[情報] 美網夢幻五連霸之賽後訪問 Part 1

看板Federer作者 (洨狒狒)時間16年前 (2008/09/09 11:48), 編輯推噓38(3806)
留言44則, 40人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
這座大滿貫等了一年... 今天終於拿到了,哭哭 Q. When you came in to this tournament, for whatever reason you were brimming with confidence. Is that really true? 來打這項錦標時,你無來由的充滿信心,這是真的嗎? ROGER FEDERER: No, I mean, I was coming here happy being an Olympic champion. I think that's what really made the big difference. If I wouldn't have played doubles at the Olympics, say, you know, I would have come here with three sort of maybe tough losses, you know. 來這裡時我很開心,因為拿了奧運金牌,我想這是最大的不同。如果我在奧運不打雙打, 可能來這裡就帶著三場輸球(指北美硬地賽事) But with the Olympic gold in doubles, it really sort of made me forget about it, and just sort of come in here and enjoy this tournament. 但拿到了奧運雙打金牌,這真的讓我忘了這些,就有點那種來這然後好好享受比賽 I mean, I'm always going to be confident, you know. I'm a four-time defending champion. So I was always going to believe in my chances, and especially at the Slams, I knew I was so close at Wimbledon that my chances were always going to be good here. 我總是充滿信心,我是四屆冠軍。所以我總是相信自己有機會,特別是在大滿貫,我知道 我離溫網只差一點點,而我在這裡的機會總是好的 So that's why I came into this tournament quite confident 這也是為何我來這裡充滿著信心 Q. If you compare when you won in 2007, what things have changed in your confidence and your tennis and the way you feel now? 和去年贏球相比,你的信心、網球、感覺有什麼改變? ROGER FEDERER: Well, in the finals, I mean, I thought last year's was obviously more difficult, you know. I mean, we had a really tough match, even though it was straight sets, but today I think I really chose the right tactics against Andy who himself is a great tactician, I think. It's always important to play him the right way, otherwise you lose. 去年決賽是比較艱難的,那場我真的打得很辛苦,雖然說是直落三。但我想今天我用對的 戰術和Andy打,Andy本身也是個好的戰術家。我想跟他打真的要用對的方法,不然你就會 輸 And I think I did a good job today, and I really felt towards the end of the tournament, like last year, actually, that I was playing my best as the opponents were getting more difficult. So for this reason, I'm very happy, actually, the way I'm playing right now. 今天我打的很好,在比賽末端我真的感覺像去年一樣,我拿出全力而對手也越來越難應付 。因此我真的非常高興現在打的方法 The Andreev match was key, you know, to the whole US Open, and I'm very happy with where my level is right now. I believe I could still play a little bit better, but it was enough to win the US Open, so that's what counts. 和Igor的比賽是關鍵,我對自己現在的程度感到滿意,我相信自己還是能打的更好一點, 但這樣已經足夠贏得美網了 Q. I know your priority is Wimbledon, but how sweet is winning the US Open? This is No. 5. Could you compare both? 我知道你心中排名第一是溫布頓,但贏得美網友多麼甜美?這是第五座了,你能做個比較 嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Yeah, I mean, kind of. I mean, it's nice to compare five Wimbledons to five US Opens, you know, no doubt. Not many guys nobody can do that, you know. (laughter.) 是啊,有一點,能拿五座溫網跟五座美網做比較是很棒的,也不是挺多人能這樣的(笑) So it's quite nice, you know. I'm quite proud obviously of my achievement. It takes a lot out of a player, you know, always trying to go from one tournament to the next and trying to do your best, you know, but I mean, it's been a tough summer. 所以說這很棒。我對自己的成就感到驕傲,選手要付出許多心力、拿出最棒的表現來打巡 回賽。這個夏天對我來說很艱難 I think the French Open loss was brutal, but I got over that one pretty easily, played great on the grass, and had a really tough loss at Wimbledon which to the next and trying to do your best, you know, but I mean, it's been a tough summer. 我覺得輸掉法網真的很殘忍,但我輕易地克服了,草地賽事表現不錯,但在溫網決賽卻輸 得心痛。然後接下來得比賽也是盡全力,但這個夏天不好過... I was always positive, you know. I knew that if things go my way, and this year hasn't always been the case. You know, I lost quite a few matches I should have never lost, and they hurt. Now, getting the fifth US Open, it really means a lot to me. I really thank the fans, as well, the crowds. They were great. 我總是積極正面,我知道如果事情順我意,雖然今年不是如此,我輸了幾場我從不該輸的 比賽,這真的很傷。現在拿到第五座美網了,這對我來說意義重大,我很感謝我的粉絲, 還有觀眾,他們很棒 I mean, from the beginning, that's really what I was hoping for. 