[外絮] 林書豪將比想像中更快成為年度最佳第六人

看板Jeremy_Lin作者 (no way..)時間10年前 (2014/02/16 22:49), 編輯推噓74(76292)
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Jeremy Lin Will Win 6th Man of the Year Award Sooner Than You Think 林書豪將比想像中更快成為年度最佳第六人 來源:http://ppt.cc/rySP By John Wilmes ************* P.S. 這篇其實中文新聞有了,且是bleacher report的文 但明星週休賽中,加減看 ************* Linsanity is over. 林來瘋已經結束了。 In its wake roams Houston Rockets point guard Jeremy Lin, the basketball player undoubtedly lesser than the hysteria that once surrounded him during one exciting winter jaunt with the New York Knicks. 而自這股旋風中抽離的火箭隊控衛林書豪, 與那年冬天在紐約尼克,那曾圍繞著他而瘋狂的氛圍相比, 他現在無疑受到較少的關注。 But make no mistake: Lin is still darn good. In fact, he may even be an award-winning baller—and sooner than you think. 但不要搞錯了,林仍然要命的好。 事實上,他甚至可能成為獲獎的球員, 而且是以比你預期更快。 Lin is in the mix for Sixth Man of the Year honors this season, as the Rockets have favored Patrick Beverley as their starting point guard for most of the year. But both guards are typically around to finish games, especially close ones, and the two essentially average the same minutes. Lin is clocking 30.9 per game, while Beverley is at 31.8. The Rockets' best lineup is with Lin, Beverley, Terrence Jones, Dwight Howard and Chandler Parsons, holding a .875 winning percentage, good for ninth in the league. 因火箭今年多數的比賽,都傾向讓小貝先發, 林本季有可能獲得年度最佳第六人, 不過兩個人大多時間都會一起在場上完成比賽, 尤其是比賽終結比賽的時候, 兩人的平均上場時間也很接近。 林是30.9分鐘,而小貝則是31.8分鐘。 火箭場上最佳組合是林,小貝,TJ,魔獸以及CP。 勝率可以到達0.875,在聯盟排名第九。 More importantly, the Rockets have come to rely quite heavily on Lin. The team has been smart enough to identify what seems to be his lasting role in the NBA. He’s a microwave man, providing the necessary extra firepower just when the opposition think they’ve got a handle on Houston’s full-court attack. 更重要的是,火箭越來越依賴林。 他們夠聰明,知道該把林放在怎樣的定位。 他是隨插即用型的球員, 當對手封阻了火箭隊的進攻時, 他可以適時提供所需的火力。 (林不是一向是慢熱嗎 ??) With Lin, the Rockets transcend mere potency. They become relentless. While less powerful than superstar teammate James Harden, Lin’s slashing is similar enough to Harden’s to consistently give defenses fits. He’s often the straw that breaks the enemy's back. 有林在場,火箭進攻更具威脅性,趨近於殺手級。 即使林在場的威力,小於隊友超級球星哈登, 但哈登在防守上的缺失,常常讓火箭無法反擊敵手。 而這兩相均衡之下,其實差異不大。 But this is not the sole line of reasoning for why Lin will almost inevitably receive the award. Plenty of NBA reserve guards supply the same spark in similar quantity—J.R. Smith, Jarrett Jack, Mo Williams, Reggie Jackson, Marco Belinelli and even the resurgent D.J. Augustin are just some of the current equivalents to what Lin offers. 但這並不是林很有機會拿到第六人的原因。 聯盟當中有許多球員也可以在場上有如此亮眼的表現, 像是JR, ack, Mo Williams, Reggie Jackson, Marco Belinelli 甚至是D.J. Augustin 都可以在場上和林一樣的表現。 Rather, Lin’s narrative is one that’s all too compelling. 而是,林的故事實在是太吸引人了。 And like all awards, Sixth Man honors are highly driven by their stories. They’re selected by journalists who weave a sort of sociological afghan for a profession, not by stats-crashers and talent appraisers who scrutinize a player's every move. 第六人的獎項和其他獎項相同,球員的故事佔了能否得獎的極大因素。 這些獎項是由來自不同領域的記者所選出, 並非是研究球員每個動作的數據派,或是能力分析派。 Lin, in this light, is a prime candidate. 林身在聚光燈下,當然是有力的候選人之一。 Whether it’s this year, next or in a later season, the media will not be able to resist the redemption tale implicit in giving him this trophy. There’s a ready made barrage of nostalgic treatises for when Lin is dubbed the very best reserve in basketball. 不論是本季,下季或是再下季, 媒體們很難不因他的故事,而給予他這個獎項, 當林在聯盟展露頭角之時,他的故事早已為他打下了獲獎基礎。 In other words: Linsanity may be over, but we haven't forgotten what it did to our hearts. Lin is unlikely to ever capture our attention the way he did in 2012, but his sudden Big Apple blaze was a system shock to the image of the league. It’s a coming-of-age piece unlike any we’ve seen in years—one fit for a retrospective. 換句話說,林來瘋也許已經結束, 但我們無法將它從內心抹去。 林永遠無法再以2012年的那種方式,吸引大家的注意力, 但他突然在紐約所燃起的熊熊烈焰,燃燒了整個聯盟。 林來瘋是大家前所未見,回想起來總是別有一番滋味在心頭。 Which is not to say that Lin’s singular circumstances (which really means his race, if we’re to look down the eyes of the elephant in the room) give him an unfair edge over the competition. 這不是說林的特殊背景,而讓他擁有較多的優勢。 (我指的是他的膚色,如果我們想要避談這個敏感議題的話) One day, there had never been an Asian-American in the NBA. The next, Lin was the king of the highlight reel. This twist carries weight, of course. 曾經,NBA聯盟將沒有任何亞裔的球員。 而林的出現接著,所有目光都投射在他身上。 這樣的轉折理所當然帶來了關注。 But Lin’s story is about more than that—I personally will never forget the image of him sleeping on a teammate’s couch mere hours after lighting Manhattan on fire, a rare rags-to-riches wrinkle that has nothing to do with ethnicity. 但林的故事並不僅僅於此。 對我個人來說,我永遠不會忘記, 即使他讓整個曼哈頓為他瘋狂,他還是睡在隊友的沙發上 從無民小卒到一夜成名,並非是因為他的膚色而已。 And he’s deserving of the award, anyway. If he’s already in the conversation for it, his glitzy biography is sure to help him receive it in time. Among the slew of worthy recipients, Lin is arguably the best right now, and he could very well remain so for seasons to come—provided he remains a reserve and not a starter. 無論如何,他值得這個獎項。 如果他已經在候選名單內,他傳奇的故事對獲獎加分不少, 在獲獎的人選之內,目前將林評為最佳人選,無疑是具有爭議性的。 但他如果能繼續以後補而非先發上場比賽, 本季接下來的表現一定十分優異。 (但我私心還是希望林先發,並且可以控球組織。) It’s only a matter of when the lore of the league decides that Lin should be given another moment. 而現在只關乎聯盟的智慧,讓林能有再一次發光的時刻。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/16 22:50, , 1F
02/16 22:50, 1F

