[情報] 131203 FIASCO-Backstage with INFINITE

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131203 FIASCO - Music∣Backstage with INFINITE 原文-Words:Taylor Glasby / Photography:Elliott Morgan 中翻-LoveSungKyu_熱戀站 / 翻譯:肥妮,製圖:Dee,轉載請注明出處 Music∣Backstage with INFINITE 音樂∣INFINITE 後台 ——————————————————————————————————————— http://i.imgur.com/N5wLQbl.jpg
Armed with a AAA pass and a photographer, I'm not going to say no to squeezing in with South Korea's INFINITE in their dressing room before their first ever London show. The likelihood of you reading this and not being deeply familiar with INFINITE is so minute that it's worth bypassing the intro jibber and getting straight into it. Wait, you're like INFINITE who? In a nutshell–7 piece, male K-Pop group with razor sharp choreography (including a stunning 'Scorpion Dance' move that never fails to raise your neck hair) and intensely layered pop masterpieces, from the world-acclaimed 'The Chaser' to this year's lavish, pulsating 'Destiny', complete with an MV containing more lens flares than Michael Bay's entire CV. 手持工作證,和一名攝影師一起,我走進了韓國組合INFINITE倫敦首秀之前的服裝室。 如果你不熟悉INFINITE,那麼你極可能跳過這段介紹。等一下,你知道INFINITE嗎? 7人7色的男子k-pop組合擁有鋒利的刀群舞(其中的絲毫不差的'蠍子舞'令人寒毛豎起) 在流行音樂中獨占一籌,從去年舉世矚目的'追擊者',到今年奢華脈動的'Destiny', 其MV甚至比Michael Bay的簡歷還要絢麗多彩。(Michael Bay,美國著名導演、製片人) http://i.imgur.com/UQQNmLc.jpg
Three and half years into their career and they've set out on this major tour, taking in America and Europe alongside their extensive Asian dates. One Great Step has played to big audiences, audiences louder than jet engines taking off and even hysterical audiences, as anyone at the New York City show will attest to. But above all that, OGS, with its 120 minute-plus running time , was about INFINITE's already impressive back catalogue and refined showmanship, and at last delivering it to their ever increasing, heavily devoted international fanbase. 僅僅在出道3年半的時間,他們已經在美國、歐洲,以及亞洲展開了巡迴演唱會。 One Great Step擁有廣大的粉絲,歇斯底里的粉絲們的歡呼尖叫甚至比噴氣式飛機 起飛的聲音還要大,這一點在他們的紐約演唱會上已經得到認證。但比起這個, OGS, 在超過120分鐘的演出裡,充滿了屬於INFINITE的令人印象深刻的舞台表演,讓其 國際粉絲數量不斷增加。 http://i.imgur.com/ANcAFWB.jpg
FIASCO was invited to spend time with INFINITE backstage, in a smallish room crammed with bags, bodies weighted with walkie talkies, make up, and hairdryers. The atmosphere is surprisingly relaxed given that even through concrete walls you can hear the fan screams intensifying as stage time comes closer. Woohyun plays a battle game on his phone, Sungyeol carefully watching over his shoulder. Beside them, Dongwoo is napping soundly in a single chair. Sungjong perches–bright-eyed and sweetly cheerful–next to him. Sunggyu is in the make-up chair as Hoya appears–crackling with energy–to say an exuberant hello, while L sits quietly on a far couch, lost in his own thoughts. Their bodies are tougher looking, even the maknae's, than they are on-screen, all sinewy muscle and broad shoulders, while their faces– found decorating everything from keychains to posters to Korean Pepsi commercials–are almost preternaturally beautiful. FIASCO此次受邀能夠來到INFINITE演唱會後台,這是一個擠滿了袋子、演唱會設備, 集梳化於一體的狹小空間。儘管你能透過水泥牆聽到隨著演唱會臨近而不斷增大的 粉絲的尖叫聲,但屋裡的氣氛出乎意料的輕鬆。優賢正在玩手機遊戲,成烈仔細地 查看他的肩膀。在他們邊上,東雨正在椅子上酣然入睡。在東雨旁邊的成種,明亮 的眼睛,總是給人歡快的感覺。聖圭正在梳化,Hoya總是充滿能量地不停說話,L 靜靜地坐在遠處的沙發上,沈浸在自己的世界裡。他們的身材比電視上看著更健美, 就算是忙內也是一樣,發達的肌肉和壯碩的肩膀,但是他們的臉蛋,你可以在韓國 百事廣告裡看到,不可思議的漂亮。 http://i.imgur.com/sWmcUFM.jpg
However, there's no hiding they're tired. Not surprising given 2013 has had them working non-stop on group and individual projects but it's also been a year of ups and downs for various members in the public eye. You, as an Inspirit, know the deal. It's been and (mostly) gone. Right now they're focused on closing OGS out in style, on making the most of exploring new turf and making good on their fans' unfailing support. There might be some fatigued eyes in here but INFINITE are still friendly, welcoming and warm, confidently hailing us across the room in English. 然而,他們的疲憊也無法遮掩。在2013年從未間隙的組合及個人活動,以及一整年 多位成員的個人活動,這樣的疲憊並不奇怪。你,作為一名Inspirit,當然知道這 些。今年即將結束。目前,他們正著眼于提升自身魅力以及回報粉絲們的不斷支持, 來為OGS畫上一個完滿的句號。他們或許眼神中有些疲憊,但INFINITE仍然十分友好 及溫暖,十分有自信地與我用英語交談。 http://i.imgur.com/2betK8E.jpg
