[轉錄][外電] Herrmann finds happiness with Pistons

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: Pistons 標題: [外電] Herrmann finds happiness with Pistons 時間: Wed Jan 2 18:13:41 2008 原文出處: http://0rz.tw/723x3 -- New Pistons forward Walter Herrmann wants to make a few things perfectly clear: 活塞的新成員,前鋒Walter Herrmann想明白地澄清一些事情: He's a very patient man. 他是個很有耐心的人。 He's happy to be on the Pistons roster. 他很高興能成為活塞的一員。 And that life, through some tragic lessons, has taught him to take nothing for granted. 而他的人生經由一些悲慘的經歷,已經讓他學會不要把任何事情視為理所當然。 Herrmann, 28, came to the Pistons on Dec. 14 in an unexpected trade. The Pistons sent center Nazr Mohammed to the Charlotte Bobcats, in exchange for Herrmann and Primoz Brezec. 28歲的Herrmann在12月14日經由一筆突然的交易來到活塞。活塞送出中鋒回教人給夏 洛特山貓,換回Herrmann和Primoz Brezec。 He was languishing in the Bobcats' new system, so getting sent to the Pistons seemed like an early Christmas present. 他在山貓的新系統中鬱鬱寡歡,所以被送到活塞對他來說就像是提前收到聖誕禮物。 "I was happy, yes, surprised, yes, but not surprised, if that makes sense," said Herrmann, in his heavily Argentinean-accented English. "I am very thankful to Charlotte for putting me on the team. I learned a lot there. But I did not fit there anymore. So I was happy to know I was coming to the Pistons." "我很高興,是的,很驚訝,是的,但也沒多驚訝,這樣說你懂嗎?"Herrmann用他有 濃厚阿根廷口音的英文說。"我很感謝夏洛特把我送到這支球隊。我在那邊學了很多。但我 不再適合那裡了。所以在得知自己被送至活塞後我很高興。" Herrmann accepts that he likely will have a limited role with the Pistons, with players such as Tayshaun Prince and Jarvis Hayes ahead of him. Herrmann played in his first game since the trade on Dec. 28, getting two points and nine rebounds against the Pacers. 因為前頭擋著像小王子和Jarvis Hayes這樣的球員,自己在活塞可能沒有多少上場機 會,Herrmann欣然接受。自交易後,Herrmann一直到12月28日才首度穿著活塞球衣登場, 他在對抗溜馬的比賽中拿下二分、一籃板。 (譯按:這裡證明了國外也有業餘記者,當天抓下九籃板的是Amir,Herrmann只抓下一籃板 。兩個人的名字在boxscore上面並列,記者或許是眼花了XD) His two points were memorable, though, coming off a flashy, swooping, reverse layup in traffic. The Pistons bench, filled with the starters, jumped up and whooped in approval. 不過他那兩分令人印象深刻,他趁兵荒馬亂之際,以電光火石之勢一躍而起,反手上 籃得手。活塞板凳區,包含先發球員們,全都跳起大聲叫好。 "I like how he's come in here with a good attitude and is really working hard at practice," Pistons coach Flip Saunders said. "He's got a lot of talent and he's trying to learn what to do to fit in. And that's what you want to see from a new guy." "我喜歡他帶著良好的態度來到隊上,而且他在練習時真的很認真,"活塞總教練老桑 說。"他很有天份而且努力嘗試學習融入球隊。而那正是你希望在球隊的新成員身上看到的 。" Emotional crash 情感的衝擊 The fact that Herrmann is in the NBA, looking quite happy on and off the court, is nothing short of a miracle. It wasn't that long ago that he was ready to quit playing, nearly giving in to unimaginable grief. Herrmann在NBA中不管場內場外看起來都很開心,這根本是個奇蹟。不久之前因為遭遇 一連串不可思議的悲劇,他曾萌生過放棄籃球的念頭。 In July 2003, Herrmann's mother, younger sister, fiancee and two of his mother's friends were involved in a serious car accident on a two-lane road in Argentina. 在'03年七月,Herrmann的母親、妹妹、未婚妻和他母親的兩個朋友在阿根廷一條兩線 道遭遇一場嚴重的車禍。 Nobody knows exactly how the accident occurred, other than that the car with Herrmann's loved ones collided head-on with another vehicle. All seven people in the accident died. 除了滿載Herrmann所愛的人的那輛車以及另一輛與其迎面撞上的車外,沒有人知道那 場車禍到底是怎麼發生的。不過七個人悉數罹難。 Soon, the horrible news reached Herrmann. He was elsewhere in Argentina, training with the national team. At first, he was told only his fiancee was dead. Later, he found out his mother and sister were gone, as well. 很快這個壞消息就傳到了Herrmann耳裡。