[轉錄][外絮] 尼克對Biyombo很感興趣

看板Knicks作者 (怯懦的雄辯家)時間13年前 (2011/06/19 11:39), 編輯推噓8(803)
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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1D_Mtojl ] 作者: Maxwell5566 (老賽今年拿冠軍!!!) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 尼克對Biyombo很感興趣 時間: Sun Jun 19 11:33:03 2011 Source: RealGM http://tinyurl.com/6y6rn9m Jun 18, 2011 1:45 PM EDT Knicks Interested In Trading Up For Biyombo The New York Knicks have expressed interest in moving up in the draft to acquire Bismack Biyombo, the raw Congolese shot-blocker. 尼克希望能在選秀會上獲得比亞柏,這位未經細琢的剛果蓋鍋好手。 An 18-year old center who exploded onto the scene after a dominating performance in the Nike Hoop Summit in April, Biyombo has quite a few interested suitors. 這位十八歲的中鋒,在四月的奈吉訓練營有著驚人的表現,使得不少隊對他感興趣。 The Knicks would likely have to move ahead of Golden State at No. 11 to acquire him, while teams as high as Toronto at No. 5 are bringing him in for last-minute workouts. 尼克隊極可能用第十一順位選他,這個選秀權是之前與勇士交易得到的。不過,擁有第 五順位的暴龍隊正請他來作最後一次的測試。 這段應該是: 不是"之前與勇士交易得到的11順位", 而是想要交易來11順位。 目前尼克是17順位。 Via Draft Express -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Ungoliant 來自: (06/19 11:51)

06/19 12:09, , 1F
就算換到11順位 也很難選到
06/19 12:09, 1F

06/19 12:16, , 2F
06/19 12:16, 2F

06/19 12:47, , 3F
尼克怎感覺常常放話說 對誰有興趣 xd
06/19 12:47, 3F

06/19 16:27, , 4F
簽下去 簽下去 簽下去
06/19 16:27, 4F

06/19 16:28, , 5F
06/19 16:28, 5F

06/19 17:17, , 6F
大班接班人 6-9吋高擺C有點尷尬
06/19 17:17, 6F

06/19 17:31, , 7F
但我們 F 滿了 @@
06/19 17:31, 7F

06/19 18:12, , 8F
06/19 18:12, 8F

06/19 23:12, , 9F
17選不到吧= =
06/19 23:12, 9F

06/19 23:45, , 10F
在灰狼版看到TD<-->Flynn的rumor @@
06/19 23:45, 10F

06/22 00:21, , 11F
這麼矮還是不要好了= =已經有謝頓了
06/22 00:21, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1D_M-27x (Knicks)