Fw: [情報] Chad Ford的 2013 Draft Big Board

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※ [本文轉錄自 Cavaliers 看板 #1HGP5DJR ] 作者: arenasis (Mr.Vengeance) 看板: Cavaliers 標題: [情報] Chad Ford的 2013 Draft Big Board 時間: Thu Mar 14 16:58:49 2013 資料來源:ESPN的淫sider 1.Ben McLemore(堪薩斯大學SG) HT/WT: 6-5, 195 McLemore continues to be a bit hit or miss, but when he's on … wow. His 36-point game against West Virginia last week was a model of ef- ficiency. He shot 12-for-15 from the field, 5-for-6 from 3. And des- pite a blowout loss to Baylor, McLemore at least took 16 shots in that game and ended the game with 23 points. The biggest issue for McLemore is his inability to really go out and get his own shot. But if he ever figures that out, those Ray Allen comps don't seem too bad. McLemore還是有點不穩,但當他手感一來就......啊嗚~他的進攻效率好壞差 很多。只要能確實把握該他出手的機會,那些拿他與雷槍相比的評價,看起來 更是煞有介事。 2.Nerlens Noel(肯大中鋒) HT/WT: 6-11, 215 Noel underwent surgery on his torn ACL on Tuesday. Famed NBA surgeon James Andrews performed the surgery. Although Andrews' credentials speak for themselves, the choice of Andrews also signaled to NBA teams that Noel was picking a surgeon all 30 GMs in the league have on speed dial. Assuming the rehab goes well, Noel continues to be a likely top- three pick and still has a shot at going No. 1 overall. 本週二Noel進行修補韌帶手術,由名醫James Andrews操刀。這選擇應該是所有 NBA GM都會認同的----儘管Andrews大夫的資歷已經不需解釋。在復健順利情況 下,Noel還是有機會保持前三甚至第一順位。 3.Marcus Smart(奧克拉荷馬州大控衛) 騎士大概不會選控衛,恕不翻譯~ 4.Otto Porter(喬治城大學小前鋒) HT/WT: 6-8, 200 We've had Porter in our top 10 all year, but in the past few weeks his stock has grown to the point that he now has a great chance to go in the top 5. The majority of GMs and NBA scouts I spoke with last week now had Porter rated ahead of Shabazz Muhammad as the top small forward on their draft board. With a number of teams in need of a 3 on draft night, Porter looks like a lock to go somewhere between No. 2 and No. 6. "He's the best pure basketball player in this draft," one NBA GM said. "He doesn't quite have the ceiling of some of the other guys, but those guys all have major holes in their games that could come back to haunt them. Porter is as complete as they come." Porter整年都在預估前十順位,近幾週的表現讓他上看前五。Ford這幾天交談過的 球探都表示他已經超過Shabazz成為今年小前鋒首席候選。考量一堆隊伍對SF的需求 ,Porter多半在2~6順位被挑走「他是本屆最純的籃球員,天花板也許沒別人高,但 那些比他高的人打起球來都或多或少有明顯缺陷」。 5.Anthony Bennett(內華達大學拉斯維加分校PF) HT/WT: 6-8, 240 Bennett continues to suffer the side effects of a shoulder injury caused by sleeping on it weirdly. There seems to be no structural damage, it's more like a pinched nerve, but Bennett has struggled to play in the past few weeks and his production has plummeted. If he's fully healthy by the NCAA tournament, he really has a chance to put himself back in the conver- sation as the No. 1 pick. 此君最近受傷所困,幸好並非大傷,比較接近神經壓迫或神經炎,近幾週他打的不太 好,效率直直落,如果錦標賽時他能恢復健康,可望重回熱門的狀元話題討論人之一。 