Fw: [外絮] ESPN五問專欄:2014暑期市場第一週回顧

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1JkG2kMm ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (時機若對 我想開辛普森版) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] ESPN五問專欄:2014暑期市場第一週回顧 時間: Sun Jul 6 15:54:18 2014 Best, worst offseason deals thus far http://es.pn/1jQRpr8 Free-agency is only three days old, but plenty of deals are already in the works. Which are the best and worst so far? Our panel sorts through the summer signings. 今年暑假的自由市場開放還不到一週,但已經有不少簽約已經對聯盟生態造成影響,這 也讓ESPN網站招集了五位球評來對這些簽約的好壞做評比 本期參與球評: .Amin Elhassan, ESPN Insider .Andrew Han, TrueHoop .Kevin Pelton, ESPN Insider .Ethan Sherwood Strauss, TrueHoop .Royce Young, ESPN.com 說明:Royce Young本身其實是雷霆部落格Daily Thunder的負責人,但今年季後賽開始, 他也會幫ESPN網站撰寫其他球隊的文章 1. What's been the best deal given out this offseason thus far? 目前為止最好的簽約 投票結果: .三人投票給Dirk Nowitzki降薪續約小牛(Elhassan、Han與Young) .1人投給Kyle Lowry五千萬以下續約暴龍(Pelton) .1人投給老鷹挖角 Thabo Sefolosha(Strauss) 原因: Amin Elhassan, ESPN Insider: They basically stole a page out of the Spurs' playbook with Tim Duncan, and it'll allow Dallas to be a major player in free agency and the trade market. 小牛或許是從馬刺那裡偷來戰略手冊中,對待Tim Duncan方式的那一頁來說服Dirk降薪 續約,這舉動可以讓小牛在自由與交易市場上繼續擔任大重要買家的角色。 Andrew Han, TrueHoop: the Mavs re-signing Dirk Nowitzki to the "Tim Duncan value plan" is about as good as it gets. Nowitzki was likely the best offensive big man in the league last season and accepted a salary commensurate of a third man to a contender in an effort to help Dallas compete. 小牛這次與Dirk的簽約,不僅讓人想到馬刺與Duncan的相處模式,也是對彼此有利的雙贏 局面。德佬在上季證明他依然是聯盟最會進攻的長人,但他卻願意以一哥的身手拿球隊 第三人的薪水,這正是他以身作則幫助小牛增加競爭力。 Apologies to Toronto Raptors GM Masai Ujiri, Kyle Lowry and #WeTheNorth 不過Andrew Han也有提到暴龍與Kyle Lowry續約的事情,這應該也是他評比今年暑假第二 好的簽約。 Royce Young, ESPN.com: It's not so much the money or years, it's just the overall commitment from both sides. The Mavs will be paying Dirk until he's 39, but he also made a clear decision to make sure he took a considerable pay cut in order to preserve as much remaining cap space for the team to work as possible. Dirk降薪續留獲選今年最佳簽約,最主要的原因並不是金額與合約期限,而是球隊/球員 兩方的永恆承諾。Dirk至少在39歲時還是可以從小牛那裡得到薪水,但他也藉由這次的 續約,表明他之所以願意降薪,就是為了讓球隊能就由變寬的薪資空間,追到其他的潛 在好隊友。 Kevin Pelton, ESPN Insider: Lowry is a top-10 point guard in his prime who will make the same amount for the next four seasons as Kobe Bryant will for the next two. Lowry不僅是聯盟前十優PG,也正處在球員的巔峰期。更棒的是他的年薪只有Kobe的一半 ,但暴龍擁有他的時間比湖人擁有Kobe久。 Honorable mention to Patty Mills, but at least there's some risk there with Mills' shoulder surgery. 馬刺續簽Patty Mills的價格也不錯,只可惜他肩膀手術造成的風險多少扣了一些分數 Ethan Sherwood Strauss, TrueHoop: With the cap rising, $4 million per season is good value for a defensive ace. If Sefolosha returns to form, the Hawks have a scary perimeter defense with him and DeMarre Carroll. 隨著球隊薪資上限調升,開給頂尖防守者4百萬美金的年薪已經被認為是公道價。