[機經] A2大 本月修辭機經重要觀念分享 再追加!

看板GMAT作者 (A兔GMAT)時間10年前 (2013/11/05 16:23), 編輯推噓2(202)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這幾天每天都有3位左右同學回報考700, 昨天好幾位同學稱讚實戰上都有碰到A2修辭機經 題目, 因為這份資料重點在我的解題思維, 同學回報很有幫助, 大部份同學都遇到3題左 右難題可以快速作決策, 讓我整理起修辭機經超有鬥志, 雖然上完課服務同學到12點, 為了大家要考試, 整理到了半夜兩點半總算差不多了, 先和大家分享重點, 完整版晚點會 發佈在我們fb社團A2 GMAT的下載專區, 有因此考高分同學記得推一下給A2一點鼓勵啦! ----------------------- 113.另外有一道跟銷售增長有關的,大部分是劃線的,一個什麼東西上漲了 多少percent 在二月 to the highest level in the past three year,… .. calls in question about the三個名詞短語並列 are 動詞(不認識,猜 是暗示或者表明)the economy 復甦還是增長 考點在 calls into question about 跟 are 上,有兩個being選項 A2 評析 一定先解主動一致,先找主要子句主詞動詞,接下來是三個名詞平衡關係, 再來若being確定是分詞結構直接刪,判斷方式是being前面是接名詞非所有 格,再來一定要注意to the highest level是非常漂亮的寫法,to表達”達 到”涵義,這樣寫法有95%會當正確答案 ----------------------- 117.考到了曼哈頓後面的some of which A2 評析 考subgroup結構,注意形容詞子句後面動詞要配複數; 提供可能類似考題作參考,注意若用分詞結構要變some of them,相對錯誤 選項喜歡出 , with獨立分詞結構 ----------------------- 118. …, not at least because 副詞子句 選項中有not least because 副詞子句,not only because of N,because 副詞子句的句義更通順 【V1】還有一個選:not_______ 選項的開頭有: 1)not at least because… 2/3都是 not least because 。。。。開頭,但後半部分子句不一樣 【V2】26).還有一個選:not_______ 選項的開頭有: not at least because… Not least because。。。。 【朗文】not least: formal, used to emphasize that something is important : My mother was upset about his appearance here, not least because she felt it was invading her privacy. A2 評析 如果選項有not only一定要先看強迫平衡,如果沒有but/but also可以先刪 除,另外because喜歡考邏輯表達問題,所以如果改成because of N結構,這 個N必須用表狀態動作名詞,不然在邏輯表達上,相對選項會輸給子句表達 ----------------------- 119. 【V1】 考了一個同位語的 Two parties…., …companies(插入語), each of which… 選項有each of them, each party that 我選了這個 【V2】 主語(兩個人)幹了什麼什麼,each of them 什麼什麼(後半句劃 線)。這道根據主謂一致就能排除2個還是3個,A就是each of them are排除 的 A2 評析 擺明在考each的子句及獨立結構,我會刪掉each of them選項,理由上課講 過,each that也會刪除,因為用that表達的是同位語,但是each並非同位語 結構,這種題目注意each of which後面一定接子句要有動詞,而且配單數形 式加s,用獨立結構後面直接接片語,最後注意相對選項若用, with獨立分詞 結構也要刪,以下這題強烈建議一定要參考: 139. (32103-!-item-!-188;#058&006640) each of which結構 Taste buds are onion-shaped structures with between 50 and 100 taste cells, each of them has fingerlike projections poking through the opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore. (A) them has fingerlike projections poking through the opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore (B) them that have fingerlike projections that poke through an opening located at the top of the taste bud, which they call the taste pore (C) which has fingerlike projections poking through the opening, called the taste pore, located at the top of the taste bud (D) which having fingerlike projections that poke through an opening, which is called the taste pore, located at the top of the taste bud (E) which have fingerlike projections that are poking through an opening located at the top of the taste bud called the taste pore ------------------- 128.句意就是說一幫音樂公司裡的人說在網上銷售的唱片是他們的overall revenues 而不僅僅是什麼什麼traditional sales? 反正大概就是全部收入 和一小塊兒收入。 B. online selling of 碟片之類的東西 are their overall revenues and not C. the sales of 唱片和另一樣東西 are their overall revenues, rather than D. the selling of 唱片和XX on line is their overall revenues, 不記 得了 E. the selling of 唱片和XX on line are their overall revenues,不記 得了。 A2 評析 兩個重點,先看主動一致,剩下選項應該就是用詞傾向性,相對選項Action Noun的sales會優於表狀態動名詞the selling A2GMAT一個月精修班 五年來超過400位精修班同學取得700+高分, 申請上Dream school! 若您發現既有解法已無法讓答題狀況改善,或仍舊在重考漩渦打轉, 請參考以下連結 http://ppt.cc/JCwQ 讓A2助你一舉突破瓶頸上700! -- A2GMAT機經全科班 http://ppt.cc/9GRl Dustin Verbal 機經 (RC機經出題點分析+原文資料/CR+SC機經答案篩選) A2GMAT MathJJ 詳解 (充滿熱忱BCG三位名校畢業團隊提供最詳細完整解題步驟) A2大 修辭機經點評 (片段機經預測出題模式+答案及考點點評+類似考題) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/05 20:21, , 1F
11/05 20:21, 1F

11/05 22:49, , 2F
11/05 22:49, 2F

11/05 23:46, , 3F
11/05 23:46, 3F

11/06 16:58, , 4F
11/06 16:58, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1IUAiJW2 (GMAT)