6.Victor Oladipo(印第安那大學搖擺人) HT/WT: 6-5, 214 The Oladipo bandwagon has finally stopped going 200 mph. In fact, he slid one spot in our latest rankings. He struggled with foul trouble and with offense for a few games before breaking out again with a very strong perf- ormance against Michigan on Sunday. Not everyone loves Oladipo. A number of scouts are more comfortable with him as a late lottery pick thanks to his unpolished offensive skills. But there are others who still see him as a potential No. 1 pick. Oladipo熱潮不再這麼馬力十足,他在榜單裡小有下滑。犯規麻煩困擾了他幾場球後, Oladipo在對密西根的比賽又破繭而出。球探對他評價兩極,一些人認為用樂透尾端 選他就好,另一部份將他視為狀元候補。 7.Shabazz Muhammad(UCLA搖擺人) HT/WT: 6-6, 225 Muhammad continues to play hard and shows a knack to score. But it's become increasingly apparent to scouts that he really struggles to shoot off the dribble. If he gets his feet set, he's money, but when he tries to score on the move, his shooting percentages plummet. Coach Ben Howland said this week that Muhammad is leaving for sure for the NBA draft. If that's the case, he's going to need a huge tournament to propel his stock back into the con- versation as the No. 1 pick. Muhammed持續努力展現他的得分專才,但球探已漸漸注意到他的弱點:當腳步四平八穩 的定點投射時Muhammed很準,但行進間投籃就挫賽。在UCLA教頭已確認他會參加選秀 的前提下,Muhammed需要強而有力的表現證明自己是狀元角逐者。 8.Cody Zeller(印地安納大學中鋒) HT/WT: 6-11, 210 Zeller has been on fire of late. His last game of the regular season, a 25- point, 10-rebound effort against Michigan, was his best of the season. He showed off his ability to score in multiple ways and demanded the ball down the stretch in IU's toughest road game of the year. Scouts are still strug- gling to see how his game will translate, but he too could really help his draft stock with a very strong performance the next few weeks. Zeller最近表現不差,特別是對密西根25分10籃板的本季最佳演出。他秀出多樣化得分 手段,而且在這球隊本季最艱難的客場戰役後段,持續要球並發動攻擊。球探仍很不 確定Zeller到職業後能發揮同樣水準,不過接下來幾週的強勢表現會有助選秀行情。 9.Alex Len(馬里蘭大學中鋒) HT/WT: 7-1, 225 Len has had his moments -- both for good (Kentucky, Duke) and for bad (such as his last game against Virginia). Many scouts blame the lack of strong gu- ard play on the Terrapins this season. But others question whether Len has the toughness and drive to put Maryland on his back. For the first time all season, I'm hearing a chorus of scouts encouraging him to return to school for another year. With Maryland's chances of making the NCAA tournament slim , he's going to need a big ACC tournament to convince scouts one last time that he's ready for the NBA. Len有過他的光榮與撞牆時刻,本季馬里蘭阿龜隊的防守飽受批評,但另一部份討論聚 焦在Len是否有能力一肩扛起球隊。整季以來這是我頭一次聽到球探鼓吹Len再回學校 一年。馬里蘭闖進NCAA錦標戰的機率不高,所以Len需要很好的ACC聯賽成績,證明自 己準備好邁入職業隊。 10. Gary Harris(密西根州大SG) HT/WT: 6-4, 210 Sources say Harris is strongly contemplating returning to school for his sophomore year. His recent rise up NBA draft boards might give him pause, but a nagging shoulder injury and a desire to keep working on his game might ultimately persuade him to play one more year with the Spartans. Plans change, however, and if they do, he's a likely lottery pick. 消息來源指出Harris強烈考慮著再回學校打第二季,近來在選秀榜的抬升會讓他再多 思考一下。但是斷斷續續的肩傷以及再多磨練球技的需求,應該終究佔上風,總而言 之,如果他參選,應該會進樂透區。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: arenasis 來自: (03/14 17:09)

