Re: [新聞] 緬甸民運人士全球連署 籲軍政府釋政治犯

看板IA作者 (Brady)時間15年前 (2009/04/08 04:48), 編輯推噓0(000)
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我有長期訂閱關於支持緬甸民主化的訊息 這個新聞中提到的請願活動 在全球各地的人都能參與 以下將轉貼如何簽署線上請願書的資訊 只要短短的幾分鐘 就能替緬甸民主出一份力 請願書簽署網址(請以IE開啟) 捐款或其他活動 如果你想收到來自於Burma Campaign的訊息 請寄出空白郵件到此 Dear friends, In the past three weeks we’ve seen a huge response to our Free Burma’s Political Prisoners Now petition. Over 200,000 people have signed up to the campaign calling for UN Secretary General to make it his personal priority to secure the release of all of Burma’s Political Prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi. Will you sign the petition now? Sign here: It’s fantastic that over 200,000 people have joined our global call but we need your help. The petition has a target of 888,888 signatures, symbolising 8.8.88, the day the junta massacred some 3,000 people who courageously protested in Burma’s largest democracy uprising. We’ve made big progress towards that target but need your help if we’re going to make it. Please sign the petition now then tell your friends: Sign here: Here are some facts about political prisoners in Burma: * There are over 2,100 political prisoners in Burma. * They are innocent: These prisoners have committed no crime. They have been imprisoned for peacefully calling for democracy and freedom in Burma. * They are subjected to horrific torture: Once in prison, democracy activists face horrific torture, including electric shocks, rape, iron rods rubbed on their shins until the flesh rubs off, severe beatings and solitary confinement. * They endure terrible suffering: Many prisoners are kept in their cells 24 hours a day, given inadequate food and are in poor health. However, the regime appears to be systematically denying medical treatment to political prisoners. These are brave men and women that are at the forefront of the fight for freedom and democracy in Burma. Lend them your support and sign the petition now: Thank you, Anna Roberts Director Burma Campaign UK --- Support our work: Donate to the Burma Campaign UK and make a difference today. You can be sure your donation will make a difference. Supporting the Burma Campaign UK is one of the most effective ways of supporting the struggle to free Burma. Donate now: -- Was this email forwarded to you by a friend? If you are not already a member of the Burma Campaign UK e-mail network, and would like to receive these updates directly, you can subscribe by sending a blank e-mail to: If you would like to unsubscribe from this mailing list, please send a blank email to: The Burma Campaign UK Registered Company No. 3804730 Registered office address 28 Charles Square London N1 6HT ※ 引述《Tazdingo (Tazdingo)》之銘言: : 標題:緬甸民運人士全球連署 籲軍政府釋政治犯 : 新聞來源: : 【中央社╱曼谷13日專電】2009.03.13 09:55 pm : 160 多個緬甸流亡民主團體發起釋放緬甸政治犯全球連署活動,在 5月24日前取得88萬 : 8888個簽名,活動發言人索翁今天指出,唯有政治犯先被釋放,緬甸才可能真正走向民主 : 。 : 5月 24日是緬甸民主領袖翁山蘇姬應被釋放的法定日期,對這項連署活動來說別具意義。 : 緬甸流亡民主人士將在英國、印度、香港、菲律賓、韓國、印尼、澳洲、日本、愛爾蘭等 : 地展開這項連署活動。 : 這項活動也將呼籲聯合國秘書長潘基文,請他個人能優先確保所有緬甸政治犯都被釋放, : 這是緬甸走向和解與民主化必要的第一步。 : 索翁(Soe Aung)在曼谷的記者會上指出,所有政治犯必須先被釋放,否則緬甸民主不可 : 能真正發生,他們呼籲潘基文把這件事情當成首要任務。 : 兩位曾入獄的緬甸政治犯牟稍烏(Moe Zaw Oo)、蘇蒙艾(Su Mon Aye)也在記者會上見 : 證,當初為了言論自由鋃鐺入獄的過往。 : 蘇蒙艾19歲時入獄,成為最年輕的政治犯。夢想當記者且現在已是一名記者的她表示,許 : 多學生在獄中遭受刑求,就為了追求緬甸的民主自由與人權。 : 索翁表示,緬甸獄中刑求是一項政策,這種政策必須停止;許多政治犯被囚禁在偏遠的監 : 獄,幾乎沒有醫療可言。 : 特別前來支援的泰國國家人權委員會副秘書長維拉威(Weerawit Weeraworawit)也表示 : ,東南亞國家協會(Asean)希望成為一個共同體,但有多少人關心緬甸發生的狀況呢? : 東協如何能成為一個共同體? : 維拉威呼應索翁的話指出,只有這些政治犯真正獲得自由,緬甸才能真正走向政治改革的 : 道路。這些政治犯不是真正的犯罪,他們只是追求自由與民主而已。 : 根據這項簽署活動,緬甸民運人士將蒐集支持者的簽名,並施壓聯合國在這項議題上展現 : 領導力,讓潘基文了解全世界有多少人正在關注這項議題。 : 【2009/03/13 中央社】 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ling800 來自: (04/08 04:50)
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