[訪問] Laura Robson決賽後訪問

看板GBR_Tennis作者 (a moveable feast)時間15年前 (2009/01/31 22:04), 編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/2OJe7 Laura Robson lot. Ksenia Pervak 3-6 1-6 Q. Are you having fun? 今天玩得開心嗎? LAURA ROBSON: Yeah. 是啊 Q. A little bit of a disappointment, wasn't it? 應該有點失望吧? LAURA ROBSON: I think generally she won because she played more consistent than me. So it's definitely disappointing to lose, but I thought I played as well as I could have. 整體而言她贏是因為她打的比我穩,輸了當然會失望,但我已經盡力打出 我最好了。 Q. She's ranked 150 or something in the women's game. Do you think that was a big difference in how experienced she was as well? 她是女子選手中排名150。你覺得經驗的差別也是因素之一? LAURA ROBSON: Well, I've played some senior matches as well. Maybe experience wasn't the key factor, but definitely her consistency was. 我也打過一下大人的比賽,可能這是一個原因吧,但她就是打的比我穩啊。 Q. What was it like playing on Rod Laver for you? 在Rod Laver打球是什麼感覺? LAURA ROBSON: Pretty good. There wasn't as much people in there as Court 1, but it was still really nice. And I finally got my towels. I nicked two. 還不錯。不像在Court 1的時候這麼多人,不過還是很棒。而且我終於有我自己的 毛巾了,我拿了兩個。 (Court 1想必是指溫布頓吧 XDDDDD) Q. Before you played Wimbledon's final you said you were very nervous and you hadn't sleep very well. How did you sleep last evening, and how were you when you stepped on the court? 你說在溫布頓決賽前,妳很緊張也睡不好。那昨晚如何?踏入場上的感覺是什麼? LAURA ROBSON: I slept fine last night, like a baby. I stayed up for a bit to watch the Nadal/Verdasco match because that was unbelievable. I'm actually wearing Verdasco's jumper at the moment. 昨晚睡的很好,像個嬰兒似的。我熬夜看了一下Nadal/Verdasco比賽,因為真的是 太精彩了,在那當下,我還穿著Verdasco的衣服。 (這麼回答,會讓人以為有八卦耶,小羅拉) Q. Did you make it through the end? 你看完了整場嗎? LAURA ROBSON: No, no. That would have been a bit too late for me. It was an unbelievable match. 沒有,看完會太晚。真的是很令人難以置信的一場比賽。 Q. Dare we ask how you got Verdascos's jumper? 我們可以問為什麼你有Verdasco的衣服? (科科) LAURA ROBSON: Because I just spent an obscene amount of time in the Anti-doping room. It's air conditioned in there and I didn't have a jumper. I went in the cafe and asked him if he had a jumper and he gave me this one. 因為我花了點時間在反禁藥室,那裡有空調,而我沒有外套。我去咖啡廳問他 是否有毛衣,然後他就給我這件了。 Q. Did you introduce yourself first? 你有先介紹你自己嗎? LAURA ROBSON: No, I knew him from before that because he was in Amsterdam the same time as me. 沒有。我之前就認識他了,當我們都在阿姆斯特丹的時候。 Q. Are you going to keep it? 你會留著它嗎 LAURA ROBSON: I think it's not my size. 可是不是我的尺寸。 Q. Did they follow the progress of the match in the family household in the middle of the night? 你家人在半夜有密切關心你的比賽嗎? LAURA ROBSON: I don't know actually. I haven't really spoken to anyone. I've just literally gone from the Anti-doping here. 我不知道耶。我還沒跟任何人說到話。我剛從反禁藥室來到這裡。 Q. Have you texted mum at all? 你傳簡訊給媽媽了嗎? LAURA ROBSON: I texted her straight after the match, but I don't know if she replied or not. 比賽結束我就傳給她了,但我不知道她是否回傳了。 Q. What's next? 你之後要幹嘛? LAURA ROBSON: Just going home, training for a bit, and then I don't really know the rest of my schedule. 回家啊,再多做一些練習,其實我不是很清楚我的計畫。 (大人都問很無聊的問題吼,當然是回家咩 XDDD) Q. She was quite clever out there, wasn't she? She used a few tricks and stalled you a little bit. She took her time and went to the towel. Was that a lesson to learn? 她很聰明對不對?她用了點小技巧,讓妳在那裡進退不得。她慢慢來然後去拿毛巾。 是不是學到一課? LAURA ROBSON: Kind of everyone does that now, so it wasn't a big deal. 大家現在都會這樣吧,所以沒差。 Q. Didn't unsettle you? 不會讓妳心神不寧嗎? LAURA ROBSON: No. 不會啊 (不要陷害我們家小羅拉厚) Q. Given the heat that you've had the last couple weeks, where would you put reaching the final here on your list of achievements? Obviously you lost so it's not as great as winning Wimbledon, but is it almost as good an achievement because of the conditions? 這場比賽輸了,所以可能沒有像贏得溫布頓一樣好,但是過去幾個禮拜,在這樣炎熱 的狀況下,妳還是挺進了決賽,這應該也是妳一項大成就? LAURA ROBSON: Yeah, definitely very close to the same, because it was just really good to like overcome all the weather this week. So it's definitely a really big achievement for me. 當然,幾乎一樣好。這禮拜可以克服氣候很棒,這當然是我一項很棒的成就。 Q. You said your energy was a bit low in the semifinals. Did you feel that today, or... 妳在四強後說妳喪失了一些體力。妳今天也這麼覺得,還是... LAURA ROBSON: Not as much. I think I upped my dosage of jelly snakes. 今天還好。我想我服用了足夠的jelly snakes. (Laura好可愛 XDDDDDDDD) Q. The question of people back home that don't follow tennis is, do you have expectations that you will be granted a wildcard into Wimbledon's main draw this year? Is that something that you're really putting your hopes on this summer? 問題回到妳家鄉的人們,那些不看網球的人,妳對於今年拿到外卡參加溫布頓 有期待嗎?這是妳今年夏天所希望的? LAURA ROBSON: Well, it's up to them. I've got no say in it, really. I've got the wildcard for quallies, but it's their decision whether they want to give me a main draw one. 