[外絮] Why Jeremy Lin Can Be The Next Steve N

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Why Jeremy Lin Can Be The Next Steve Nash Feb 14th, 2012 | By Coach Nick http://0rz.tw/ltaOL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 這篇是去年的文章,由知名的Coach Nick所寫的,發表在BBall Breakdown網站上。 或許有些朋友已經看過了,但我翻過精華區,應該沒有PO過才是。 趁著休賽期,用這篇文章,當作回顧,當作再一次認識J.Lin,應該也不錯吧。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Second-year guard Jeremy Lin is the talk of the NBA as he has come from almost nowhere to lead the New York Knicks to five-straight wins. In those games, Lin averaged 26 points, 8 assists, 4 rebounds and 2 steals. These are remarkable numbers for anyone but especially for a player who wasn’t on an NBA roster eight weeks ago. 職業生涯二年級生的後衛J.Lin是當今NBA的話題人物。 他不知道是從哪蹦出來的,竟帶領尼克隊取得5連勝的佳績。 這五場比賽裡,J.Lin場均26分,8助攻,4籃板和2抄截。 這個數據不僅僅是代表傑出, 而它當發生在八個禮拜以前甚至不在NBA球員登錄名單的人身上,則更具有象徵意義。 (*註:此五場比賽數據圖: http://0rz.tw/H14o2 ) (*註:有or無Lin在場上時,尼克隊與對手的整體數據圖: http://0rz.tw/0OAL2 ) Pre-Lin = 無Lin(23場),Post-Lin = 有Lin(5場) Lin has flourished with the Knicks as Head Coach Mike D’Antoni has been able to return to the high paced, pick and roll motion offense he made famous with Steve Nash and the Phoenix Sun. Like Nash, Lin excels at making the right decisions after utilizing a high ball screen. What’s impressive about Lin is that he shows how simple, and successful, basketball can be by just making good decisions. 有了Lin加入尼克隊後,讓主帥D'Antoni能夠將整個球隊的主節奏帶回到快節奏, 也能夠使用以強調P&R為基底的Motion Offense戰術主軸得以發揮。 這一套戰術也是當初D'Antoni帶領Steve Nash在太陽隊的成名作。 和Nash相同,Lin有著在高位擋拆後,作出正確進攻選擇的傑出能力。 而Lin最令人印像深刻的: 只要作出正確的決定,打籃球其實也可以很簡單又成功。 Think of Lin as a quarterback going through his offensive progressions as he reads what the defense is doing. 想像Lin像四分衛般一邊閱讀防守陣型,一邊對進攻做沙盤推演。 借重他閱讀對方防守陣型的能力,再進一步推進球隊的進攻。 If they trap the high screen, the screener slips the screen and Lin hits him in stride. 如果對手用包夾對付高位擋拆,單擋的人做假擋真切然後林俐落地把球傳給他。 If the defense sags, Lin can turn the corner with a full head of steam towards the hoop. 如果對手沉退,Lin會轉向籃框全速切入。 If a help defender rotates, he has an uncanny knack for hitting the open shooter on the weakside. 如果協防的人輪轉了,他有著不可思議的能力找到弱邊空擋的射手。 If there’s no rotation, he pulls up for an open mid-range jumper or penetrates for a layup. Read and react, it’s that simple. 如果防守沒有輪轉,他可以在中距離空檔急停出手或是切入上籃。 見招拆招,就這麼簡單。 Jeremy Lin is a legitimate NBA player who should be in the NBA for many years. He’s athletic, makes great decisions and is improving his perimeter shooting. What makes this scenario more fascinating is not just how opponents will adjust to his scoring and assist outburst. His team will also have to adjust when they add the two biggest components they have: Carmelo Anthony and Amare Stoudemire. With the offense humming along at a more efficient clip, and with Jeremy Lin’s energy and enthusiasm lighting up Madison Square Garden, Melo will have to shift his focus to being more of a catch and shoot threat – something he did to devastating effect in Denver. J.Lin是名具有NBA聯盟等級實力的球員,並且能夠在聯盟生存好幾年。 他具有運動能力,傑出的判斷力,並且正在進步中的外圍投射能力。 未來的故事情節吸引人的地方,並不僅只於對手將如何限制住他的得分與助攻能力。 而尼克隊也會因Carmelo Anthony和Amare Stoudemire,這兩大巨頭的歸隊而有所改變。 當球隊的進攻端變得更連貫且更有效率時,加上Lin的能量與熱情, 這些將會照亮整個整個麥迪遜花園廣場。 而Melo將需要把更多重心擺在C&S給予對方的威脅性上面, 如同他在金塊隊所展現出一樣的破壞力。 And with both Tyson Chandler and Amare Stoudemire setting those ball screens for Jeremy Lin, it creates a two headed monster that opponents will have extreme difficulty stopping. While Jeremy Lin may not be the piece that gets the Knicks a championship, his play can certainly vault them to the upper division of the Eastern Conference. 而當Tyson Chandler與Amare Stoudemire都能幫J.Lin作掩護時, 這會創造出兩頭另對手難以阻擋的巨大怪獸。 也許J.Lin不會是尼克隊爭冠的關鍵,但他的表現確實能幫助球隊, 在東區分組取得更高的順位。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *影片: Why Jeremy Lin Can Be The Next Steve Nash http://0rz.tw/7STN9 *影片翻譯:http://0rz.tw/mIdlP (by olively 出自尼克板) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose: Can he be another Steve Nash? Cuban: Yeah, he absolutely can. He’s that good. He’s got that type of talent. But, part of what made Steve Nash great, when Nash went from the Mavericks to the Suns and became MVP, it was a system that he just excelled at. So, Jeremy has got to play in the right environment with the right players and he can be a star. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- J.LIN#7 @ RedNation -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: KenRock 來自: (05/16 13:23)

05/16 13:24, , 1F
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05/16 13:26, , 2F
補推~~~~ 感謝
05/16 13:26, 2F

05/16 13:29, , 3F
感謝翻譯! 紫色那一段和前一句看了想哭. 希望有機會
05/16 13:29, 3F

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05/16 13:42, , 7F
想拿當簽名檔,可是太長了 放不進去 XDDDDD
05/16 13:42, 7F

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05/16 13:52, , 9F
據說他也轉變認為小貝該當先發? 庫班的話令人感慨..= =
05/16 13:52, 9F

05/16 14:31, , 10F
感謝翻譯! 庫班那段紫色的話..QQ 希望Lin有這麼一天且很快
05/16 14:31, 10F

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05/16 23:01, , 19F
謝謝翻譯 lin這幾個月努力進化升級 我也努力減肥 一起加油XD
05/16 23:01, 19F

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05/16 23:33, , 23F
謝謝翻譯!蠻喜歡看coach Nick系列影片的~
05/16 23:33, 23F

05/17 01:37, , 24F
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05/17 06:39, , 25F
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05/17 08:40, , 26F
感謝~ 那段瘋狂又美好的日子。期待下個球季!
05/17 08:40, 26F

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文章代碼(AID): #1Hb6pz7l (Jeremy_Lin)