the pitch of the Olympic stadium. 加圖索說:"他是那種讓你覺得看比賽值回票價的球員之一" 這位義大利中場的工兵風格和大師的高雅是一種強烈對比 他說將會在決賽場上阻止大師 發揮精采的表現 When the midfield maestro announced in April that he would retire after the finals, France coach Raymond Domenech said Zidane's finest hour may still come. 當大師四月宣布將在世界杯之後退役時 Domenech認為他的最佳時刻尚未到來 Few suggested then, however, that the man who scored two headed goals when les Bleus stunned Brazil 3-0 to lift the most coveted of all trophies for the first time in 1998, would sign off by playing a second World Cup final. 在這之前很少人預料到 在1998年以兩記頭球助法國以3比0擊敗巴西奪得至高無上榮耀 的大師 會以第二次的世界杯決賽作為最後一戰 France had struggled to qualify and Zidane, who came out of international retirement last year to help France win a ticket to Germany, had looked rusty for months in sluggish performances for Real Madrid. 法國在預選賽歷經千辛萬苦才取得世界盃門票 而功臣Zidane在皇馬幾個月來的表現 也是總是令人感嘆歲月催人老 The gifted son of Algerian immigrants was past his prime, it seemed, and his first matches in the tournament confirmed the impression. 這位阿爾及利亞裔的天之驕子看來已經過了生涯的巔峰 而世界盃上的首場比賽更是 讓人們覺得如此 Two anonymous performances and as many yellow cards in two dismal draws meant he was suspended when France played Togo in their Group G decider. 頭兩場比賽平庸的表現 加上在兩場無用的平局中拿到的黃牌 使得他無緣至關重要的 最後一場與多哥的小組賽 Had France failed to reach the knockout stage, Zidane, who watched that match from the dressing room on his 34th birthday, would have left by the back door. 如果法國那時無法從小組賽中出線 在更衣室看比賽的壽星Zidane 就要黯然地告別足壇 Instead France beat Togo 2-0 and the man his fans call Zizou returned for a second-round match against Spain, orchestrating play with calm authority and scoring a superb goal in added time in a 3-1 win that was the turning point in France's campaign. 然而法國以2比0戰勝了多哥 那個被球迷稱為Zizou的男人又回到了場上 在第二輪對西班牙的比賽當中 他完美的表現加上補時期間的絕妙入球使得法國以3比1 擊敗西班牙 而這場比賽被視為法國隊世界盃征途中的重要轉捩點 'Retirement? I'm sorry to have to tell them (the Spaniards) that it won't be after this match,' Zidane said then. 'The adventure continues.' 大師說:"退休?? 我必須很遺憾地對西班牙人說 不是在這場比賽之後" "我的世界盃之旅還在繼續向前" Then came Brazil in a rematch of the 1998 final and Zidane was pure magic in a 1-0 win, rolling back the years and pulling out all his old tricks in one of the most magnificent displays of his entire career. 接者是與巴西隊自1998年決賽之後的再次交鋒 大師神奇的表現使法國1比0獲勝 他在這場生涯最重要的比賽之一中 帶球迷回味了他過去的丰采以及許多精彩絕活 'Watching Zizou play must make others feel they should stop,' France midfielder Patrick Vieira said after that match. 與巴西賽後Vieira說:"看Zizou踢球會讓別人覺得自己不該再踢球了" 'It also makes you wish he would carry on.' "同時你也會希望他能夠一直踢下去" Another age-defying performance in a 1-0 semi-final victory over Portugal in which he drove home the winning penalty followed, Zidane's 30th goal in his 107th appearance for France setting the stage for the ultimate farewell party. 而在與葡萄牙的半決賽中 大師又展現出與年齡不符的超級表現 罰入致勝的一球 這同時也是他在107場國家隊比賽中的第30個進球 為他的最後告別舞台奠定了基礎 'He means so much to the French people,' Domenech said of his captain in the build-up to the final curtain. 在取得決賽資格之後 Domenech這麼說Zidane:"他對法國人來說意義太重大了" 'He gives them something to cheer and he has done that now for 10 years. And we hope there is another day to come on Sunday.' "他讓法國人民欣喜雀躍 這十年來都是如此 我們希望星期天將會是另一個偉大的日子" -- 在知道法國打進決賽之後 其實心情非常複雜 因為我是個鐵桿的義大利球迷 這時候要我為法國隊加油是不可能的 但也非常不希望看到大師落寞地倒在草地上... 畢竟以後回想起來 我們的年輕歲月 都有這麼一個傳奇人物活在大家心中 是這一代球迷的共同記憶 當然會希望大師的形象能夠更為完美 成為神話般的存在 比賽的結果不可能皆大歡喜 只希望足球之神會有最好的安排囉 http://www.zidane.fr -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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