03/14 18:54, , 1F
03/14 18:54, 1F

03/14 22:15, , 3F
這樂透機真的個性很極端啊...這次玩10次有7次是Alex Len
03/14 22:15, 3F

03/14 22:15, , 4F
03/14 22:15, 4F

03/14 22:37, , 5F
a大+1除上述 我的還有Muhammad出現機會也滿大的
03/14 22:37, 5F

03/14 22:38, , 6F
03/14 22:38, 6F

03/14 23:37, , 7F
03/14 23:37, 7F

03/14 23:51, , 8F
剛剛也無聊去點樂透機 真的是這三隻輪流跑
03/14 23:51, 8F

03/15 18:01, , 9F
03/15 18:01, 9F

03/15 21:14, , 10F
不好意思,什麼是"最純的籃球員" = =?
03/15 21:14, 10F

03/15 21:20, , 11F
03/15 21:20, 11F

03/15 21:21, , 12F
03/15 21:21, 12F

03/15 21:21, , 13F
03/15 21:21, 13F

03/15 21:22, , 14F
03/15 21:22, 14F

03/15 21:23, , 15F
03/15 21:23, 15F

03/15 21:26, , 16F
03/15 21:26, 16F

03/15 22:58, , 17F
03/15 22:58, 17F

03/15 22:59, , 18F
S大解釋正確!! 從意譯上來看 應該說是各方面都做好準備的
03/15 22:59, 18F

03/15 22:59, , 19F
03/15 22:59, 19F

03/16 12:50, , 20F
03/16 12:50, 20F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: yoyoman0529 (, 時間: 03/16/2013 13:28:26

03/16 13:39, , 21F
PORTER很難在高順位被選吧 有WES.J的前車之鑑....
03/16 13:39, 21F

03/16 13:40, , 22F
這類藍領型SF留到樂透後段選 比較物超所值
03/16 13:40, 22F

03/16 15:39, , 23F
他比Wesley Johnson壯不少耶...不過他的投籃姿勢好醜
03/16 15:39, 23F

03/16 16:00, , 24F
Porter和W.Johnson case完全不同
03/16 16:00, 24F

03/16 16:04, , 25F
Porter比Wes當初團隊觀念更好 現在領袖氣質和個人能力也被
03/16 16:04, 25F

03/16 16:05, , 26F
低估 不過他確實很多部分依賴JT III的戰術很多
03/16 16:05, 26F

03/17 11:07, , 27F
03/17 11:07, 27F

03/17 11:22, , 28F
好奇 hunight大對 Smart的評價~~~
03/17 11:22, 28F

03/17 17:08, , 29F
Smart是很好的Playmaker 打法和身材也適合現在NBA
03/17 17:08, 29F

03/17 17:09, , 30F
03/17 17:09, 30F

03/17 17:10, , 31F
第一是他的投籃命中率 這我認為只要時間應該可以改善
03/17 17:10, 31F

03/17 17:10, , 32F
第二是他是需要有球在手的球員 現在他的無球跑動 C&S都還
03/17 17:10, 32F

03/17 17:11, , 33F
不太行 他是個好的傳球者 但現在失誤偏多 也還沒證明自己
03/17 17:11, 33F

03/17 17:12, , 34F
脫離Travis Ford打造的high screen體系效率能不能依然頂尖
03/17 17:12, 34F

03/17 17:12, , 35F
如果放在以往 我認為他會是樂透~前五順位的理想人選
03/17 17:12, 35F

03/17 17:13, , 36F
03/17 17:13, 36F

03/17 17:14, , 37F
他很有潛力是無庸置疑 但需要自己去證明的部分和現在展現
03/17 17:14, 37F

03/17 17:14, , 38F
03/17 17:14, 38F

03/17 17:15, , 39F
\比起來 被吃字XD
03/17 17:15, 39F

03/17 17:17, , 40F
今年不能算選秀弱年 只是樂透區沒有特別突出的人選
03/17 17:17, 40F

03/17 19:42, , 41F
專家建議國王選擇Marcus Smart,因為球隊缺少真正的領袖
03/17 19:42, 41F

03/17 19:47, , 42F
Chad Ford這位專家建議的......
03/17 19:47, 42F

03/17 19:55, , 43F
03/17 19:55, 43F

03/17 19:57, , 44F
03/17 19:57, 44F
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