[新聞] 香港抗議規模越來越小但越來越暴力和丑陋

看板Gossiping作者 (青山)時間4年前 (2019/09/17 12:34), 編輯推噓-10(61610)
留言32則, 29人參與, 4年前最新討論串1/1
1.媒體來源: CNN 2.記者署名 James Griffiths 3.完整新聞標題: Hong Kong protests are growing smaller but more violent and ugly 香港的抗議規模越來越小,但越來越暴力和丑陋 4.完整新聞內文: Hong Kong?(CNN)?—?Dozens of people were injured Sunday in?another night of violence in Hong Kong, as the city marked its fifteenth consecutive weekend of anti-government protests. 香港(CNN)——周日晚上香港又發生暴力事件,數十人受傷。這是香港連續第15個周末 爆發反政府抗議活動。 Thousands of people took part in a?peaceful?-- albeit unauthorized -- march from Causeway Bay to government offices in Admiralty, calling for the?govern ment to respond?to the protest movement's?five demands. That quickly turned violent after radical protesters gathered outside the legislature and began throwing bricks and petrol bombs at police lines. 數千人參加了從銅鑼灣到金鐘政府辦公室的和平游行,盡管未經授權,他們呼吁政府回 應抗議運動的五項要求。激進抗議者聚集在立法院外,開始向警察投擲磚塊和汽油彈之 后,這種局面很快演變為暴力。 Police responded with tear gas and water cannon, using jets of blue dye for the second time. The dye -- which is also laced with tear gas -- is designed to indelibly mark protesters and make them easy to arrest later. 警方用催淚瓦斯和高壓水槍回應,第二次使用藍色染料噴射。這種染料還含有催淚瓦斯 ,目的是給抗議者留下難以磨滅的印記,讓他們日后更容易被捕。 The heavy response drove protesters back from the legislature and began a ni ght of cat-and-mouse pursuit throughout the city, which saw protesters set f ires and vandalize subway stations as police made sporadic arrests. 警方強烈的反擊把抗議者從立法院趕了出來,隨后開始了整個城市的貓捉老鼠之夜。在 警察零星逮捕的過程中,抗議者縱火,破壞地鐵站。 At least 28 people were injured Sunday, according to the hospital authority. Of those, 13 men and four women have been discharged as of Monday morning, while 11 remain in hospital. Two men are in a "serious condition," the autho rity said. 據醫院稱,周日至少有28人受傷。截至周一上午,其中13名男性和4名女性已經出院,1 1人仍在醫院。當局稱,兩名男子“情況嚴重”。 While the violence between police and protesters was fairly regular compared to previous weeks, the ugliest scenes occurred at the edges of the protests , where both protester and pro-government groups attacked people who disagre ed with them. 雖然與前幾周相比,警察和抗議者之間的暴力事件仍相當頻繁,但最丑陋的場景發生在 抗議活動的邊緣,抗議者和親政府組織都襲擊了與他們意見相左的人。 CNN reporters saw a mob of masked protesters attacking a man in the Tin Hau neighborhood after a brief confrontation, leaving him dazed and bleeding on the floor. In an earlier incident,?video shared widely online?showed a middl e-aged man wearing a blue shirt attacked and left apparently unconscious by a large group of mostly young, black-clad protesters on Gloucester Road.?Acc ording to the South China Morning Post, the unidentified man had shouted pro -police slogans before the attack. CNN記者看到,一群蒙面抗議者在天后區對一名男子進行了短暫的對峙后襲擊了他,這名 男子頭暈目眩,血流滿面。在早些時候的一起事件中,一段在網上廣為流傳的視頻顯示 ,一名身穿藍色襯衫的中年男子在告士打道遭到一群主要是年輕的黑衣抗議者的襲擊, 男子顯然失去了知覺。據《南華早報》報道,這名身份不明的男子在遭受襲擊前喊過支 持警方的口號。 Later on Sunday, a group of mostly middle-aged men were seen striking and th reatening protesters in the North Point area. The area has a large mainland Chinese immigrant population, and there have been attacks on protesters in t he area in past weeks.周日晚些時候,人們看到一群主要是中年男子的人在北角地區 罷工并威脅抗議者。該地區有大量中國大陸移民人口,過去幾周該地區發生了針對抗議 者的襲擊事件。 Sunday's violence came after a number of angry scuffles on Saturday between pro and anti-government groups, though none reached the level of violence se en the following day. Pro-Beijing groups sang the Chinese national anthem an d pulled down "Lennon Walls," collections of notes and flyers erected by pro testers, around the city. 周日的暴力事件發生之前,親政府和反政府組織在周六發生了多起憤怒的扭打,不過都 沒有達到第二天的暴力程度。支持北京的團體唱著中國國歌,推倒了“列儂墻”(Lenno n Walls)。“列儂墻”是抗議者在城市周圍豎起的筆記和傳單的集合。 On Friday, pro-government lawmaker Junius Ho?called on?patriotic Hong Konger s to "get together and clean Hong Kong." Ho previously praised alleged triad s who attacked protesters in Yuen Long, and?appeared to threaten to kill one of his colleagues?after they argued on a radio show. 周五,親政府的立法會議員何君堯號召愛國的香港人“同心協力 凈化香港”。何先前贊 揚涉嫌在元朗襲擊抗議者的三合會,并在一個電臺節目中與同事發生爭執后,似乎威脅 要殺死他。 5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): https://tinyurl.com/yyvptvyf 6.備註: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (中國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1568694897.A.4A9.html

09/17 12:35, 4年前 , 1F
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09/17 12:35, 4年前 , 3F
中國人加油! 要慢慢洗成「香港暴民」了
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09/17 12:35, 4年前 , 4F
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09/17 12:35, 4年前 , 5F
CNN是川普認證的Fake news
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09/17 12:36, 4年前 , 7F
版主被鬥掉之後 五毛也懶得用跳板了?
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中國人 ?
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今日香港 明日台灣
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09/17 12:49, 4年前 , 19F
支那狗耶 習主席說外面的世界很危險
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09/17 12:55, 4年前 , 20F
CNN 中共黨媒拉
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五毛 香港加油
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09/17 13:07, 4年前 , 24F
支那記者耶 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔
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