[外絮] Nash談林:每隊都需要林書豪這樣的控衛

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Steve Nash: Every team can use Jeremy Lin Nash談林:每隊都需要林書豪這樣的控衛 2012 FEB 25 4:40 PM ET 原文連結:http://ppt.cc/g,pM 文╱Jared Zwerling 佛羅里達奧蘭多採訪 ORLANDO, Fla. -- Whenever someone quickly rises to the top, there is a select few who believe it's an aberration. 每當有新星迅速竄起,總有些人視之為偶然或僥倖。 Around the league, there are NBA scouts who believe Jeremy Lin wouldn't do what he's doing if it weren't for Mike D'Antoni's point guard-friendly, pick-and-roll system. And there are players who believe they would just have as much success as Lin if they had been given the same opportunity in that system. 聯盟裡有球探認定林書豪有今日成就,靠的是丹東尼的擋切系統以及 對後衛的仰賴。也有球員相信只要得到相同機會、在這套系統裡發揮, 自己的成功絕不亞於林書豪。 But two-time MVP point guard Steve Nash of the Suns thinks Lin is not only a talented player, but he could thrive in any offense. 然而納許並不做此想,這位太陽隊後衛曾兩度獲得MVP, 他認為林書豪很有天份,而且在任何戰術系統中都能出類拔萃。 I think [the Knicks] is a good system for him, but I think every team can use a point guard like him," Nash, who spent four seasons playing for D'Antoni, said Saturday morning. "I don't think it's because of the system. I think it's a good system for him, but I think he'd be good anywhere he played the game. 「我認為尼克系統很適合他,但我想每一隊都會想要一個 像他這樣的控球後衛。」納許週六上午受訪時表示。 他自己曾在丹東尼手下打過四個球季。 「我不認為系統是(他表現優異的)主因。 他在這套系統裡如魚得水,但不管在哪打球,他都會表現出色。」 Nash said he hasn't had a chance to talk to Lin yet -- "hopefully one of these days," he said -- but he's been moved by the undrafted player's journey. 納許說自己還沒機會和林書豪當面談談。 「希望這幾天有機會。」他說道,這位落選球員的經歷讓他頗為感動。 It's amazing. He's a great story," said Nash, whose Suns don't face the Knicks again this season. "It's a great story for the league. I think it's phenomenal that it happened in the media capital of the world in a desperate team with a desperate fan base. It's just a beautiful thing to see somebody come out of nowhere to most people and shine the way he has. 儘管太陽隊本季不會再和尼克隊交手,納許說: 「他的故事很棒,讓人難以置信。對整個聯盟而言都是如此。」 「尤其是發生在世界媒體之都,在球隊戰績低迷, 球迷大失所望之際,造成的迴響更是巨大。 看到一個人由默默無名到萬眾矚目, 像林書豪這樣發光發熱,是件美好的事。」 Sunday night at the Amway Center, Nash will be playing in his eighth All-Star Game -- and it might not be his last, even though he's 38 years old. Former Jazz point guard John Stockton played like an All-Star reserve up until he was 40, but Nash has been more effective than Stockton offensively at the same age. In fact, Nash said he feels good and doesn't have any plans to hang up his sneakers after this season. 本週六在安麗中心球場,是納許第八度參加明星賽, 儘管他現年38歲,這也許不會是最後一次。 前爵士控衛史塔克頓(Stockton)直到40歲仍打出全明星身手, 而納許比起當年38歲的史塔克頓,在進攻上更勝一籌。 納許說自己狀態良好,在這個球季結束後也不打算退休。 But Nash admitted he has a greater appreciation for being selected to All-Star Game this year than previous times. 然而納許也承認,今年入選明星賽,比往年更讓他更覺感謝。 I think when you're young, it'll never end but when you get older, you realize you're not going to play forever," Nash said. "To be recognized and to be a part of this is a great weekend, and to be amongst all these great players, it's pretty special. 「年輕時總覺得生涯長長久久, 但等你年紀大了,就知道自己不可能永遠打下去。」 納許說道:「得到肯定,而且能夠參與這個很棒的週末, 與許多傑出的球員為伍,是個很特別的經驗。」 What's also been pretty special is Lin drawing comparisons to Nash for his pick-and-roll ability, patience around screens, kick-out passing and off-balanced fallaways inside the paint. After a practice about a week ago at the Knicks' training facility, Lin said he would be honored to take advice from Nash. 林書豪的擋切能力,遭遇阻擋時的耐心, 切入後傳球吸引防守者後再給外線空檔,以及禁區內的後仰跳投, 這些特點經常被拿來與納許相比。 大約一週前在尼克隊練球過後, 林書豪說如果能得到納許指點,他會覺得非常榮幸。 Amare Stoudemire, in fact, said he could probably arrange a meeting. 史陶德邁爾(Stoudemire)則說他或許可以幫忙牽線、安排會面。 Nash hosts his annual "Showdown in Chinatown" soccer event in New York City this summer to benefit his charitable foundation. Perhaps that conversation will happen then, if not sooner. 納許今年夏天會造訪紐約, 為他的慈善基金會主持一年一度的「中國城足球對抗賽」。 到時兩人或許有機會碰面,如果在此之前抽不出空的話。 Nash doesn't want to wait. 納許已經迫不及待了。 --------------------------------- 心得:另一個不同報導角度的採訪。Nash的發言既得體又大氣。 (ps. 籃球術語如有誤譯,請不吝指正。) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/26 22:52, , 1F
02/26 22:52, 1F