從一開始我就期望有座冠軍 And losing my No. 1 ranking, that's also what meant a lot to me this season. So to bounce back straightaway after losing the No. 1 ranking, this is the best scenario ever. 失掉排名第一,這對我今年球季也是意義良多,所以能在失掉王位馬上後回升,這是再好 不過的劇本了 Q. You were showing more emotion in this tournament than I personally have ever seen, even in the earlier rounds - fist pumps throughout the whole tournament, almost like Jimmy Connors right there. What was it about this tournament that you really had an asterisk next to it? You wanted to win it almost more than I've ever seen. 你在比賽過程中顯露了更多情緒,這是我從未見過的,甚至是在前幾輪 - 有了第一個昇 龍拳。這個錦標到底怎麼了,讓你能在旁邊加個星號,你想贏的企圖心是我前所未見 ROGER FEDERER: Well, like I said, I came in with good spirits from the Olympic Games, where we had some crazy celebrations there ourselves. I guess, I stayed in that cloud and just kept it going here. I actually beat some really good players in tough conditions, and the relief was enormous as I was progressing in the tournament. 就像我說的,我從奧運來這裡精神不錯,我們還有些瘋狂的慶祝。我一直呆在不好的氛圍 裡,然後繼續奮戰。狀況不好時也打敗過一些好手,隨著我晉級,我也鬆了一大口氣 And I think those were the reasons that, you know, emotionally I was much more alive than ever 我想這都是原因,情緒上我更外放了 I think towards the end, especially today, I felt in control all the way. So I didn't have to go, sort of crazy, emotionally, which was good. I could save energy and stay very concentrated for the entire match today. 到了尾聲,特別是今天,我感覺我掌控整場比賽,所以我不需要很激動地來激勵自己,這 是好事。我能省點力氣,專注於整場比賽 I played great, you know. I felt like I was invincible for a while again, and that's exactly how you sort of want to finish a tournament, I guess. 我打的很棒,感覺自己又是不可擊敗的,我想這是你想為錦標收尾的方式 Q. Now that you have your first major win and your third major final of the year, how would you describe your year? 你贏了今年第一做大滿貫,三次進入到決賽,你會怎麼形容今年? ROGER FEDERER: Good. Pretty happy, you know. 很好,很滿意 It's been maybe a year with little less titles than usual, you know. Especially struggling Masters Series I think this year, you know, but I still have a couple left. Other than that, the Slams went okay, you know. Considering the year I've had, I'm very happy right now. 今年拿到的冠軍可能比往年少,特別是在大師系列賽很掙扎,但我還是有拿到幾座。除此 之外,大滿貫成績很OK。因此現在我還蠻開心的 I always knew that if I were to get one Slam under my belt, especially the last one, things weren't looking that bad like everybody was talking about. Anyway, I was always positive, like I mentioned before, and for this reason, I think this is really -- I mean, a great effort from my side, you know, to people saying I was under pressure. I didn't feel I was under pressure to prove myself in trying to win here, but this definitely feels very sweet, and I think it's key for this season, obviously. 我知道如果拿到一座大滿貫,特別是最後一座,事情就不會像大家所講的那麼糟。反正我 總是積極樂觀的,所以我想我很努力(回應),大家說我壓力很大。我不覺得贏這項錦標來 證明自己,壓力會很大,但這絕對是很甜美的,這顯然是今年的關鍵 Q. How do you expect it to carry over for next year? What do you expect of yourself next year? 期待明年怎麼打呢?你明年給自己什麼期許? ROGER FEDERER: Well, first, I'd like to get through the season healthy and playing well. I mean, there's still a couple of highlights for me. I got Davis Cup at home, I got Basel, my hometown tournament, where I used to be a ballboy. I got the Masters Cup, Shanghai, I'd like to defend that title, as well. So I still have many, many highlights for me. I'm looking forward to those challenges. Then we'll see how next year looks like, but I'm obviously very confident. 首先我希望自己能健健康康打比賽,而且打得好。還是有幾場亮點的,我在家拿到台維斯 盃,還有Basel,我家鄉的錦標,從前我在那裡當過球童。在上海拿到大師盃,我希望能 衛冕,所以我還是有很多很多精采的比賽。我很期待這些挑戰,明年看看會怎樣吧,我是 很有信心的 Q. You had that huge reception on opening night, and throughout the fans have been by your side. Today was incredible. Even afterwards, the throngs didn't want to let you go. Talk about the connection between this town, odd, brash New Yorkers, and a pretty sophisticated European Swiss guy. How is that chemistry working and what's happening that's so wonderful? 