L, naturally, has his eye on the Canon Fiasco's photographer is using, chatting about the make and his own beloved camera. When Dongwoo finally opens his eyes he's up, Energizer bunny UP, he and Woohyun noticeably charging the atmosphere. They meet with young fans who are fighting cancer, signing every piece of merch and paper they're given, chatting with the girls to relax them in this clearly surreal moment, all the while fielding their questions and ribbing each other. Later Hoya wants to practice his English–he's patient as I scratch out his mistakes and determined to perfect the corrections–while Sunggyu is last to change and still buckling his belt even as he's stopping for solo shots. Their vocal exercises begin as they're miked up; loud and amusingly, given they harmonise like a well oiled machine on stage, a total cacophony. Still, we managed to pin them into a brief interview and these exclusive images, before they headed on to the Eventim Apollo stage to slay a thousand Inspirit hearts. L,自然地,一直盯著攝影師手上的Canon相機,並且聊著他喜歡的個人相機。當東雨 睡醒後,就像一隻充滿能量的兔子,他和優賢毫無疑問是氣氛調節者。INFINITE在這 裡和正在與癌症鬥爭的年輕粉絲見面,仔細地給每位粉絲簽名,與每位粉絲聊天,提 問來緩解粉絲們對這夢境一般環境的緊張。 之後,Hoya練習他的英語-十分耐心地在我指出他的錯誤時不斷練習糾正。此時聖圭 作為最後一名梳化的成員,在他繫皮帶的時候被我們叫停下來拍個人照片。當他們 聚在一起後,便開始vocal練習,大聲也有趣,他們的和音就像一個運轉順暢的機器。 在他們正式登上舞台奪取萬千Inspirit的心之前,我們有機會和他們做個簡短的採訪。 http://i.imgur.com/pEHE5gH.jpg
- If you had free moments on tour, what did you do to fill the time? 如果你在巡演中有自由時間,你會怎麼度過呢? The US tour was going for about two weeks with four shows, so we had chances to enjoy our free moments. We all went to historic places, beaches and many places in each city. Those short trips helped refresh and inspire each of us a lot and we could learn so much about the cities and countries that we visited. 美國巡演在兩周內進行了四場演出,所以我們有機會能享受自由時間。我們去了 每個城市有名的歷史景點、海邊,還有其他地方。這些短暫的旅行讓我們放鬆也 激勵我們,同時我們也了解到了每個城市不同的文化。 - What has surprised or shocked you the most about Inspirits outside of Asia? 對於亞洲以外的Inspirits,最讓你們驚喜或印象深刻的是什麼? It was much bigger than we expected and we were so happy that they all welcomed us a lot. They encouraged us and made us feel more responsible for our career. We hope there will be more chances to visit again in near future. 海外的Inspirit比我們期待的還要多,並且他們都十分歡迎我們。他們激勵我們, 也讓我們對於自己的歌手生涯產生更多的責任感。我們希望在不久的將來能有更 多機會與他們見面。 - After shows how do you wind down and come off the high of performing? 在情緒高漲的演唱會後,你們怎麼讓自己冷靜下來呢? It takes hours to chill out. Talking about the performance and how much fun the show was, this is the best and easiest way to come off the high. We don't really have big, loud parties. We hope that we can have dinner with all the staffs after the tour. 要花好幾個小時冷靜下來,在一起聊著今天的表演以及有趣的事情是最好也最容易 的方法。我們不會在演唱會後有喧鬧盛大的party。但希望能和所有工作人員在結束 巡迴後一起吃個晚餐。 - What's the most memorable moment from this tour? 在這次巡迴中,最讓你們難忘的瞬間是什麼? All the cities we've visited gave us a big welcome. We could say, especially the show in Bangkok, Thailand was incredible. The enthusiasm of Thai Inspirit was unbelievable, we could feel the heat. All of us were so into the show that we could barely walk out to the parking lot after the show. 每個我們去到的城市都十分歡迎我們。如果要說,我們會說泰國,曼谷場的巡演 十分的不可思議。泰國Inspirit的熱情無法相信的高漲,我們都能夠感受到。每 個人都十分享受那場演唱會,在演唱會後我們甚至很難從停車場出去。 - Rookie group Alphabat recently covered 'Nothing's Over'; what were your thoughts on watching it? 新人組合Alphabat最近表演了你們的'Nothing's Over',你們有看嗎?