這要看他們。我真的沒有什麼要說的。我已經拿到了了外卡資格,但是不是在主要 籤表是他們的決定。 Q. But you would... 但妳會... LAURA ROBSON: I would like one, yeah. 我當然會想要如此。 Q. You had some choice words in the first set. Is there perhaps something to be learned about how to deal with a couple points that don't necessarily go your way? 妳在第一盤有些爭執。今天是否也學習到了在一些分數上,其實有時候不一定都要 照著自己的方式走? LAURA ROBSON: Yeah. I'll try to be a bit quieter next time. 好啦,我下次試著安靜都不要說話。 Q. What do you think you've learned? 妳覺得妳學到什麼? LAURA ROBSON: Well, I've learned dealing with the extreme conditions definitely. Also, letting go a bit more if I don't do so well at the start of second set. Because maybe three of my matches this week I didn't get the early break in the second set, and then it started to affect me more in my first match. So just dealing with that. 學到了處理這麼困難的環境條件。還有在第二盤,我一開始沒有打得很好,然後我讓 比賽也走得太快。這禮拜的三場比賽,我在第二盤都沒有及早破發,然後我就開始被 影響了。 我要試著克服這個。 Q. Because of the age range in juniors, she's almost three years older than you, and she looks it. She is physically more developed. She seemed to hit heavy shots. Is that something that's a drawback, a handicap today that she is that much more experienced? 因為青少年比賽的年齡限制,對手比妳大三歲,她感覺上發育也比妳好。 她擊出很多很重的球,這對妳來說不太有利,也是妳今天的障礙?因為她 更有經驗? LAURA ROBSON: Well, she was definitely hitting it with a bit more spin than me. Whether she was really that much stronger than me I really don't know. But I didn't really have any problem returning her shots. Just getting them in was the big deal. 她擊出球的旋轉當然比我強,而她是不是真的比我強壯,我不知道耶。 不過在回發球上,我沒有什麼問題啊,只是要讓球進,有點問題。 (哈哈哈 這是什麼回答啊!!!) Q. Britain used to have female tennis players. Do you feel that you could be part of a revival? 英國也曾經是有女性網球選手的。妳覺得妳可以成為重振英復興國女子網壇的一員嗎 LAURA ROBSON: Well, it's not really a revival, because Anne is already top 50. I don't like that question. 不算是重振復興啦。Anne已經是前50的選手了。我不喜歡這個問題。 (酷耶,這回答。) Q. You've been down here for almost a month and been in the sunshine and the heat. You know you're going home to snow and sleet and the cold of winter. How does that grab you after this? 妳已經來這裡一個禮拜,都在陽光和炎熱之下。妳現在知道要回到下雪、下雨的寒冬 ,這對妳會有什麼影響? LAURA ROBSON: I'm going home on Monday, so I get one more day here. Then, also, I'm going to try to get tickets to watch the final tomorrow. So I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my time here and go home with all my jumpers. 我禮拜一回家,所以我還會在這裡多待一天。我希望可以拿到票看明天的決賽, 所以我就是好好享受在這裡的時間,之後帶著我所有的毛衣回家去。 Q. And other people's. 其他人的毛衣呢? LAURA ROBSON: I don't know if I can keep this one. It would be a good one to have in the cupboard back home. 我不知道我可不可以一直留著它。不過如果家裡的衣櫃能多這一件也是不錯啊。 Q. What do you think will be the highlights when you look back on this week? 回頭看這禮拜,妳覺得有什麼是最精彩的部分? LAURA ROBSON: Playing on Rod Laver. 在Rod Laver球場打球。 Q. What will have been the most fun moment of the week? 這禮拜最有趣的時刻 LAURA ROBSON: Most fun? I don't know. No, I don't know that one. But, uhm... 最有趣?我不知道耶,我不知道。。。 Q. Does your success here make you that much more eager to get on the senior tour, to get out there and get started, or are you happy biding your time at the moment? 妳在這裡的成功,是否會讓妳更想在成人巡迴賽上面開始好好表現,或者妳對於 目前的狀況感到滿意? LAURA ROBSON: Well, I'm more than happy to keep playing juniors for a while. But, also, it'll be good to go into seniors as well. So I'm not really bothered. 我會想要多在青年組多打一陣子,不過如果有機會打成人比賽也很好。 這不會對我有什麼影響。 Q. Will you get your shopping trip, or does that go by the bye now? 妳會在去購物之旅嗎?還是都買的差不多了 LAURA ROBSON: Oh, no, definitely still on. Well, the only thing I was actually a bit upset about today is I didn't get to challenge anything. That was really annoying. She challenged twice, and then I didn't get any. That was a bit upsetting. 喔,還沒啊,還在買。今天讓我唯一不太開心的事情是我沒有機會使用到挑戰, 真的很令人生氣耶。她挑戰了兩次,然後我一次都沒有。真的很讓人難過。 (哈哈哈,羅拉真的太可愛了啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Q. Do you have a bit of a soft spot for Australia being born here and having the success you've had? 妳對澳洲有沒有什麼情感,因為在這裡出生,還有在這裡的成功? LAURA ROBSON: I think I get asked that question every time I'm in here. It's a really beautiful country. It's nice that I have family here as well, but definitely England is my home. 每次來到這裡都會被問一次。這真的是一個漂亮的地方。我在這裡也有家人, 這感覺很好,但是英格蘭是我的家。 (乖孩子,妳是英國人喔) Q. What family were here for the final? Just your sister? 決賽場上有什麼家人在這裡嗎?還是只有妳姊姊? LAURA ROBSON: My sister and also my auntie and uncle flew over from western Australia two days ago. 我姊姊還有我的阿姨跟叔叔,他們兩天前從西奧飛來這裡。 Q. Their names, please? 他們的名字是? LAURA ROBSON: Debbie and Larry Dwyer. Debbie and Larry Dwyer. -- 我記得Laura有小Ana之稱,然後原來她跟現在正紅的Verdasco也認識喔 XD and jelly snakes是什麼大補丸啊 哈哈哈 Laura真是超可愛的啦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/31 22:08, , 1F
通通都是簽艾迪達的啊 Sven都有指導吧
01/31 22:08, 1F