假如 沙發哥能夠甩開上一季的低潮,他將與長髮前鋒DeMarre Carroll組成全聯盟最讓外線 射手提心吊膽的防守組合。 2. What's been the worst deal given out this offseason thus far? 目前為止最糟的簽約 投票結果: .兩人投給Jodie Meeks跳槽活塞(Elhassan與Young) .兩人投給國王挖角Darren Collison(Pelton與Strauss) .Han投給賽爾提克以偏高年薪(8百萬美金)續簽Avery Bradley四年,也是此題唯一獲 選的續約 原因: Elhassan: So many to choose from! I have to go with Jodie Meeks' three-year, $19 million deal. Why did Detroit pay so high a price out of the gate? Did they even explore other options? Meeks isn't even the best catch-and-shoot prospect on the market. 其實第一週就有不少讓人匪夷所思的簽約了,但活塞要連三年付給Meeks六百萬美金恐怕 是最瞎的。因為Meeks根本不是市場上最穩定的外線射手,而且這也讓人質疑:活塞有在 認真尋找同位置的其他人選嗎? Young: Jodie Meeks. He had a nice season with the Lakers, and as a specialist he has value. But he'll be making more than $6 million per year the next three seasons. A few players (non-rookie scale) that make around that: J.J. Redick, Jamal Crawford, Kevin Martin and Wesley Matthews. And now Meeks. One of these is not like the others. Meeks上季在湖人固然打出身價,也有比其他人專精的特殊技能。當他跳槽活塞後,他的 年薪將暴增到與J.J. Redick、Jamal Crawford、Kevin Martin和Wesley Matthews領同 樣的薪水-但Jodie的實力跟上述幾人相比並不在同一等級。 Pelton: There are worse deals on their own, but in the context of building a team, the Kings signing Collison will have the biggest ramifications because it surely means letting restricted free agent Isaiah Thomas walk. Not only does Collison not upgrade Thomas' weaknesses, he's not as good at Thomas' strengths. 國王這幾年的爛交易可說是罄竹難書,但以建立球隊文化的角度而言,還是以這次簽下 Collison的舉動衝擊最大,因為這顯示「偽笑湯」 Isaiah Thomas即使有優先續約權( 他是有限制自由球員)也註定要離開國王了。Collison不僅無法改善偽笑湯原先的缺點 ,也無法補足小湯的優點。 Strauss: I don't like Sacramento's signing of Collison, an average offensive player who happens to be terrible on defense. Every year, the Kings try to replace Isaiah Thomas, who's been a revelation as a second- rounder. I think they're selling him short. Collison雖然進攻上符合聯盟的控衛標準,但他的防守能力實在糟糕。不過國王至少終於 找到人,取代選秀順位更低後衛I.Thomas,偽笑湯應該不久就會用先簽後換的方式換東家 了。 Han: Bradley showed hints of becoming a reliable 3 and D guard this past season, but his 3-point percentage has been erratic over his past three seasons (40.7, 31.7, 39.5 percent on an average of 2.2 attempts per game). And he's never played a full season. Also, who were the Celtics bidding against? Bradley今年證明他有外線也有防守,但當對照他近三年的三分命中率,可以看出其實還 不夠穩定。更糟的是,小小AB從來沒有一季出賽超過70場。此外,這段期間似乎也沒有 其他球隊想挖他的傳聞。 3. What's been the biggest surprise of this offseason thus far? 目前為止最震撼或意外的事件 投票結果: .Jason Kidd換隊執教獲得2票(Han、Young) .Ben Gordon加盟魔術也獲得2票(Pelton、Strauss) .Elhassan選的是國王挖角Collison 原因: Han: Undoubtedly the bungled power play by Jason Kidd in Brooklyn… All it needs is a promo on Netflix. 當然是Jason Kidd那拙劣的自導自演權力遊戲。他教練生涯第一年所發生的戲劇化事件, 大概足以讓網路影視網站Netfilix(代表作有紙牌屋)開拍新的連續劇了。 