[問題] PP1-CR 70

看板GMAT作者 (匹茲堡的天空)時間15年前 (2009/03/15 12:35), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 1人參與, 最新討論串1/1
70. According to a review of 61 studies of patients suffering from severely debilitating depression, a large majority of the patients reported that missing a night's sleep immediately lifted their depression. Yet sleep-deprivation is not used to treat depression even though the conventional treatments, which use drugs and electric shocks, often have serious side effects. Which of the following, if true, best explains the fact that sleep-deprivation is not used as a treatment for depression? (A) For a small percentage of depressed patients, missing a night's sleep induces a temporary sense of euphoria. (B) Keeping depressed patients awake is more difficult than keeping awake people who are not depressed. (C) Prolonged loss of sleep can lead to temporary impairment of judgment comparable to that induced by consuming several ounces of alcohol. (D) The dramatic shifts in mood connected with sleep and wakefulness have not been traced to particular changes in brain chemistry. (E) Depression returns in full force as soon as the patient sleeps for even a few minutes. 答案是E 但我還是不太懂 憂鬱症回復的很快 即使病人只睡了幾分鐘 題目是要解釋為什麼 sleep-deprivation不能被拿來當作治療憂鬱症 但跟e有什麼關係 大腦轉不過來@@ -- 日情蒐點名--郭勇志︰會怕就好 〔記者羅惠齡/台中報導〕今年日本出版的新球季日本職棒球員名鑑,在分析亞錦賽議 題中,將郭勇志列為台灣隊注目投手之一,郭勇志不好意思地表示,大概是去年成績不錯 ,被注意到了。將郭勇志列入要特別注意的球員,是因為他去年獲得聯盟救援王,控球 、直球速度及壓制能力都不錯,有機會獲國家隊青睞。看到自己被日本人注意到,郭勇 志意外之餘也表示︰「會怕就好。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/15 12:44, , 1F
題目是說 不睡覺能稍稍減輕症狀 但不能用作治療 也有負作用
03/15 12:44, 1F

03/15 12:45, , 2F
問 底下哪個選項解釋了這結論
03/15 12:45, 2F

03/15 12:46, , 3F
E是說 只要一睡 即便是幾分鐘 症狀馬上全力反撲回來
03/15 12:46, 3F
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