[情報] Ferrari的Simone Resta離職去Sauber

看板FORMULA1作者 (小星)時間6年前 (2018/05/28 18:03), 6年前編輯推噓11(1108)
留言19則, 14人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
法拉拉官宣Simone Resta五月底離職到其他車隊 Sauber官宣新的技術總監Simone Resta上任(7月1正式上任) 無預警離職,然後Sauber隨後官宣 Simone Resta在法拉拉掛的頭銜是Head of Vehicle Project Coordination 這幾年的技術核心之一 在演哪齣XD? Ferrari: https://twitter.com/ScuderiaFerrari/status/1001030398728638464 Scuderia Ferrari informs that on May, 31st, Simone Resta will leave his position Sauber: https://twitter.com/SauberF1Team/status/1001036406251278336 We are pleased to announce that Simone Resta has been appointed as the new Techn ical Director at the Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team. https://t.co/AylWQcUy7p --   我心裡有一簇迎著烈日而生的花,    比一切美酒都要芬芳, 滾燙的馨香淹沒過稻草人的胸膛, 草扎的精神,從此萬壽無疆。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1527501790.A.183.html

05/28 18:09, 6年前 , 1F
05/28 18:09, 1F

05/28 18:11, 6年前 , 2F
05/28 18:11, 2F

05/28 18:16, 6年前 , 3F
05/28 18:16, 3F

05/28 19:40, 6年前 , 4F
05/28 19:40, 4F

05/28 19:46, 6年前 , 5F
05/28 19:46, 5F

05/28 20:14, 6年前 , 6F
這明顯是合作的關係啊XD 沒花園假的話
05/28 20:14, 6F

05/28 20:50, 6年前 , 7F
05/28 20:50, 7F

05/28 21:07, 6年前 , 8F
可是為什麼不先扶持Haas 同樣都是法拉拉客戶
05/28 21:07, 8F

05/28 21:12, 6年前 , 9F
05/28 21:12, 9F

05/28 21:21, 6年前 , 10F
喔....這位算是那個瑞士人管家的副手/Number two呢~
05/28 21:21, 10F

05/28 21:22, 6年前 , 11F
05/28 21:22, 11F

05/28 21:25, 6年前 , 12F
05/28 21:25, 12F

05/28 21:26, 6年前 , 13F
05/28 21:26, 13F

05/28 21:45, 6年前 , 14F
05/28 21:45, 14F

05/28 22:30, 6年前 , 15F
05/28 22:30, 15F
補個新聞 參考參考:3 https://bit.ly/2GX1jsU Chief designer Resta leaves Ferrari for Sauber Sauber上個技術總監Joerg Zander辭職之後,Fred Vasseur就暗示會在未來進行大牌引援 Vasseur said: "Simone Resta has the best profile to take on the role of technical director. "His arrival at Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team marks a significant step ahead of a long term project that aims at strengthening the Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 Team in order to achieve ambitious results." Resta's departure comes in the wake of Ferrari signing FIA safety chief Laurent Mekies to a senior technical role, with him due to start in September. Ferrari stated initially that Mekies would take on an unspecified role but would report directly to Ferrari's technical director Mattia Binotto.

05/29 01:04, 6年前 , 16F
05/29 01:04, 16F

05/29 01:21, 6年前 , 17F
忘了是哪篇 但法拉拉後來有說他們會在啦XD
05/29 01:21, 17F

05/29 02:39, 6年前 , 18F
05/29 02:39, 18F

05/29 10:23, 6年前 , 19F
05/29 10:23, 19F
法拉拉目前的消息(by 媒體): Simone Resta離開後不會提拔其他人填補該職位,而是將職權平分下去 https://bit.ly/2scpbEz Ferrari won't replace Sauber-bound design chief Ferrari will not replace its outgoing Formula 1 design chief Simone Resta directly and will instead share his responsibilities between technical personnel. ※ 編輯: hosichin (, 05/29/2018 23:10:24
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