Fw: [外電] KIDD好像真的來了欸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

看板JasonKidd作者 (衰事連篇)時間12年前 (2012/07/09 23:06), 編輯推噓3(300)
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謝謝Knicks的lest83大翻譯, 轉來這裡討論,有海巡的話就讓他們到JasonKidd板吧。 ※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板 #1F-kgdl_ ] 作者: lest83 (lest83) 看板: Knicks 標題: Re: [外電] KIDD好像真的來了欸!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 時間: Mon Jul 9 22:28:52 2012 不知道為啥現在美國隊的人有談論了一下 關於接生小孩加入尼克的事 http://ppt.cc/BT_F LeBron: Signing Kidd to three-year deal 'really good' for Knicks 喇叭詹:"喲~尼克簽了接生小孩阿 不錯喲~!" James believes Kidd will be “really good for that team'' despite the fact he's 39 years old. “It can't hurt them,'' James said yesterday after the US Olympic Team's practice at UNLV. “J-Kidd is a champion. He's going to be a Hall of Famer when he decides to hang it up. He’s going to help them a lot. His mind, the reason he’s been able to play so long is because he can think the game better than a lot of guys who are faster than him and have more athleticism. 喇叭詹相信接生小孩將會是"對隊伍非常有幫助的" 即使他要39歲了 喇叭詹:"這不會傷害到他們 接生小孩是個冠軍 他將會是個名人堂球員 他可以幫助他們很多 他的心態就是他之所以可以打那麼久的原因 因為他可以比那些體能比他好的人還要了解比賽狀況! “He’s great for the game. I love him. I always looked up to him. He’s going to be really good for that team.’’ "他對於比賽是非常好的 我很愛他 我總是崇拜他 他真的對隊伍的幫助很大" Kevin Durant said Kidd is like “a hero.” “That’s the guy you look at and want to be like,’’ Durant said. “He’s a hero to a lot of people playing — almost 20 years in the league at a high level. He’s playing great basketball and 39 years old. It’s something I wish I can do and hope I can do. I’ve got a long ways to go, but I’m looking forward to doing what he did. KD則說:"接生小孩是個英雄 那個人就是你想要成為的那種人 他是個英雄 他打了將近20年的高強度比賽 他可以再39歲的時候打出不錯的籃球 這就是我希望我自己也可以做到的 我還有很長的路要走 但我會期望自己可以做到 跟他一樣的成就 Once upon a time, Chris Paul of the Clippers, Team USA’s starting point guard, figured to be the Knicks’ big free-agent point guard addition this summer. Paul said Kidd, with the right amount of minutes, is still dangerous. “He’ll give you 24 good minutes and he’ll give you anything you want,’’ Paul said. “He can play more minutes. And J-Kidd is going to try to play more minutes because he’s that competitive. He’s going to be just fine. That ’s J-Kidd we’re talking about.’’ 小保羅(CP3)說:"接生小孩還是很有威脅性的 你只要給他24分鐘 他會給你非常有效 率的成績 他可以打上一些時間 接生小孩他總是會試著多打一點 因為他就是那麼有 競爭性的人 他還是可以的! 這就是我們在談論的人-接生小孩!" Kidd has agreed to terms with the Knicks on a three-year deal for roughly $9 million, but the Knicks are still trying to figure out whether they will obtain him through a sign-and-trade or with the $3.09 million mini-midlevel exception. That depends on whether free-agent center Marcus Camby agrees to rejoin the Knicks after meeting with coach Mike Woodson, general manager Glen Grunwald and assistant GM Allan Houston yesterday in Houston. 接生小孩應該是小中產 然後目前追求的CAMBY在嘗試S&T They are also expected to re-sign JR Smith for one year and $2.8 million and have the inside track on Steve Novak, who is talking to a few other teams but does not yet have an offer the Knicks can respond to. 尼克預計用280萬簽回JR 還有NOVAK正在跟一些球隊談約 A source familiar with the Knicks' thinking said they didn't want to overpay this summer. They are not expected to match Landry Fields' backloaded offer sheet with the Raptors. LF應該會順利的去多倫多挑戰龍王的位子 Though the Knicks signed Italian League swingman James White, they still could use another shooting guard — perhaps Randy Foye — because Iman Shumpert won't return until January, due to knee surgery. 雖然已經多簽了小白了 但尼克仍在嘗試用底薪再多簽個SG 可能是Randy Foye 目前預計尼克想像中的板凳陣容 PG KIDD /(可能)阿根廷控衛 SG JR /(受傷中)鄉波 SF NOVAK /小白 PF JJ / C CAMBY /肯胖(成功留下的話) 只是如果CAMBY後來跟RiLLY吃過飯的話...........那就.............呵呵 -- ─∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ play with each _ ─-.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (07/09 22:31) ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (07/09 22:32)

07/09 22:32, , 1F
推推~ 謝謝翻譯
07/09 22:32, 1F

07/09 22:51, , 2F
07/09 22:51, 2F

07/09 22:58, , 3F
是 Riley 啦 原po是太喜歡 Rally 賽車嗎 ? XDD
07/09 22:58, 3F
哈哈 記錯了XD ※ 編輯: lest83 來自: (07/09 22:59)

07/09 23:04, , 4F
可喔 我不會用水球 請自轉~
07/09 23:04, 4F

07/09 23:05, , 5F
抱歉 謝謝L大 借我轉Kidd板
07/09 23:05, 5F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: unbomb (, 時間: 07/09/2012 23:05:58 ※ 編輯: unbomb 來自: (07/09 23:07)

07/10 01:29, , 6F
07/10 01:29, 6F

07/10 08:35, , 7F
Camby也來了,老人role player增加一枚
07/10 08:35, 7F

07/10 14:12, , 8F
期待勉族..當拳王好替補 加油KIDD
07/10 14:12, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1F-lDOW9 (JasonKidd)