Young: Kidd tried to force his hand to the top, only to be put in his place, then forcing his way to a new situation and therefore leaving collateral damage thrown all over (Larry Drew). A stunning development that nobody could've seen coming. Kidd想威脅籃網爭取更大權力,後來又強迫母隊把他調到另一個新環境,並導致對其他人 造成間接傷害(公鹿原教練Larry Drew中槍下台)。這樣讓人吃驚的情節,相信即使是好 萊塢編劇也無法預測到會真的發生。 Pelton: Gordon was released too late to be eligible for a playoff roster, but nobody even bothered picking him up when Charlotte waived him in March. For him to get nearly mid-level money, even if not fully guaranteed and entirely non-guaranteed beyond this season, was shocking. B.Gordon在三月被山貓(新黃蜂)釋出時,根本沒有爭冠強隊願意給他短約(雖然這也跟 Gordon在當時超過時限,失去季後賽登錄資格有關)。但BG到了暑假還能獲得類似中產條 款的合約,即使這合約並非全額保障,甚至只有第一季保障,還是讓人感到吃驚。 Strauss: He could theoretically make sense as a piece on a stable, veteran team. But on a rebuilding squad? Why bother? 理論上Gordon應該要選一個實力穩定且主力有一定球齡的爭冠隊,但他卻願意來到一個還 須鍛鍊的重建隊? Elhassan: Sacramento pre-empting losing Isaiah Thomas by signing Darren Collison to a four-year, $16 million deal. Like Detroit, I'm not entirely sure who they weretrying to outbid, but it seemed extremely premature to offer Collison that much money (not to mention, apparently, the starting job). 國王簽下Collison的舉動,雖然多少是為了「偽笑湯」Isaiah Thomas的離去打保險,但 很難確定開出比想像中還要高的價碼給小柯,是為了想要在標價上打敗哪隻球隊。這舉 動不但顯示出國王高層的急躁與不會看時機,更不用說接下來會讓教練感到煩惱的「誰 來當先發PG」的難題了。 4. What possible free agent-team pairing you've heard is most intriguing? 最期待成真的自由球員謠言/提案 投票結果: .三人投票給Pau Gasol加盟雷霆(Elhassan、Pelton、Young) .Han選擇Chris Bosh返鄉跳槽火箭 .Strauss選擇Isaiah Thomas跳槽賽爾提克 原因: Elhassan: Pau to OKC! He's just what the doctor ordered, as a high IQ passing big man that the Thunder can run their offense through to solve their stagnant isolation problems. Meanwhile, Serge Ibaka is the perfect, mobile defensive complement to help "hide" Pau's weaknesses. Pau對雷霆而言可說是醫生對於球隊缺點的處方簽,他擁有長人少見的高傳球智商,可以 解決球隊單調的單打弊端。而Ibaka優秀的移動防守力,也可以隱藏Pau防守能力不足的 地方。 Pelton: If Oklahoma City signs Gasol, and if it means replacing Kendrick Perkins in the starting lineup, I'm definitely intrigued by what that might mean for the Thunder. 假如雷霆能說服Gasol加盟,那就表示他可以把Kendrick Perkins擠出先發名單,至於好 處?不解釋! Young: It's not just that Gasol's unique offensive skills would fit so beautifully next to Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. It's not just that Gasol's passing ability would remedy a lot of what often ails the Thunder in the halfcourt. It's not just that Gasol alongside Serge Ibaka would not just cover a lot of deficiencies, but produce some kind of an offense-defense tandem. It's not just that OKC would have some unbelievably interesting lineup options. It's all those things. 1.Gasol獨特的進攻技巧,與雷霆一二哥搭配的效果值得期待 2.Gasol的傳球能力,可以降低雷霆打半場時犯錯的機率 3.Pau與Ibaka同時上場可以互補彼此的缺點,並且建立攻守的串連 4.雷霆簽到Pau後,可以讓球隊輪值更活化與更有趣 Han: Bosh's arrival in H-town would not only vault the Rockets into the upper echelon of West contenders, but it would also cause a domino effect in Miami. Does LeBron go back to South Beach with only Wade? Do they try and attract Melo or Pau Gasol? Bosh seems like the key support to the Miami 3; pull him out and the whole league could be impacted. Bosh西進火箭不僅讓火箭在西區更有競爭力,也會對熱火造成難以想像的骨牌效應。 