01/31 22:08, , 2F
jelly snakes是蛇狀軟糖嗎? 澳洲超市就有賣啊
01/31 22:08, 2F

01/31 22:09, , 3F
01/31 22:09, 3F

01/31 22:11, , 4F
01/31 22:11, 4F

01/31 22:14, , 5F
真的是很老實耶XD 沒用到鷹眼很不甘心haha
01/31 22:14, 5F

01/31 22:17, , 6F
讓球"進" XDDD 喂喂你也翻太快了吧 XDD 整個就很偏心 XDD
01/31 22:17, 6F

01/31 22:17, , 7F
like a baby! 真的是Laura baby go XD
01/31 22:17, 7F

01/31 22:18, , 8F
人家明明澳洲出生 被問很正常啊 XDD 不過看到那句我不喜歡這
01/31 22:18, 8F

01/31 22:19, , 9F
問題時,我一直想知道記者的表情 XDD 超好奇的
01/31 22:19, 9F

01/31 22:20, , 10F
記者都很壞心 還好蘿拉沒有被騙XD
01/31 22:20, 10F

01/31 22:52, , 11F
哈 有 我有估狗一下那個糖果 台灣應該也有吧 XD
01/31 22:52, 11F

01/31 23:00, , 12F
01/31 23:00, 12F

02/01 00:35, , 14F
影片連結 好可愛的蘿拉 英國腔 ^///^
02/01 00:35, 14F
影片中就穿著向Verdasco借來的外套 XD ※ 編輯: yittahung 來自: (02/01 00:44)

02/01 03:51, , 15F
02/01 03:51, 15F

02/01 09:55, , 16F
She's sweet!
02/01 09:55, 16F

02/01 15:33, , 17F
Verdasco 人超好 (好人卡遞) XDD
02/01 15:33, 17F
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