你在開幕戰受到很大的歡迎,兩個禮拜下來觀眾都站在你這邊。今天更是驚人,甚至比賽 結束後,大家還不想你離開。談談你和這座城市的連結,奇怪、無禮的紐約客,和頗細膩 的歐洲瑞士人之間的關連。這化學變化是如何產生的,而怎麼搞的這居然棒透了? ROGER FEDERER: I think also opening night on Monday, getting the reception I got, I think really touched me a lot, actually. You know, after making the trip here to play at, you know, Madison Square Garden against Pete, seems like it was very worthwhile. I think I've gotten even more fans in New York here for making this trip and making that night very special. 禮拜一的開幕式,我受到歡迎,深受感動,和山大王打完表演賽後再度回到這裡,這真 的非常值得。我在紐約應該累積了更多球迷,讓這趟旅程和那晚顯得更為特別 So to come here at the US Open and getting continuous support throughout from New Yorkers, means a lot to me, because I'm not the type who wants to win over the fans. If it comes naturally, I think that's the biggest compliment a player can get. That's I think what I've been able to achieve not only here in New York but here but also worldwide. 所以來這邊打還不斷受到觀眾的支持,對我來說很重要。因為我不是那種會討好球迷的人 ,如果大家發自內心支持我,這是給一個球員最大的恭維。不只在紐約,其他地方我也能 這樣 Q. So you feel like a little bit like a New Yorker now? 所以你覺得自己有點像紐約客囉? ROGER FEDERER: I guess so, yeah. 我想是的 Q. Can you sort of tell us what you've been doing the last couple of hours to celebrate? 你可以告訴我們過去幾個小時你怎麼慶祝的嗎 ROGER FEDERER: You really want to know? It's not that bad. 你真的想知道?也沒那麼糟啦 No, I mean, I've gotten in the habit of, you know, if I win a Slam, I want to enjoy it first with all my friends and family who came here and supported me throughout. I used to make the error of going into doping control and press right away, and I wouldn't be back for two-and-a-half hours, and then people had to leave and I wouldn't see them. 我有個習慣,就是如果贏了大滿貫,我想和遠道而來支持我的家人朋友一起分享。我曾經 犯錯,就是直接去接受藥檢或記者會,然後兩個半小時回不去,大家都走了,我無法見到 他們 I give myself a chance to soak up the great moment and enjoy it with them - glass of champagne, be myself for an hour, for a little bit in the locker room. 我讓自己跟他們慶祝這美好的時刻,一起喝香檳,在休息室做一個小時的自己 Everybody's so happy, you talk about the match again, about the tournament, how great it is to be sitting here now with the trophy, take all sorts of pictures with the trophy, all your friends who are there and family and everybody's happy and proud. 大家都很開心,再度談論比賽、錦標,和獎盃坐在一起的感覺有多棒,和獎盃合照,你的 家人朋友都在那裡,大家都為你感到開心與驕傲 It's a nice moment. I'd like to take my time with that. 這時刻很棒,我想要把時間花在那上面 Q. An argument could be made that you had the mono early on and it's taken you all this time really to fully recover. Do you think that's possible? 有個話題是年初你得了mono,也花了你一番時間復原,你覺得這有可能嗎? ROGER FEDERER: Possibly. I mean, I didn't feel like I was moving all that great still, you know, for the last couple of months. I thought it was okay, you know. I think I was okay on clay and on grass. Then when I came back to hardcourts, I think just my coordination was missing a little bit, because first of all, I haven't played on hardcourt for a while, and usually that comes back quite automatically, without me having to force the issue. But I didn't feel like it was all that great moving, especially in Cincy and Toronto. 有可能。過去幾個月,我不覺得自己移位有以前那樣好了,我覺得還可以,在草地和紅土 還可以。來到了硬地我的協調性喪失了一點,因為我有一對時間沒打硬地了,通常這情況 會自動改善,不用我特別關注。但我不覺得移位有那麼好了,特別是在Cincy和多倫多 I think there were some good moments at times, occasionally, as well as the Olympic Games. And I think here as the tournament went on, I started to feel like I was moving better and better. I think that was a good sign for me, and that also gave me a lot of confidence being able to know I could play defense and offense, because sometimes I just had the feeling I had to play offense because my defense was just not acceptable in my standpoint. 我想也有狀況好的時候,奧運也是。比賽開打,我覺得移位越來越好了,這對我是個好現 現象,這也給我很大的自信,讓我知道我能攻擊也能防,因為有時候我覺得只能攻擊,原 因是身體有時候不讓我打防守 PS 先翻到這邊,晚上回來再把剩下的補齊。不好意思 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/09 11:53, , 1F
09/09 11:53, 1F