02/16 22:52, , 2F
02/16 22:52, 2F

02/16 22:55, , 3F
02/16 22:55, 3F

02/16 22:57, , 4F
挺諷刺的獎 比起最佳第六人 我寧願他趕快逃離火箭
02/16 22:57, 4F

02/16 22:58, , 5F
最佳第六人很值得高興嗎? 明明可先發被貶到替補 得個獎
02/16 22:58, 5F

02/16 22:58, , 6F
好像一副要謝主隆恩 本末倒置 搞笑...
02/16 22:58, 6F

02/16 23:02, , 7F
能得第6人 對林有很大幫助 畢竟不少人質疑林來風只是曇花
02/16 23:02, 7F

02/16 23:05, , 8F
能穩定打先發 比這最佳替補獎還棒...
02/16 23:05, 8F

02/16 23:05, , 9F
不管Lin打出什麼樣的數據 他面對的質疑一直都不曾減少
02/16 23:05, 9F

02/16 23:05, , 10F
搞不好得到第六人還要被說三道四 就如同本文末段所說
02/16 23:05, 10F

02/16 23:07, , 11F
感謝翻譯! 但是能打先發+有控球權比什麼第6人都重要
02/16 23:07, 11F

02/16 23:07, , 12F
而且這個最佳6人只是這個作者一廂情願講的.....= =
02/16 23:07, 12F

02/16 23:08, , 13F
02/16 23:08, 13F

02/16 23:09, , 14F
提供不同想法 若林一直在乎先發 一定沒現在成績 也許因為
02/16 23:09, 14F

02/16 23:10, , 15F
接受現實 才會有現在的好表現 當然能先發最好 但不可能
02/16 23:10, 15F

02/16 23:12, , 16F
現在的表現 相信獲得不少人信任 包含麥帥 有吵是有糖吃
02/16 23:12, 16F

02/16 23:13, , 17F
但是於其吵 不如努力的去證明收服大家 我喜歡這樣的林來瘋
02/16 23:13, 17F
我的想法和D大很靠近 因為現在吃了秤砣鐵了心把林放替補 看了整季我現在都麻木了 那順勢拿個獎也還不錯

