[閒聊] EW專訪Malcolm McDowell(Linderman)

看板Heroes作者 (Beautiful Thinking)時間17年前 (2007/03/10 23:24), 編輯推噓4(402)
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新聞來自:http://www.herosite.net/linderman2.htm - "I do enjoy playing extreme people - because they're nothing like me," McDowell says to the magazine. "我喜歡扮演很極端的角色,因為那跟我完全不像" McDowell如此說 - McDowell will be on Heroes for at least three episodes. Creator Tim Kring wants him to stick around longer. McDowell至少會在Heroes出現三集。製作人Tim Kring希望他可以待久一點。 - When Heroes returns on April 23, Linderman will reveal himself to be not just a mere gangster, but "the mastermind behind all the shenanigans that have been going on," including Nathan's political machinations and Hiro's efforts to avert New York's nuclear incineration. 4/23號Heroes復播的時候,Linderman不單單只是一個幫派中人,而是"所有事情幕後的 最大主使者",包含Nathan的政治之路,以及Hiro試圖阻止NY大爆炸的任務。 - "The twist about Linderman is that he also has a power, which is - oh, I should probably hold back," he reveals. The title of the April 23 episode, ".07%," should hold an ominous significance. "Linderman最大的爆點就是他也有能力(什麼?!),那是...喔,我該有所保留"他承認。 4/23的這一集名稱叫做".07%"應該是很大的暗示吧 - McDowell can't wait to film scenes for the May 21 season finale. He hopes the episode brings Linderman face to face with Masi Oka's Hiro. "I can't wait to ask him for my sword back. Personally." he says. McDowell已經等不及要開始拍攝5/21號的第一季完結篇。他希望Linderman可以在這一集 和Masi Oka飾演的Hiro面對面。"我等不及要向他要回我的劍了,親口"他說。 ---- McDowell真的很適合演這種權高位重的人,不過他也是個有能力的人?! 07%又代表什麼呢 ?有能力的人佔人口的總數嗎?好像太高了點。Hiro的任務其實也有他的幕後黑手? 一切越來越有趣了,期待5/21的完結篇 喔,聽說完結篇會是"兩小時"的finale喔~ -- TGCCCCTT-----------CATAGCC--CAGTAC---ACTCCTAACTCTCGGCTTCAGAGAATAGAGATCGTACCGATCG CCAGG---CG--TA--AC--ACTATG--CGGATC--GAGCATCCCTTACGACTATTCAATGTGCGACAGTGCAGTGTTCT TTAG--GCTT--AC--ATC---TACA--CACTC--GCTCCGACGACTTCAGAATCGGACTCGACAGGATCCTCTATCTAT AC--CTCTCG--TG--TCGTA--CGC--TAAT--CGCTACCCTAAATCTCGCCAACAGTGGCCAGTAATATAGAACCAGA T--CTATAGC--CT--CGATCG--TC--CG---CCGAACCTGTACGACTCCTAAATACGACTGAGAGGAGATAGTGCTAC ---CCTGCTT--AT--TCGTACGA--------TACTTCACGAAGCCTAGGTAATAGATACGATTATAGCACGAGTCACGC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/11 09:03, , 1F
兩小時的finale真是太棒了 好像在看電影一樣!! ^0^
03/11 09:03, 1F

03/11 09:36, , 2F
two hours! gooooodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/11 09:36, 2F

03/11 11:22, , 4F
03/11 11:22, 4F

03/11 12:28, , 5F
這報導有爆點!XD 期待中
03/11 12:28, 5F

03/11 13:44, , 6F
03/11 13:44, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #15yisK0a (Heroes)