他在阿根廷的另一處參加國家隊的訓練。一 開始,他被告知只有他的未婚妻過世。不過沒多久,他就發現母親和妹妹也走了。 Herrmann mourned the losses with his father and older sister, trying to make sense of everything. He thought about quitting basketball. But his family encouraged him to keep going, and he headed to Spain to play professionally. Herrmann和他父親還有姐姐一同服喪,並試圖理解這一切。他考慮要放棄籃球。但他 的家人鼓勵他繼續努力,最後他選擇離開傷心地前往西班牙挑戰職業籃球。 A year later, Herrmann was again on Argentina's national and Olympic team. 一年後,Herrmann再一次入選了阿根廷國家隊並代表阿根廷參加了奧運。 In one of the best performances of his life, he had 38 points and 11 rebounds in leading the Argentines to the South American championship. It was July 13, exactly one year to the day of the horrible car accident. 豪取38分、11籃板帶領阿根廷贏得南美洲冠軍的那場比賽是他一生中的最佳表現之一 。那天是7月13號,剛好是那場車禍慘劇發生滿一週年的日子。 Herrmann, still buzzing from the victory, was dealt another unimaginable blow. His father suffered a fatal heart attack. 仍沉浸於贏球喜悅中的Herrmann又遭受另一個不可思議的打擊。他的父親因為心臟病 發作而辭世。 "You stay strong, because you have to," Herrmann says now. "You are alive. You are here. And you think a lot about it, yes. You see that anything can happen, at any time, and you cannot stop it. You must live. I am here." "你要堅強一點,因為你必須如此,"Herrmann說。"你還活著。你在這裡。而你好好地 想一想,沒錯。你會了解到不管什麼事情隨時都可能發生,而且你根本無能為力。你必須 活下去。我辦到了。" Progress made Herrmann stayed on the Argentinean team, going on to win the country's first basketball gold medal -- and first medal of any type since 1952 -- in the Athens Olympics. He found love again, too, marrying Alana in July 2006. But Herrmann admits holidays, especially Christmas, are challenging. Herrmann代表阿根廷,在雅典奧運贏得該國第一面籃球金牌 -- 同時也是該國自從'52 年後首度奪牌。他也再次發現真愛,在'06年七月和Alana完婚。但Herrmann也承認幾個家 人團聚的節日,特別是聖誕節,真的不好過。 "It doesn't feel like Christmas for a lot of things: It is too cold here, my family is not here," he said. (Argentina's seasons are the reverse of Detroit's , meaning it's summer there now, 90 degrees and sunny.) "在很多方面來說,我感受不到聖誕節的氣氛:這裡實在太冷了,我的家人不在這," 他說。(阿根廷的氣候和底特律相反,意思是說那邊現在是夏天,氣溫32度,天氣晴朗。) "But it is all fine with me. I am here to play basketball and I work hard." "不過沒關係。我在這裡打籃球,而且我熱愛這份工作。" Herrmann's English is a work-in-progress, so he tries to explain his thoughts in another way. He frequently apologizes for not being able to communicate fluently, but the truth is, he is doing quite well for only his second year playing in North America and the NBA. Herrmann的英文仍需持續努力,所以他試著用另一種方式解釋他的想法。他時常為了 無法順暢地溝通而說抱歉,但事實是,他已經說得不錯了,畢竟這不過是他在北美和NBA的 第二年而已。 "Charlotte is here," Herrmann said, holding his hand chest-high. "See?" He then moves his hand up, stopping even with his forehead. "夏洛特在這裡,"Herrmann把手放在胸前說道。"看到了嗎?"之後他把手往上移,一 直到額頭處才停下。 "The Pistons are here, much higher, closer to winning the championship," Herrmann said. "That is why I am happy." "活塞在這裡,比夏洛特強多了,距離總冠軍也近得多,"Herrmann說。"這就是為什麼 我很樂意加入活塞的原因。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (01/02 18:17)

01/02 18:19,
01/02 18:19

01/02 18:51,
推 Herrmann加油
01/02 18:51

01/02 18:53,
01/02 18:53

01/02 19:11,
01/02 19:11

01/02 19:19,
好漢 推 加油~~
01/02 19:19

01/02 19:59,
01/02 19:59

01/02 20:07,
01/02 20:07

01/02 20:40,
01/02 20:40

01/02 21:40,
01/02 21:40

01/02 23:12,
01/02 23:12
-- 學海無涯, -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/02 23:14, , 1F
附上轉隊後第一個Field Goal http://0rz.tw/3e3Aj
01/02 23:14, 1F

01/03 00:19, , 2F
失去所愛的男人 依然能堅強起來 好好活著!! 髮男!!
01/03 00:19, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #17UwdV_B (Hornets)