有何感想呢? Thank you for the performance and we all enjoyed it! The new 'Nothing's Over' was a great transformation to watch and their dance was amazing, too. We can't wait to see their next performances! 我們很感謝他們的表演,也很享受地看完了。新的'Nothing's Over'變換了一種 新的形態,他們的舞蹈也十分驚人。我們已經迫不及待要看他們下一次表演了! - Sunggyu, you recently collaborated with Kanto and seemed to enjoy the opportunity. If you could collaborate with any artist from anywhere in the world, who would it be? 聖圭,你最近與Kanto合作,看的出來你十分享受。如果你有機會與世界任何一位藝術 家合作,你會選擇誰?   I enjoy listening to a variety of music but I can say rock is my favorite. I was very lucky to have a solo album in collaboration with NELL. I learned a lot from them and enjoyed every moment. I really look forward to working with NELL again in the near future. 我很喜歡聽各種類型的音樂,但我最喜歡的還是搖滾。我在solo專輯的時候有幸 能與NELL前輩一起合作。從他們身上學到很多,也很享受合作的過程。我十分期 帶能在近期與NELL前輩再次合作。 - Woohyun, your solo stage for OGS was doing your own self-composed song… have you got the confidence to do a solo mini or full album? 優賢,你在OGS的solo舞台上表演的是你的自作曲,你有沒有想過要出solo迷你或 正規專輯呢? I suppose it's a bit early to think about making a solo album for now. Though if there's a chance I want to show something unique, my own style, which will be quite different from INFINITE's. That will be a good chance for me to expand the spectrum and experience something new and inspiring. I'm thinking some ballad songs like 'Beautiful' will work. 我認為對於我來說現在出solo專輯還為時尚早。如果有機會,我想展示特別的, 只屬於我自己,有別於INFINITE的風格。相信對我來說這會是一個不斷提升自我, 體驗新事物的好機會。我想做一些像'Beautiful'一樣的抒情歌曲會很不錯。 http://i.imgur.com/ovJlNtt.jpg
- Sungyeol, you're been keeping busy doing Laws of the Jungle and Please Remember, Princess. What's your feeling about being in such demand? 成烈,你從<叢林的法則>到<戀愛潛能>,就一直十分忙碌。你對於如此忙碌的個人 行程有什麼想法嗎? It's been a meaningful year having various careers and experiencing lots of things. It was a pretty busy schedule because was shooting during tour. Though I was so excited to try something new and meet many people. I find acting very interesting and will look forward to having more opportunities to try new roles. 能夠有機會體驗各種事業獲得不同的經驗,對我來說是非常有意義的一年。這的確 是十分繁忙的行程,因為我同時也在做著巡演。但我仍然十分興奮能夠嘗試新的事 物,也認識到不同的人。我覺得表演十分有趣,也希望能有機會嘗試更多不同的角 色。 - Myungsoo, fans bought your photo books because they are L fans, but what do you hope they thought when they took the time to study the images? 明洙,粉絲們買你的 photo book 因為他們是L的粉絲,但是你希望他們在欣賞你的 照片時,看到什麼呢? I appreciate all our fans and readers who have supported and enjoyed my photo books. This was about a part of me, Kim Myung Soo, a boy in his 20s, not as a K-Pop idol. I hope you all enjoyed the moments I captured through the lens and these photos will touch your wounds and give peace back to your life. 我很感謝我的粉絲和讀者們能夠那麼支持並喜歡我的photo book。這書是關於我的 一部份,金明洙,一個男生在他20代的故事,而不是k-pop偶像。我希望讀者能夠 享受我用鏡頭捕捉下來的每個瞬間,那些照片能夠讓人產生感動,並且能在你的 生活中帶來一絲平靜就好了。 - OGS is coming to an end; when you all look back on this tour what would you like to think you have achieved? OGS就快要結束了,當你們回過頭看的時候,你們覺得收獲到了什麼? We can't believe we have only 3 shows left for us this year. It was all about challenging ourselves and finding possibilities to step out further to the world. Fans all around the world made it there and enjoyed our show with us, that is the biggest achievement we got from OGS. 我們仍然難以相信只剩下最後的三場表演了。這場巡演是對我們自己的挑戰, 同時也是對我們未來世界性的發展尋求可能性。能夠得到世界各地粉絲的喜歡, 並且享受我們的表演,是我們這一系列巡演下來最大的收獲。 http://i.imgur.com/x7GIBSZ.jpg
原文來源 - http://bit.ly/1gC4Qe8 cr.FIASCO 中翻圖片版 - http://imgur.com/KgViBnu
(part1) http://imgur.com/VenM1or
(part2) cr.LoveSungKyu_熱戀站 [翻譯:肥妮/製圖:Dee] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/04 05:31, , 1F
12/04 05:31, 1F

12/04 08:45, , 2F
辛苦了!! 世巡倒數中~ 希望有機會好好休息~
12/04 08:45, 2F

12/04 08:45, , 3F
可是再來就要去日本活動了 T_____T
12/04 08:45, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1IdaclOE (INFINITE)