[外電] First practice back, García in flow

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First practice back, Garcia in flow 老賈開始練球,復原狀況良好 http://0rz.tw/Mf49H By Sam Amick samick@sacbee.com Published: Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2010 - 12:07 am | Page 1C Francisco García was scared, even if he didn't show it. 雖然老賈裝的很鎮定,但大家還是看的出來他心慌慌。 The Kings' fifth-year swingman had returned to work with his trademark flair Monday, practicing for the first time since breaking his right (shooting) wrist nearly three months before. He was running and jumping and shooting. And yapping. Of course he was yapping. 國王五年級的搖擺人自從三個月前他的右腕受傷後而闊別球場,星期一重回到球場上練球 。他開始跑,開始跳,開始投籃,同時也開始碎碎唸。你沒看錯,他開始碎碎唸。 With his scrimmage team down three points with 25 seconds left and García open on the left wing, he took the pass in stride and buried what appeared to be a three-pointer. It was like he'd never left, as García not only made the long-range shot but argued to no avail when assistant coach Mario Elie ruled it a two-pointer in what led to his team's loss. 分組對抗賽剩25秒時,老賈那隊落後三分,他在左翼三分線空檔接獲傳球,一個墊步後他 把球穩穩地投進籃框,這球讓你看不出來他才剛傷癒復出。但也因為這球他跟助教Elie吵 了起來,Elie說這是兩分球,判他們那隊輸。 "I was still a little scared because of my arm, but it was good," García said. "I think the biggest challenge is getting comfortable on the floor, getting hit on the floor. 老賈說:「手的感覺不錯,但我還是有點擔心,目前最大的挑戰是重新適應比賽節奏,在 場上達成教練賦予的任務。」 "When I fall on the floor, how am I going to feel? Other than that, I feel good." 「重新站在球場上的感覺很棒!」 Yet if García was frightened by simply playing his favorite game again, he would have been petrified had he peeked in the corner of the team's practice facility and seen his culprits sitting innocently against the wall of a storage room: six Gymnic exercise balls. 老賈現在最怕的是他平常最愛做的運動,談到這只見他無神地望著角落的訓練器材,盯著 那些靠在牆邊的無辜的兇手─六顆健身球。 García was truly the innocent one Oct. 9. He was resting on his back on the ball while lifting two 90-pound dumbbells in bench-press form. The ball exploded, and García's hopes for a sixth-man-of-the-year-type season went along with it. 十月九日那天老賈真的很衰,他躺在健身球上按摩他的背,同時雙手各舉九十磅重的啞鈴 ,突然間球爆了,老賈想當最佳第六人的球季新希望也隨之而去, There were greater concerns, too. The significant damage raised questions about whether he would ever be the same. And while García said his actual return to action won't be until late January at the earliest, he is already confident there are no long-term effects. 這次嚴重受傷也產生了幾個問題,老賈的身手是否能維持以往。而且老賈最快也要一月底 才能上陣,他要有心理準備和球隊的默契已不復從前。 "I'm shooting the ball very good," García said. "I feel good dribbling, shooting, passing. I'm not concerned. 老賈說:「我現在的手感不錯,運球、投籃、傳球的感覺都很好,我不擔心。」 "I was worried (about long-term effects). I won't lie … I was wondering how it was going to be coming back. I've worked so hard to get to this moment, and I want people to know that when I step back on the basketball court, I want to help. I don't just want to be out there." 「老實說我擔心和球隊的化學效應,我歸隊後球隊會發生怎樣的變化充滿不確定感。現在 我很努力的練球,我希望大家知道我回到場上是來幫助球隊的,而不是當個旁觀者。」 Kings coach Paul Westphal said he liked what he saw from García. 西法說他很高興看到老賈的努力。 "He's still a few weeks away from being cleared for game action, but it was real nice to have him out there," he said. "He's got to get his strength and his range of motion. The healing has taken place as far as the bone is concerned, but there are a lot of mechanical things that he needs to be comfortable with before he can play in the NBA game." 「他還要幾週才能歸隊,能開始練球是一件好事。他正在重建他的肌力和肌肉的移動範圍 。畢竟是骨頭的傷,仍有許多物理治療要去做,他必須把傷養好才能開始正式比賽。」 Per doctor's orders, García's floor time was limited in his first practice back. When his time was up, his teammates and the coaching staff clapped as he left the floor. But when it comes to García and fellow injured teammate Kevin Martin, the next round of applause will come when they walk on the Arco Arena floor. 因為醫生的建議,老賈第一次的練習有時間限制。當老賈因時間到而下場時,隊友和教練 都為他鼓掌歡呼。對老賈和同樣受傷的馬丁而言,當他們重新回Arco Arena的球場上時, 將再一次地接受大家的擁戴。 While the Kings' start has been surprising, they have lost five of six games and could clearly use another upgrade in talent. Martin, who had surgery Nov. 9 on his fractured left wrist, isn't scheduled to return until after his Jan. 12 doctor's appointment. 國王有著令人驚艷的開季成績,但近六戰輸了五場,幸好近期內我們的天份將會升級。十 一月九日動左腕手術的馬丁,本月十二日與醫生的約診將可以確定歸隊日期。 It will be a welcome adjustment period for all involved, including rookie guard Tyreke Evans. 包含reke在內,大家都很期待馬丁歸隊後對球隊的各方面助益。 "He's a leader," Evans said when asked about García. "He goes hard, talks every play, that's one thing I knew about him. With Cisco it's more like everybody shuts up and listens to him because he has been here. … A lot of stuff that is going on the floor he won't allow." reke在訪問老賈的時候插話「他是老大,他很積極,會去分析每一次的攻防,當他在的時 候,即使是老賈,大家都會乖乖閉嘴聽他講,他不滿意我們在場上發生的一些錯誤。」 ﹝馬丁:廢話,老賈是我學弟。﹞ The more talked-about combination, of course, will be the backcourt pairing of Evans and Martin that was short-lived in early November. 馬丁和reke在十一月上旬時有合作過幾場。 "I think it's going to be great," Evans said. "We have Omri (Casspi) playing good and Noc (Andres Nocioni) and those guys. Kev's not going to come in off the bat (right away). reke說:「我想一切都會變的很棒,我們有打的很好的卡卡,還有酒駕和這些傢伙。馬丁 還不需要急著回到場上。」 "He might have a good game, but he'll still be a little bit rusty or catching his breath going up and down. But it's going to work a lot, because I draw a lot of attention now and I can draw and kick and he'll knock that shot down." 「他能把比賽打好,只是他現在還有些生疏,他要先靜下心來不能操之過急。一旦他回到 球場上,因為我是要成為新人王的男人,所以大家都追著我跑,當大家都追著我跑的時 候,我就能把球傳給他,讓他狠狠地踹對手一腳。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/05 19:20, , 1F
01/05 19:20, 1F

01/05 19:20, , 2F
01/05 19:20, 2F

01/05 19:24, , 3F
01/05 19:24, 3F

01/05 19:39, , 4F
01/05 19:39, 4F

01/05 19:44, , 5F
01/05 19:44, 5F

01/05 19:51, , 6F
KM很棒 這樣才像老大 該要有扛起球隊的想法
01/05 19:51, 6F

01/05 20:01, , 7F
助教表示一下沒甚麼不對 OK的
01/05 20:01, 7F

01/05 21:38, , 8F
01/05 21:38, 8F

01/07 02:38, , 9F
推翻譯! 不過那一段訪問 reke 的意思是說 Cisco 是個領導者
01/07 02:38, 9F

01/07 02:39, , 10F
不是在說 Martin
01/07 02:39, 10F
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