02/16 23:15, , 18F
今年冰箱這樣搞 沒變成最佳冰凍人已經是謝天謝地了
02/16 23:15, 18F

02/16 23:15, , 19F
他在乎先發 只不過他有職業道德不擺爛而己...
02/16 23:15, 19F

02/16 23:17, , 20F
02/16 23:17, 20F

02/16 23:17, , 21F
至於信任就算了 冰箱什麼人 看一年多了...
02/16 23:17, 21F

02/16 23:17, , 22F
林目前最大的功課還是在季後賽的考驗 以及面對包夾的應對
02/16 23:17, 22F

02/16 23:17, , 23F
基本上歷年來的最佳第六人 應該也都有先發的實力.....
02/16 23:17, 23F

02/16 23:18, , 24F
02/16 23:18, 24F

02/16 23:19, , 25F
02/16 23:19, 25F

02/16 23:19, , 26F
期待對熱火 可看出進步多少 我沒想到他會進步到現在的樣子
02/16 23:19, 26F
同期待對熱火 林來瘋那時對熱火印象太深

02/16 23:19, , 27F
02/16 23:19, 27F
※ 編輯: olivelee 來自: (02/16 23:24)

02/16 23:21, , 28F
火箭沒他的位子 拚出個第六人 對他以後簽約轉隊幫助大
02/16 23:21, 28F

02/16 23:29, , 29F
沒錯 林來瘋對熱火那場 林狂失誤而且只得到2分 歷歷在目
02/16 23:29, 29F

02/16 23:30, , 30F
希望這幾年的歷練 能讓我看到更成熟的林 給rio一點顏色
02/16 23:30, 30F

02/16 23:32, , 31F
02/16 23:32, 31F

02/16 23:32, , 32F
那場是8分啦... 而且上季對熱火明顯有進步了。
02/16 23:32, 32F

02/16 23:32, , 33F
很大的問題(以拿The Sixth man來說)
02/16 23:32, 33F

02/17 01:40, , 34F
02/17 01:40, 34F

02/17 01:42, , 35F
02/17 01:42, 35F
還有 95 則推文
02/17 15:35, , 131F
02/17 15:35, 131F

02/17 15:37, , 132F
不不不 可以比USG...
02/17 15:37, 132F

02/17 15:52, , 133F
02/17 15:52, 133F

02/17 16:31, , 134F
嗯 這型會不會得也真的是很難說 不過有記者注意到就是好事
02/17 16:31, 134F

02/17 16:31, , 135F
02/17 16:31, 135F

02/17 16:34, , 136F
我是希望他能得獎 他當然想先發 但實際情況如此 能得獎總是
02/17 16:34, 136F

02/17 16:34, , 137F
02/17 16:34, 137F

02/17 17:19, , 138F
搞不好最後替補場次不足 結果連入選資格都沒有
02/17 17:19, 138F

02/17 17:20, , 139F
02/17 17:20, 139F

02/17 17:29, , 140F
02/17 17:29, 140F

02/17 17:44, , 141F
02/17 17:44, 141F

02/17 17:44, , 142F
02/17 17:44, 142F

02/17 17:45, , 143F
02/17 17:45, 143F

02/17 21:53, , 144F
02/17 21:53, 144F

02/17 21:53, , 145F
02/17 21:53, 145F

02/17 21:54, , 146F
02/17 21:54, 146F

02/17 23:21, , 147F
02/17 23:21, 147F

02/17 23:21, , 148F
林在火箭 不好意思沒這機會喔...
02/17 23:21, 148F

02/17 23:22, , 149F
沒受傷 現在場均不到25m
02/17 23:22, 149F

02/17 23:23, , 150F
02/17 23:23, 150F

02/18 11:14, , 151F
替補中的王 還是替補
02/18 11:14, 151F

02/18 11:15, , 152F
只要pb沒受傷都會是替補打到合約走完 這還需要吵嗎@@
02/18 11:15, 152F

02/18 11:23, , 153F
樓上..我鬍也是會受傷喔~~(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
02/18 11:23, 153F

02/18 11:41, , 154F
02/18 11:41, 154F

02/18 23:23, , 155F
02/18 23:23, 155F

02/18 23:23, , 156F
那真的會是很棒的成就 最佳第六人是超難的
02/18 23:23, 156F

02/18 23:23, , 157F
02/18 23:23, 157F

02/18 23:24, , 158F
這季就拿下這獎的話 對未來會是極大利多
02/18 23:24, 158F

02/18 23:24, , 159F
(反正現在也都是假替補 真先發了)
02/18 23:24, 159F

02/19 10:23, , 160F
02/19 10:23, 160F

02/19 15:41, , 161F
02/19 15:41, 161F

02/19 22:34, , 162F
02/19 22:34, 162F

02/20 01:32, , 163F
02/20 01:32, 163F

02/20 06:33, , 164F
02/20 06:33, 164F

02/20 06:33, , 165F
02/20 06:33, 165F

02/21 14:38, , 166F
02/21 14:38, 166F

02/21 14:39, , 167F
02/21 14:39, 167F

02/21 14:40, , 168F
02/21 14:40, 168F

02/21 14:42, , 169F
02/21 14:42, 169F

02/21 14:46, , 170F
02/21 14:46, 170F
文章代碼(AID): #1J0C_X7a (Jeremy_Lin)