[新聞] Chandler 重返球場

看板Hornets作者時間15年前 (2009/10/06 21:38), 編輯推噓2(200)
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http://www.bobcatsbreak.com/?p=403 Chandler makes unexpected return to court October 5, 2009 by Matt Rochinski The Bobcats got some unexpected good news on the final day of training camp, as Tyson Chandler took the court for the first time since coming to Charlotte to do some scrimmaging with his teammates. 山貓隊有了意想不到的好消息:季前訓練的最後一天, Chandler歸隊了。這是他到了山貓以後第一天出現在球場, 和隊友做訓練。 “I was able to get out there and scrimmage a little bit,” said Chandler, “ just getting up and down and getting some bodies around me felt pretty good.” 「我可以作稍為激烈的訓練了,」他說。「一些身體碰撞對我還OK。」 Chandler’s return to the court for preseason games hadn’t been targeted until the Bobcats fifth or sixth game when Charlotte heads to Los Angeles for the L.A. Shootout on October 17-18. But there also wasn’t any thought that he ’d be able to scrimmage by the end of training camp. 讓Chandler歸隊的決定,直到山貓準備於十月17, 18日兩天前往洛杉磯前才做出。 但在那之前,也沒有任何消息指出Chandler有辦法和隊友一起訓練。 So why the change? 所以究竟為什麼出現這變化呢? Bobcats Head Athletic Trainer Steve Stricker ordered customized orthotics to put in Chandler’s shoes. They arrived Monday and have instantly done wonders. 山貓體能教練Steve Stricker為小錢訂製專屬矯正器,放在小錢鞋裡。 這禮拜一就搞定了。 “They helped a lot. Now I’ll actually be able to strengthen my ankle while I ’m out here,” said Chandler. “Before the orthotics, when I was getting up and down, the ankle would get sore quickly. Now I’m making more progress.” 小錢說這矯正器對他幫助很大。「我現在有辦法伸展我的腳踝, 以前我只要稍微上下起身腳踝就會酸。我現在進步很多。」 But the question remains – how did a 7-1 center that was trying to sneak into drills just two days ago convince Stricker and the coaching staff to let him participate in scrimmaging? 但還有一個疑問:一名七呎一吋的大中鋒,如何在兩天這麼短的一段時間, 讓教練放心地讓他歸隊? “I just told them I wanted to get out there because I felt alright,” he said. “At first we were just doing half-court sets and then we started getting up and down, and I was like, ‘I’ll monitor myself. I’ll take it easy.’ But once you get out there, things change (he laughed).” 「我只是告訴他們我覺得自己OK了。一開始先半場練習, 然後開始各種練習。我告訴自己『要有點警覺,也要放鬆。』 後來真正開始進行練習後,就好多了。」他說。 Now that he’s had the chance to scrimmage with his teammates, a big key in his recovery will be to see how his ankle reacts, but as of now, everything is feeling good. However, Chandler isn’t ready to say he’ll be back sooner than intended. After all, the goal still remains to be 100 percent healthy for the regular season. 他現在終於有機會和隊友一起練習了。 接下來復健的重點是看他的腳踝的反應,但目前看來一切都相當正常。 但小錢本人還不確定會不會比原定回到場上比賽的時間早回來, 畢竟一切都是以他百分之百復原、可以健康地打例行賽為前提。 “This whole time, I haven’t put a timeframe on (my return),” said Chandler. “I just want to get back in and start feeling good. Whenever that comes, it’s going to come, but today was exciting for me. I was able to get out there, get up and down the floor and things felt good. I didn’t have any setbacks, so that’s always a plus.” 「從一受傷,我就沒為自己回到場上訂下時間表。」小錢說。 「我只是想要回來,然後讓自己感覺OK。不管怎樣,我終究會復原然後回到場上的, 但至少今天的練習對我來說很讚。我沒有感覺哪裡不對勁、哪裡退化, 所以這就是一個好的開始。」 He also brought a smile to the face of Head Coach Larry Brown, who admitted that seeing Chandler on the court scrimmaging “surprised me.” 小錢也向總教頭Larry Brown微笑示意。 Brown承認,看到小錢在場上練習「令他感到訝異」。 “He probably got a little excited watching me get up and down and get a little contact – that’s the same as me though,” said Chandler. “I got out there and didn’t want to get off, but I have to be smart.” 「他大概覺得我又開始活蹦亂跳起來是一件還滿振奮的事, 而且這等於告訴他(Brown)『我還是原來的我』。」小錢說。 「我本來還不想停止練習呢,但我最後還是選擇識時務一點。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/07 13:56, , 1F
10/07 13:56, 1F

10/08 12:51, , 2F
10/08 12:51, 2F
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