02/26 22:57, , 2F
02/26 22:57, 2F

02/26 22:58, , 3F
希望Nash和Lin見到面 XD 給一些指導或意見
02/26 22:58, 3F

02/26 22:58, , 4F
02/26 22:58, 4F

02/26 23:00, , 5F
02/26 23:00, 5F

02/26 23:02, , 6F
02/26 23:02, 6F

02/26 23:03, , 7F
長髮哥 不愧是長髮哥 說話讓人如沐春風
02/26 23:03, 7F

02/26 23:03, , 8F
02/26 23:03, 8F

02/26 23:05, , 9F
02/26 23:05, 9F

02/26 23:06, , 10F
02/26 23:06, 10F

02/26 23:07, , 11F
支持Nash來尼克 變真傳承! 然後暑假找GP特訓XD
02/26 23:07, 11F

02/26 23:09, , 12F
02/26 23:09, 12F

02/26 23:24, , 13F
02/26 23:24, 13F

02/26 23:43, , 14F
大推 而且NASH 好帥>///<
02/26 23:43, 14F

02/26 23:48, , 15F
推Nash 超帥>//////<b
02/26 23:48, 15F

02/27 00:32, , 16F
飄髮哥不大可能來尼克 因為中產會用在Lin上 除非願意拿底薪
02/27 00:32, 16F

02/27 00:33, , 17F
他怎麼可能拿底薪 = =
02/27 00:33, 17F

02/27 00:34, , 18F
尼克那兩隻把薪資卡的太死了 沒辦法
02/27 00:34, 18F

02/27 00:36, , 19F
Nash > <
02/27 00:36, 19F

02/27 01:34, , 20F
Nash會如果關心LIN 完全是因為自己的經歷跟他很像
02/27 01:34, 20F

02/27 01:35, , 21F
Nash同樣有很棒的天賦 但卻和甜瓜那種一路順遂的模式不同
02/27 01:35, 21F

02/27 01:37, , 22F
就因為經歷過被看輕放棄等等挫折 所以對Lin的看法差很多
02/27 01:37, 22F

02/27 01:57, , 23F
02/27 01:57, 23F

02/27 19:41, , 24F
希望飄髮哥來尼克 然後拿枚冠軍戒了卻心願XD
02/27 19:41, 24F

02/27 19:42, , 25F
02/27 19:42, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1FIaO-fY (Jeremy_Lin)