LeBron會在球隊只剩Wade的情況下留在南灘嗎?熱火會嘗試挖角甜瓜與Pau這樣的明星 賽常客嗎?Bosh即使在熱火三巨頭的地位只是三哥,但仍是重要的角色,把他抽離將 會徹底影響聯盟的東西兩端的生態。 Strauss: I'd love to see the aforementioned Isaiah Thomas paired with Marcus Smart in Boston. I'm not sure what that'd mean for Rondo, but the Thomas-Smart backcourt would complement each other on defense while generating a lot of League Pass excitement. 不確定偽笑湯到青賽,對現任一哥Rondo造成的影響,但偽笑湯與新秀Marcus Smart的 後場組合,應該可以產生出不少次值得讓體育新聞重播不少次的精采好球。 5. What's one bold prediction about the rest of free agency? 最大膽的未來事件預測 投票結果: 有兩個預測跟LeBron James有關,但嚴格來說這一題其實並沒有共通的答案,因為即使 跟LBJ相關也牽涉到不同細節 Elhassan: Lance Stephenson will regret turning down the reported $44 million, five-year deal that the Pacers offered him. 預測1:Lance Stephenson可能會在幾天後後悔拒絕過溜馬總額超過4千萬的續約方案 It wouldn't surprise me if he made the circuit, realized no one's trying to pay him, and came back to Indiana only to find out that offer has been withdrawn, leading him to sign for less. 預測1的原因:小史大概會在幾天後,終於發現除了溜馬外,沒有其他隊想挖角他的殘酷 事實。更諷刺的是他就算回鍋溜馬,領到的錢恐怕還要變少 Han: LeBron James signs a short-term deal, maybe a two-year max deal with a player option for the second year. 預測2:LBJ這次簽短期合約,其中第二年可能會增加球員跳出選擇權 James will turn 30 next season, and it's possible that once he completes another long-term contract he will no longer be the NBA's best player. So for King James, it could be in his best interest to leverage as much influence as he can while he still wears the crown. 預測2的原因:LBJ不久就要30歲了,假如他簽的是長約,有可能跑完合約後他就不再是 聯盟第一人了。所以LBJ趁還在顛峰時繼續在市場上造成影響,對他來說是最有利的。 Pelton: The Utah Jazz will successfully scare teams off from making a max offer to Gordon Hayward, leaving Hayward to negotiate a slightly smaller deal with the Jazz rather than an offer sheet. 預測3:爵士會成功嚇跑想要對白人前鋒Gordon Hayward的球隊,以低於市場預期的價格 與他續約 Strauss: LeBron doesn't sign for the max. 預測4:LBJ不需要頂級約就能續留熱火 It seems like being the highest paid player on his team is the main sticking point. So long as he's that, I predict he'll cede a little cap space to Pat Riley. 預測4的原因:「成為隊上最高薪球員」這件事,固然是LBJ與熱火續約陷入僵局的癥結, 但經過一段時間後,他應該還是會放棄部分薪資空間,並將它還給總管Pat Riley。 Young: The Suns come away with a marquee free agent. Probably not LeBron, probably not Melo. 預測5:太陽可以從其他球隊挖到球星-即使不是LBJ與甜瓜。 Chris Bosh could be intrigued if the Big 3 can't sort things out in Miami. Or maybe Greg Monroe. Or Chandler Parsons. Or Luol Deng. With such an intriguing young roster and loads of cap space, the Suns seem like an offseason destination for somebody. 預測5的原因: 1.假如熱火無法即時解決三巨頭薪資重分配的爭議,趁亂挖角Bosh不是空想 2.Monroe、Parsons與Deng知名度比較低,但上季都有穩健的數據 3.太陽本身就擁有不少傑出的年輕球員,外加寬裕的薪資空間,有機會讓其它隊的球員看 到希望 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1404633262.A.5B0.html

