[新聞] 順民意 抗中國 緬甸宣布停建水壩

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標題:順民意 抗中國 緬甸宣布停建水壩 新聞來源: http://tinyurl.com/5sgc3zl 自由時報 〔編譯張沛元/綜合緬甸仰光九月三十日外電報導〕 緬甸總統登盛三十日宣布暫停獲得中國資助、但極具爭議性的伊洛瓦底江水壩興建計畫。 此一宣布不但是緬甸政府的政策大轉彎、民運與環保人士成功測試政府的自由限度,也是 這個在今年初首度選出文人總統的封閉國家邁向改革的跡象之一。 總統登盛:5年任期內都會擱置 緬甸國會一名匿名官員表示,經過數週來罕見的反對建設水壩的民眾抗議後,登盛告訴國 會,他的政府是根據民意而產生,因此必須「順應民意」行動;在他擔任總統的五年期間 ,都會擱置興建密松水壩的計畫。由於發電部長索民九月初才誓言建壩到底,登盛這番話 不但是政策大轉彎,也是緬甸自今年三月由軍政府交棒給文人政府後的許多改變象徵之一 。 這是緬甸當局五十年來第一次順應民意,反對建壩的緬甸民運領袖翁山蘇姬對此宣布表示 歡迎,認為政府能傾聽民意是非常好的事;伊洛瓦底雜誌總編輯翁札說,登盛藉此停建決 定顯示他能行使總統行政權,以及能挺身對抗中國。 過去近五十年來,由軍政府統治的緬甸當權者對人民意願向來不屑一顧;但在這次的建壩 爭議中,部分政治人物顯然很擔心,倘若忤逆民意,日後恐怕無法順利連任,而這正是這 個極為封閉與受壓迫的亞洲國家去年舉行國會大選後,所出現的民主徵兆。 36億美元興建 面積大如新加坡 緬甸政府原本計畫斥資三十六億美元(約台幣一千一百零二億元)在北部克欽邦興建水力 發電廠,密松大壩(Myitsone dam)高一百五十二公尺,是全球第十五高壩,此一興建工 程將淹沒面積相當於新加坡的土地,以便興建面積達七百六十六平方公里的水庫,但該水 庫的主要獲利者是中國,因為可以解決中國與日俱增的能源需求。 此一興建案獲得中國的援助,以及與中國關係密切的緬甸強硬派的大力支持。除密松大壩 外,中國還打算在伊洛瓦底江支流興建六座水壩。 但緬甸民主改革派與環保人士反對建壩,包括民運領袖翁山蘇姬都呼籲政府重新考慮建壩 事宜,因為伊洛瓦底江對緬甸經濟、地理、生態與情感都至為重要,而建壩將危及伊洛瓦 底江的水流。 環保人士也曾警告說,興建大壩除了淹沒六十三個村落、導致一萬兩千名克欽族人流離失 所,也會破壞當地的多元生態叢林。今年六月,克欽邦在中國打算興建其它大壩的場址爆 發二十年來的首次叛亂。 緬甸領導人近年來積極擁抱中資,認為中資是能協助緬甸對抗西方經濟制裁的重要財源; 但近幾週來,密松大壩已成為緬甸人痛恨中國在緬甸的影響力與日俱增的象徵,緬甸內閣 部長與國會領導階層之間對大壩議題的立場也壁壘分明,使得大壩興建工程成為緬甸強硬 派還是改革派能主導國家走向的第一場真正的公開考驗。 圖/http://tinyurl.com/3wjmu9k 緬甸總統登盛宣布停建水壩,獲得反對建壩的緬甸民 運領袖翁山蘇姬歡迎(歐新社檔案照) 圖/http://tinyurl.com/3ctgxkn 緬甸水壩地形圖 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 標題:Myanmar drops controversial dam project 新聞來源:http://tinyurl.com/6hk5yd9 波士頓郵報 By Thomas Fuller New York Times / October 1, 2011 BANGKOK - In a rare concession to public pressure, Myanmar’s government yesterday ordered the suspension of a controversial hydroelectric project financed and led by a state-owned Chinese company. The Myitsone dam project would have been the first to span the Irrawaddy River, the largest waterway in Myanmar, and was a showcase project for the previous military government. The halt in construction was a victory for dissidents in a country with a long history of stifling opposition. Many prominent people inside Myanmar - including writers, scientists, and Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi - had opposed the project. The government’s announcement underscores the nascent stirrings of democracy in Myanmar, also known as Burma, after a nominally civilian government took control from a military junta in March. The dam’s suspension was a blow to China, long considered a benefactor to the government in Myanmar. China Power Investment, a state-run Chinese company, was leading the construction of the project, which would have delivered electricity to southern China. It is unclear how the suspension will affect six other Chinese-led hydroelectric projects in northern Myanmar. The announcement yesterday was made during a session of Parliament in the capital, Naypyidaw. The statement acknowledged the role that public pressure had played in the decision. “Being the government elected by the people, it upholds the aspiration and wishes of the people,’’ said a statement by President U Thein Sein, according to the Weekly Eleven, a newspaper in Myanmar. “It is also responsible to solve the problems that worry the public. Therefore, the government will suspend the Myitsone dam project during its tenure.’’ Although top officials in Myanmar, including Thein Sein, are former military officers, the government has sought to distance itself from decades of army rule. The new government has loosened restrictions on the media, is drafting laws on economic liberalization, and is holding regular meetings with Suu Kyi, who was released from years of house arrest in November. An estimated 2,000 political prisoners remain in detention. Despite describing its decision as a suspension of the dam’s construction, Thein Sein’s statement seemed to suggest that the project would not continue, at least not in its current form. “To fulfill the electricity need of the country, the government will continue to implement other hydropower projects that are not harmful to the nation after conducting systematic surveys,’’ it said. The statement added that the government would negotiate terms with China “ without affecting the friendly bilateral relations between the two countries.’ Chinese businesses have rapidly spread throughout Myanmar in recent years. Chinese companies are sometimes blamed for deforestation and are resented for their appetite for Myanmar’s natural resources. A pipeline that would carry natural gas and oil from the Bay of Bengal to southern China is under construction. 圖/http://tinyurl.com/3ja93de Myanmar workers stood on the bank of the Irrawaddy River in the country’s Kachin State. (Str/AFP/Getty Images/File 2010) ⓒ Copyright 2011 Globe Newspaper Company. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/01 13:21, , 1F
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10/01 18:47, , 12F
自己的勢力範圍 豬油真的不懂國際政治
10/01 18:47, 12F

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10/01 20:38, , 16F
本想幫助邊境解決部份電力 但是風險評估不足
10/01 20:38, 16F

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10/01 21:13, , 19F
猶太人都給華人打趴下了 可能嗎
10/01 21:13, 19F

10/02 01:00, , 20F
這地方很妙 是兩軍容易衝突的地區 水壩被炸到是有可能的
10/02 01:00, 20F

10/02 01:01, , 21F
以安全起見 中國要不要在這建水壩還很難說
10/02 01:01, 21F

10/02 01:02, , 22F
還有 緬甸不可能背叛中國 官民意是完全親中的
10/02 01:02, 22F

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