[編譯] 西方統一陣線面對俄國

看板IA作者 (藍)時間16年前 (2008/08/18 23:36), 編輯推噓2(202)
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標題:West in united front over Georgia Western leaders formed a united front on Sunday as they increased pressure on Russia to live up to its pledge to withdraw from Georgian territory in accordance with a ceasefire signed at the weekend. 西方各國在喬治亞附近組成一道防線,主要是為了迫使俄國遵守停戰協定,退出喬治亞的 領土 Dmitry Medvedev, Russia’s president, told Nicolas Sarkozy, his French counterpart, that Russian forces would begin their withdrawal on Monday,  moving towards South Ossetia and a security zone that roughly coincides with its borders, according to the Kremlin. 俄國克姆林宮表示在週一將開始從南Ossetia撤退到臨時停戰區。 But his pledge to withdraw forces came only after Mr Sarkozy warned Russia that it faced “serious consequences” if it did not pull out immediately. It also drew a sceptical reaction from Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, and Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. 但是俄國的撤軍命令一直到法國總統沙科吉對俄國警告如不立即撤軍會有嚴重後果,才開 始執行撤軍命令。同時美國國務卿來斯和德國大臣也對俄國的撤軍命令抱持著懷疑的態度 The exchanges added to the war of words between Moscow and western capitals in what has become the most serious stand-off between Russia and the west since the end of the cold war. 現今俄國與西方各國的對峙問題就像是冷戰時期的延伸。 Ms Rice accused Russia of violating the ceasefire Mr Medvedev signed on Saturday. “There is a ceasefire and Russia is currently not in compliance with this ceasefire,” she told Fox News Sunday. 萊斯控告俄國違反停戰協定,"俄國並沒有遵守對停戰協定的承諾" Visiting Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, Ms Merkel said the world was watching Russia and called the withdrawal from Georgia an issue of “credibility”. Ms Merkel 表示全世界都在看俄國的下一步行動並認為這是一個信用上的問題。 In comments likely to irk Moscow, the German chancellor also said Georgia remained on track to eventually join Nato, as agreed at a May Nato ummit. “ Every free, independent country can together with Nato members discuss when it can join Nato. In December, we will have a first evaluation of the situation and we are on a clear path in the direction of Nato membership,” she told reporters at a press conference with Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s president. 俄國目前正承受著輿論的壓力。德國大臣也表示喬治亞在北約五月的高峰會中確定 將遵守"每個自由獨立的國家都可以加入北約,我們將在十二月用明確的方法評估各國的 情況"的原則加入北約。 Mr Medvedev stopped short of promising that Russian troops would return to Russia, suggesting that Russia could maintain a sizeable force in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and in a buffer zone several kilometres wide around the enclaves. 俄國總統停止撤軍的行動,並建議讓俄軍在South Ossetia和 Abkhazia建立一個軍事防 線,同時在喬治亞國境裡建立一個軍事緩衝區。 Such a massive Russian presence in the enclaves could allow them eventually  to seek independence or be annexed by Russia, something Georgia is perate to avoid. “No matter what happens, we will never reconcile with the fact of annexation or indeed separation of parts of territory from Georgia; with the attempt to legalise ethnic cleansing; and with the attempts to bring Georgia to its knees and undermine our democratic system,” Mr Saakashvili said. 俄國這樣的行動明顯是要協助South Ossetia和 Abkhazia獨立,甚至併吞。喬治亞正是 擔心這樣的事情發生。"不管發生什麼事,我們都不能容忍俄國併吞我們的領土或是策 動獨立行動,甚至企圖進行種族淨化。這樣的行為將會造成喬治亞讓步,甚至民主政權不 穩。" Things initially looked optimistic on Sunday morning, as Russia’s forward commander in Gori, Georgia, declared the Russian army was leaving Georgia. But soon after that, Russia’s defence ministry issued a denial. 再周日早晨原本有一項令人雀躍的消息,"俄國將從喬治亞撤軍",可是過沒多久之後, 俄國即出面否定這件事。 The US has been trying to marshal western countries to exert pressure on Russia to live up to the ceasefire, and respect Georgia’s territorial integrity. But major fissures have opened up between western allies in the past week, with Germany, France and Italy opposing Washington’s bid to further isolate Moscow. 美國正在聯合西方各國並警告俄國遵守停戰協定,同時也尊重喬治亞的領土完整權利。但 是事情在德國,法國和義大利反對華盛頓協定中的孤立莫斯科行動時出現變數。 Germany’s foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, warned against punishing Russia too severely. “I do not advise . . . any knee-jerk reaction such as suspending talks on a partnership and co-operation agreement [with the European Union],” he told the weekly Welt am Sonntag. 德國外交大臣反對對俄國展開過度激烈的壓迫行動"我不同意任何直覺性行動,像是蓄意 終止談話或是和歐盟結盟等行為" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/18 23:38, , 1F
08/18 23:38, 1F

08/18 23:40, , 2F
喬治亞生氣了 要殺人了~
08/18 23:40, 2F

08/19 03:41, , 3F
08/19 03:41, 3F

08/19 09:14, , 4F
08/19 09:14, 4F
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