[新聞] 哈佛研究指出,千禧世代已放棄民主消失

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1.媒體來源: 自由時報 2.完整新聞標題: 《中英對照讀新聞》Harvard Study Suggests Millennials Have Given Up on Democracy 哈佛研究指出,千禧世代已放棄民主 3.完整新聞內文: ◎陳正健 Young people around the world are losing faith in democracy. A new Harvard study reveals that millennials in the United States and Europe do not think as highly about democracy as their parents do. In fact, many young people are willing to get rid of elections. 全世界的年輕人正對民主失去信心。一份哈佛新研究揭露,美國和歐洲的千禧世代不如他 們的父母那樣看好民主。事實上,許多年輕人願意擺脫選舉。 The study, which appears in the Journal of Democracy, analyzed historical data on attitudes towards the government in North America, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. What researchers found was a growing shift towards political radicalism in today’s youth. For example, millennials in the United States and Europe are more open to the idea of military coups than their parents. 這份刊登在《民主期刊》上的研究分析北美、西歐、澳洲和紐西蘭對於政府態度的歷史資 料。研究人員發現,時下的年輕人逐漸轉向政治上的激進主義。例如,美國和歐洲的千禧 世代比起他們的父母,對於軍事政變的觀念更加開放。 Only 19% of millennials in the U.S. believe that it would be illegitimate for the military to take over if the government were incompetent or failing to do its job. Meanwhile, only a third of US millennials believe civil rights are "absolutely essential" in a democracy. 美國千禧世代只有19%相信,如果政府無能或失敗,軍事接管是不合法的。另一方面,美 國千禧世代僅有3分之1相信,公民權利在民主政治中是「絕對必要」。 When it comes to elections, more than a quarter of US millennials do not believe free elections are important to democracy. "They have become more cynical about the value of democracy as a political system." the researchers said. 論及選舉時, 美國千禧世代有超過4分之1不相信,自由選舉對民主政治是重要的。研究 人員指出:「對於民主作為一套政治體系,他們對其價值變得更憤世嫉俗。」 新聞辭典 millennial:名詞。千禧世代(1980到2000年左右出生的世代)。例句:Millennials surpassed baby boomers as the nation’s largest living generation.(千禧世代超 越戰後嬰兒潮,成為該國最大的現存世代。) radicalism:名詞,激進主義。例句:Radicalism is on the rise globally. (激進主 義正呈現全球增長趨勢。) cynical:形容詞,憤世嫉俗的,冷嘲熱諷的。例句:His cynical attitude gave us a surprise.(他憤世嫉俗的態度令我們吃驚。) 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): http://tinyurl.com/jhcbkuq 5.備註: 對於民主作為一套政治體系,他們對其價值變得更憤世嫉俗。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1481049152.A.9E5.html

12/07 02:32, , 1F
12/07 02:32, 1F

12/07 02:33, , 2F
經濟失落 會左傾正常
12/07 02:33, 2F

12/07 02:33, , 3F
民主本來就是個屁而已 還一堆人沾沾自喜
12/07 02:33, 3F

12/07 02:33, , 4F
還在崩潰 不爽趕快移民北韓喇
12/07 02:33, 4F

12/07 02:33, , 5F
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12/07 02:34, , 6F
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12/07 02:37, , 9F
民主社會老百姓還是被當屁 但沒民主 老百姓連屁都當不成
12/07 02:37, 9F

12/07 02:37, , 10F
這個年齡層裡永遠充滿一群為反而反的屁孩 沒什麼好意外
12/07 02:37, 10F

12/07 02:37, , 11F
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12/07 02:38, , 12F
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12/07 02:39, , 13F
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12/07 02:41, , 14F
民主 共產都沒有錯 只是人類慾望無窮 終究會走到滅亡 世
12/07 02:41, 14F

12/07 02:44, , 15F
12/07 02:44, 15F

12/07 02:46, , 16F
界需要被重啟 只是重啟的難度越來越高
12/07 02:46, 16F

12/07 02:46, , 17F
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12/07 02:57, , 25F
12/07 02:57, 25F

12/07 03:03, , 26F
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12/07 03:15, , 27F
覺青v.s憤青 dotch?
12/07 03:15, 27F

12/07 03:22, , 28F
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12/07 03:46, , 29F
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12/07 04:05, , 30F
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12/07 06:48, , 31F
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12/07 09:11, , 32F
大家看清楚好嗎 千禧世代是1980-2000出生的
12/07 09:11, 32F

12/07 09:11, , 33F
12/07 09:11, 33F

12/07 09:48, , 34F
這是必然的趨勢 當初雅典的民主也是這樣滅亡的
12/07 09:48, 34F
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