07/06 16:02, , 1F
07/06 16:02, 1F

07/06 16:05, , 2F
07/06 16:05, 2F

07/06 16:06, , 3F
07/06 16:06, 3F

07/06 16:10, , 4F
算是作者自己想的 不過他也知道可能性不高
07/06 16:10, 4F

07/06 16:38, , 5F
07/06 16:38, 5F

07/06 17:46, , 6F
07/06 17:46, 6F

07/06 17:57, , 7F
Lowry跟Kobe那段應該不是說待的時間, 是薪水總和
07/06 17:57, 7F

07/06 17:58, , 8F
薪水領得差不多 時間卻不同
07/06 17:58, 8F

07/06 18:04, , 9F
感謝樓上提醒 但我覺得其實類推後 我的翻法也沒有錯
07/06 18:04, 9F

07/06 18:41, , 10F
07/06 18:41, 10F

07/06 18:41, , 11F
07/06 18:41, 11F

07/06 22:27, , 12F
07/06 22:27, 12F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: ilovepeja (, 07/06/2014 22:27:48

07/06 23:34, , 13F
07/06 23:34, 13F

07/06 23:34, , 14F
07/06 23:34, 14F

07/06 23:34, , 15F
07/06 23:34, 15F

07/06 23:34, , 16F
07/06 23:34, 16F

07/06 23:34, , 17F
07/06 23:34, 17F

07/06 23:34, , 18F
07/06 23:34, 18F

07/07 06:41, , 19F
07/07 06:41, 19F

07/07 09:25, , 20F
07/07 09:25, 20F

07/07 09:56, , 21F
07/07 09:56, 21F

07/07 10:20, , 22F
07/07 10:20, 22F

07/07 10:21, , 23F
07/07 10:21, 23F

07/07 10:55, , 24F
我們跟快艇的籌碼不一樣阿 一樣薪水誰要來窮鄉僻壤的重建隊
07/07 10:55, 24F

07/07 13:29, , 25F
等級不一樣 籌碼不一樣 地位不一樣 就別比了= =
07/07 13:29, 25F

07/07 13:29, , 26F
光是Farmar前面有CP3 DC前面目前沒人
07/07 13:29, 26F

07/07 13:30, , 27F
07/07 13:30, 27F

07/07 13:30, , 28F
而且快船當初就想要留DC 不給多點 人家沒準不跳
07/07 13:30, 28F

07/07 15:41, , 29F
07/07 15:41, 29F

07/07 16:58, , 30F
只能說這個約的爭議性很高 防守跟身高微升級 進攻跟霸
07/07 16:58, 30F

07/07 16:58, , 31F
07/07 16:58, 31F

07/07 16:59, , 32F
07/07 16:59, 32F

07/07 16:59, , 33F
07/07 16:59, 33F

07/07 17:00, , 34F
07/07 17:00, 34F

07/07 20:12, , 35F
乳摸:國王對IT的報價是4Y/22M 價格過高就不續約
07/07 20:12, 35F

07/07 20:12, , 36F
IT的買家還是糊人、熱火、活塞 活塞願意S&T
07/07 20:12, 36F

07/07 20:33, , 37F
DC都簽下來了 就讓IT走吧...
07/07 20:33, 37F
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