[轉錄][外電] Warriors Receive Permission To Inter …

看板G-S-WARRIORS作者 (Dick)時間13年前 (2011/05/18 11:02), 編輯推噓2(201)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Celtics 看板 #1Dqm9lmU ] 作者: arShawn (ar~shawn~) 看板: Celtics 標題: [外電] Warriors Receive Permission To Interview Frank 時間: Wed May 18 07:19:06 2011 Warriors Receive Permission To Interview Frank May 17, 2011 2:55 PM EDT Lawrence Frank appears close to returning to the NBA head coaching ranks and he has received permission by the Celtics to interview for the vacant Golden State Warriors position, the club confirmed. 法禿似乎將重返NBA總教練的位置,他已經獲得超賽的許可去面試金州勇士空缺的總教練一 職。 Frank has already interviewed twice for the Houston Rockets job and is considered one of the top available candidates on the market. Frank has spent one season as the Celtics assistant coach in a defensive coordinator-type role after a coaching the New Jersey Nets for parts of seven seasons and leading the club to four playoff appearances. 法禿已經跟休士頓火箭隊進行過兩次的面談,並且是最有可能接掌火箭隊總教練一職的人選 ,法禿在卸下7年(4次季後賽經驗)在籃網隊的執教生涯後,本季在超賽當了一年的防守助理 教練。 If Frank departs, the Celtics would have to find another defensive coach, which will be a critical hire in what is expected to be the final go-around for the Big Three. 如果法禿離開超賽,那麼在後三老頭時代超賽必須將重點放在聘雇一位防守教練。 新聞出處(必填):RealGm http://tinyurl.com/6zgchan 作者:Gary Washburn/Boston Globe -- 法禿是今年我們市場上最搶手的人? --           ~GM們的戰國              June, 2011 in NBA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arShawn 來自: (05/18 07:26)

05/18 08:22,
05/18 08:22

05/18 08:37,
05/18 08:37

05/18 09:20,
騎士抽到1+4耶 可以找個寶換回來鵝蛋或Gody嗎 XD
05/18 09:20

05/18 09:57,
05/18 09:57

05/18 11:01,
05/18 11:01
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/18 11:03, , 1F
05/18 11:03, 1F

05/18 23:05, , 2F
05/18 23:05, 2F

05/19 13:22, , 3F
但他似乎給籃網迷很不好的印象 有點擔心
05/19 13:22, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1DqpQ-nG (G-S-WARRIORS)