[轉錄][情報] A.L. Focus on BULLPENS

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※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板] 作者: kennyone (珍惜) 站內: MLB 標題: [情報] A.L. Focus on BULLPENS 時間: Tue Jan 22 07:22:37 2008 A.L. Focus on BULLPENS By Gerry Fraley (SportingNews Week of January 21, 2008) 1.INDIANS RHP Joe Borowski, RHP Rafael Betancourt, LHP Rafael Perez, RHP Masahide Kobayashi, RHP Jensen Lewis, RHP Tom Mastny, LHP Aaron Fultz Kobayashi, who had seven consecutive 20-plus-save seasons in Japan, gives the team another good arm to clear the way for Borowski, who saved 45 games last season but also blew eight chances. 2.RED SOX RHP Jonathan Papelbon, LHP Hideki Okajima, RHP Mike Timlin, RHP Manny Delcarmen, RHP Julian Tavarez, RHP Kyle Snyder, LHP Javier Lopez Depth helps the bullpen stay fresh; no one had to pitch more than 70 innings in '07. Okajima served as a great bridge to Papelbon. Opponents hit .183 against Delcarmen. 3.ANGELS RHP Francisco Rodriguez, RHP Scot Shields, RHP Justin Speier, RHP Ervin Santana, RHP Dustin Moseley, RHP Chris Bootcheck, LHP Darren Oliver Rodriguez usually gets out of whack with his delivery for a stretch but will right himself and pick up 40-plus saves. The usually reliable Shields had a rough second half (7.36 ERA) last season. 4.BLUE JAYS LHP B.J. Ryan, RHP Jeremy Accardo, RHP Casey Janssen, RHP Jason Frasor, RHP Brian Wolfe, LHP Scott Downs, LHP Brian Tallet Accardo converted 30 of 35 save chances last year after Ryan was lost to elbow surgery. If Ryan returns as expected, the Jays will have two strong setup men in Accardo and Janssen, who throws a power sinker. 5.TWINS RHP Joe Nathan, RHP Pat Neshek, RHP Matt Guerrier, RHP Juan Rincon, RHP Julio DePaula, LHP Dennys Reyes, LHP Glen Perkins Manager Ron Gardenhire learned from predecessor Tom Kelly the art of taking care of a bullpen. Neshek's funky delivery makes him difficult to hit. Nathan possesses the only real power arm. 6.YANKEES RHP Mariano Rivera, RHP LaTroy Hawkins, RHP Kyle Farnsworth, RHP Jose Veras, RHP Brian Bruney, RHP Edwar Ramirez The Yankees will try Farnsworth, who has been a poor fit in the Bronx, and newcomer Hawkins to improve the setup situation. 7.MARINERS RHP J.J. Putz, LHP George Sherrill, RHP Sean Green, RHP Mark Lowe, LHP Eric O'Flaherty, LHP Ryan Rowiand-Smith Sherrill is one of the league's best lefthanded specialists and also can get out righthanded hitters. Lefthanders hit .329 against Green. RHP Brendan Morrow could again fill the setup role if he doesn't start. 8.TIGERS RHP Todd Jones, RHP Femando Rodney, LHP Bobby Seay, RHP Jason Grilli, RHP Francisco Cruceta, RHP Yorman Bazardo, LHP Tim Byrdak Losing RHP Zumaya (shoulder) until mid-season hurts. Without him, the bullpen lacks strikeout punch. Jones gets by on guile and guts. Grilli had a 7.96 ERA at home and a 1.91 ERA on the road last season. 9.ROYALS RHP Joakim Soria, RHP Yasuhiko Yabuta, RHP Joel Peralta, LHP Ron Mahay, LHP Jimmy Gobble, RHP Brandon Duckworth, LHP John Bale Soria was a huge find as a Rule 5 pick--he held opponents to a .187 average. Yabuta, who struck out Alex Rodriguez, Johnny Damon and Derrek Lee in the World Baseball Classic, was added to handle the eighth innings. 10.RANGERS LHP C.J. Wilson, RHP Joaquin Benoit, RHP Wes Littleton, RHP Frank Francisco, RHP Kazuo Fukumori, LHP John Rheinecker Wilson moves into the closer role but must improve against righthanded hitters. If Wilson falters, Fukumori can close. Benoit piled up 82 innings to help bail out the rotation last season. 11.ATHLETICS RHP Huston Street, LHP Alan Embree, RHP Santiago Casilla, RHP Andrew Brown, RHP Kiko Calero, LHP Dana Eveland Street is tough, but hitters can sit on his slider when he relies on it too much. Embree had a career year at 37, saving 17 games. Casilla began to harness his potential in '07. 12.WHITE SOX RHP Bobby Jenks, RHP Scott Linebrink, LHP Matt Thornton, RHP Mike MacDougal, RHP Ehren Wassermann, LHP Boone Logan The club had the A.L.'s third-highest bullpen ERA (5.47). Linebrink takes over the setup role, but he may be worn out after five consecutive seasons of more than 70 innings. Jenks' strikeout rate has dropped noticeably. 13.RAYS RHP Troy Percival, RHP Al Reyes, RHP Dan Wheeler, RHP Gary Glover, RHP Scott Dohmann, RHP Grant Balfour, LHP Kurt Birkins Percival, who came out of retirement last season, is a closer again. His breaking pitch remains sharp. Reyes allowed a whopping 13 homers in '07. Wheeler could fill the setup void. 14.ORIOLES LHP Jamie Walker, RHP Chad Bradford, RHP Rocky Cherry, RHP Jim Hoey, RHP Randor Bierd, RHP Fernando Cabrera, RHP Dennis Sarfate The loss of closer Chris Ray and setup man Danys Baez to elbow surgery leaves Walker as the closer. Opponents hit .294 against Bradford. Bierd, a hard-throwing Rule 5 pick, should stick. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/22 08:34,
01/22 08:34
已補完 Thx^^ ※ 編輯: kennyone 來自: (01/22 09:05)

01/22 09:05,
"Famsworth" = =a...
01/22 09:05
原文上是打這樣 so...^^"

01/22 09:07,
Indians→Rafael RafaelPerez 多一個Rafael
01/22 09:07
謝謝!! 已修改!!!^^ ※ 編輯: kennyone 來自: (01/22 09:21) ※ 編輯: kennyone 來自: (01/22 09:25)

01/22 09:52,
01/22 09:52

01/22 10:50,
皇家隊先把曹加進去吧 哈哈
01/22 10:50

01/22 11:16,
01/22 11:16

01/22 11:29,
世事變化真大 去年初紅襪牛棚明明洞一堆 過了一年就被評價
01/22 11:29

01/22 11:31,
01/22 11:31

01/22 11:32,
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01/22 11:38,
01/22 11:38

01/22 12:23,
只是看完之後分享 歡迎轉錄^^
01/22 12:23

01/22 12:45,
小林雅英VS爆炸司機 比誰抖嗎(誤
01/22 12:45

01/22 13:01,
對耶...印地安人將擁有權聯盟最精采的八九局 XD
01/22 13:01

01/22 15:58,
01/22 15:58

01/22 16:24,
01/22 16:24
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/22 22:22, , 1F
01/22 22:22, 1F

01/22 23:28, , 2F
01/22 23:28, 2F

01/23 00:05, , 3F
可能是劇場能力第一名吧 XD
01/23 00:05, 3F

01/23 00:06, , 4F
01/23 00:06, 4F

01/23 00:20, , 5F
01/23 00:20, 5F

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01/23 10:37, 6F
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