[閒聊] 剛剛發現佔領那個選項...

看板Gindis作者 (無)時間16年前 (2008/05/15 22:21), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛反擊打趴一支無盟的 發現... 用佔領時如果對方有地雷 會跟全力一樣無效啦... 白白少了50回合 用佔領前要先採雷.... 總共用了二次 只吃到一間木材廠... Your Army engaged with Attack And Conquer operation with the Army from the country aGreece (51761 Battle results goldvip aGreece Troops lost 7,500 116,400 Artillery lost 900 3,943 Tanks lost 0 1,357 Anti-Air Missiles lost 0 4,313 Jets lost 4,295 85 Helicopters lost 0 167 Submarines lost 300 0 Ships lost 0 625 Ballistic Missiles lost 0 208 SDI Missiles lost 0 0 Land lost 0 220 Factories lost 0 52 Conquered factories 0 0 Money lost 0 0 All your tanks are protected against enemy mines. Your Army engaged with Attack And Conquer operation with the Army from the country aGreece (51761 Battle results goldvip aGreece Troops lost 1,194 99,771 Artillery lost 146 3,549 Tanks lost 0 2,166 Anti-Air Missiles lost 0 3,834 Jets lost 5,299 73 Helicopters lost 0 209 Submarines lost 50 0 Ships lost 0 566 Ballistic Missiles lost 0 194 SDI Missiles lost 0 0 Land lost 0 0 Factories lost 0 0 Conquered factories 0 0 Money lost 0 0 Your army enters a mine field...you lost many tanks! All your tanks are protected against enemy mines. 花了100回... 吃了220地外加一間木材廠... 有點划不來說... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/15 22:34, , 1F
他騙你去浪費回合的 還是全力好
05/15 22:34, 1F

05/15 22:35, , 2F
05/15 22:35, 2F

05/15 22:43, , 3F
05/15 22:43, 3F

05/15 22:48, , 4F
05/15 22:48, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #18B4RUpa (Gindis)