[回報] 4/22 曼谷 上午場

看板GRE作者 (GO ON GUNNERS!!)時間13年前 (2011/04/23 01:05), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
ISSUE "In any profession-business, politics, education, government-those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership." 以及 "Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics." Argument In each city in the region of Treehaven, the majority of the money spent on government-run public school education comes from taxes that each city government collects. The region's cities differ, however, in the value they place on public education. For example, Parson City typically budgets twice as much money per year as Blue City does for its public schools—even though both cities have about the same number of residents. It seems clear, therefore, that Parson City residents care more about public school education than do Blue City residents. V記得的有 OSTENTATION: modesty Dire:auspicious Mawkish: unsentimental TACIT: directly express Banefull:salutary RESTIVE:docile BLIGHTED:sound PROSAIC:imaginative Appendix: supplementary:: SUPERFICIAL:PROFUNDITY :: drab:cheer REFRACTORY:CONTROL ::acrimonious:manner Reclacitrant:authority 閱讀 密西西比女作家, 短閱:土壤流失,國家定義的見解 填充幾乎全忘了 =============== 數學 第一个是比较(0.98)(89)(191)(1????) 和25000000比大小,算的很火 有一題是比大小排序,全部改成某數字乘10^12 就可以比 圖表有一題是公司和前一年相比的收入增減 接著問1980年的營業額是450000,比去年减少了10%,問前一年 XY座標上(4,0) (0,8)的直角三角形斜邊長 一個直角三角形48度角對的邊與52度角對的邊比大小 X減去10%在加10% 與+20%後減20%比大小 紅球是黑球的五倍,隨機抽五個不放回之後兩色數量比大小 3的N次方7的N次方尾數相減絕對值跟四比大小 x,y坐标系中有直线y=x,点P(a,b)在该直线的下方,问a,b的大小 圖表另一題是有關house,住的人數還有住的時間的圓餅圖 年收入30000的稅收1050稅金,超過的部份收6%, 總共繳了4%稅金問原收入 最後一段被加考了I 因為他寫前一百名有美金250的獎金,所以我還是給他寫了三段 明明就不可能得到的ㄚㄚㄚ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: berch 來自: (04/23 01:16)

04/23 12:39, , 1F
04/23 12:39, 1F

04/24 09:16, , 2F
REFRACTORY:CONTROL ::acrimonious:manner 我不懂耶
04/24 09:16, 2F

04/24 09:16, , 3F
04/24 09:16, 3F

04/26 10:28, , 4F
難以控制的:可控制=刻薄無禮貌的:禮貌 adj:N
04/26 10:28, 4F

04/26 10:28, , 5F
04/26 10:28, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1DiRLsqg (GRE)