[徵人] 年代電視台強力徵求Foreign Wives

看板France作者 (I've had enough)時間15年前 (2009/05/08 19:48), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
ERA TV Seeks Foreign Wives for TV Program ERA TV is looking for foreign women married to Taiwanese men to audition for a TV program. Seeking Women Who are: 1. Currently Married to Taiwanese citizens and living together in Taiwan. 2. Foreign brides from all parts of the world welcome, native English-speaking AND non-native English speaking countries. 3. Outgoing, demonstrative ladies with good communication skills in Chinese or Taiwanese. 4. Under 40 years of age. 5. Friendly, out-going, demonstrative ladies with a basic understanding of Taiwan's culture. Please email a brief personal biography to Claudia.hsieh@eracom.com.tw or mango@eracom.com.tw . Any questions please call 02-5571-1011(Ms. Hsieh) or 02-5571-1005(Ms. Chen) We offer a travel allowance each time. If you like Taiwan's culture, please don't miss this opportunity to be a star on TV! AUDITIONS Dates: May Location: 1F, No.39, Rueihu St., Neihu., Taipei Audition Duration: 60 minutes PRODUCTION Duration of Taping: 1 to 2 hours per show. Total Recording Time – varies according to production. Multiple shows may be recorded on each day. --- 年代電視台節目籌畫最新訪談單元,節目主要方向是訪問外籍媳婦 在台灣生活所面臨各種有趣情況。 此次徵選對象為: 1. 嫁給台灣人並在台灣本地生活的外籍媳婦。 2. 國語或台語的聽說能力,表達流暢。 3. 年齡在40歲以下。 4. 個性活潑、外表具親和力、對台灣文化有初步認識。 如試鏡通過成為節目嘉賓,當集錄影將提供車馬費。 喜愛台灣文化的外籍朋友,不可錯過這個上節目秀自己的好機會。 欲參加徵選的朋友請email簡歷,附照片、聯絡電話。 相關問題請洽02-5571-1005(陳小姐) 或 02-5571-1011 (謝小姐) 或可撥打手機:0919-088839 Email:Claudia.hsieh@eracom.com.tw mango@eracom.com.tw -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iamkinkin 來自: (05/08 19:48) ※ 編輯: iamkinkin 來自: (05/08 19:49)

05/08 19:53, , 1F
05/08 19:53, 1F

05/08 20:08, , 2F
看來年代要反擊于美人在八大的 WTO 姊妹會。
05/08 20:08, 2F

05/08 20:08, , 3F
05/08 20:08, 3F
※ 編輯: iamkinkin 來自: (05/11 13:57) ※ 編輯: iamkinkin 來自: (05/11 14:00)
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