09/09 11:55, , 2F
09/09 11:55, 2F

09/09 11:57, , 3F
09/09 11:57, 3F

09/09 11:59, , 4F
謝謝翻譯 辛苦了
09/09 11:59, 4F

09/09 11:59, , 5F
09/09 11:59, 5F

09/09 12:15, , 6F
09/09 12:15, 6F

09/09 12:27, , 7F
09/09 12:27, 7F

09/09 12:31, , 8F
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09/09 12:49, , 9F
09/09 12:49, 9F

09/09 12:50, , 10F
09/09 12:50, 10F

09/09 12:59, , 11F
辛苦了 ~~謝謝 :)
09/09 12:59, 11F

09/09 13:03, , 12F
09/09 13:03, 12F

09/09 13:08, , 13F
09/09 13:08, 13F

09/09 13:15, , 14F
謝謝愛茶大!! 辛苦了
09/09 13:15, 14F

09/09 14:00, , 15F
I mean, you know. You are great..^^"
09/09 14:00, 15F

09/09 14:00, , 16F
09/09 14:00, 16F

09/09 14:02, , 17F
09/09 14:02, 17F

09/09 14:06, , 18F
09/09 14:06, 18F

09/09 14:07, , 19F
每次看到翻譯都超羨慕tea大的英文Q口Q 辛苦啦~~
09/09 14:07, 19F

09/09 14:17, , 20F
09/09 14:17, 20F

09/09 14:18, , 21F
早安愛茶大~~辛苦翻譯阿!! 順便謝謝紅包!
09/09 14:18, 21F

09/09 14:18, , 22F
09/09 14:18, 22F

09/09 14:31, , 23F
09/09 14:31, 23F

09/09 14:41, , 24F
09/09 14:41, 24F

09/09 14:50, , 25F
愛茶大大真會翻 他真的很在意溫網 不過五連霸就是爽!!!
09/09 14:50, 25F

09/09 14:55, , 26F
感謝愛茶大~~翻得相當好!! 啾肝心...
09/09 14:55, 26F

09/09 14:55, , 27F
09/09 14:55, 27F

09/09 15:02, , 28F
I felt like I was invincible for a while again 好酷!
09/09 15:02, 28F

09/09 15:04, , 29F
09/09 15:04, 29F

09/09 15:29, , 30F
09/09 15:29, 30F

09/09 15:54, , 31F
推倒愛茶 XD
09/09 15:54, 31F

09/09 16:14, , 32F
愛茶外文系的啊,這種翻譯對她來說小兒科啦 XD
09/09 16:14, 32F

09/09 16:35, , 33F
09/09 16:35, 33F

09/09 16:43, , 34F
09/09 16:43, 34F

09/09 17:25, , 35F
辛苦了 感謝翻譯^^
09/09 17:25, 35F

09/09 18:04, , 36F
09/09 18:04, 36F

09/09 18:22, , 37F
09/09 18:22, 37F

09/09 18:36, , 38F
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09/09 18:37, , 39F
09/09 18:37, 39F

09/09 18:47, , 40F
09/09 18:47, 40F

09/09 20:37, , 41F
nice, thank you so much!!
09/09 20:37, 41F

09/09 23:24, , 42F
09/09 23:24, 42F

12/06 17:49, 5年前 , 43F
nice, thank https://muxiv.com
12/06 17:49, 43F

04/16 19:28, 5年前 , 44F
感謝翻譯!! http://yofuk.com
04/16 19:28, 44F
文章代碼(AID): #18nV7qKu (Federer)