[外電] 尼克勝率降回五成,Melo 36分難回天

看板Knicks作者 (Larry C)時間12年前 (2012/03/31 13:12), 編輯推噓43(43075)
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NY Knicks backpedal to .500 after Carmelo Anthony's 36 points go for naught vs. Atlanta Hawks during Mike Woodson's return to Philips Arena http://ppt.cc/H!Kr By Frank Isola / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Friday, March 30, 2012, 10:26 PM It wasn’t the homecoming Mike Woodson anticipated and it certainly wasn’t the ending anyone, especially Carmelo Anthony, expected. 這並不是一場武僧所預期的返鄉之戰,更不是所有人所期望的結局尤其是Melo With a couple of All Stars, Anthony and Joe Johnson, on the floor, the player that dominated the fourth quarter was Willie Green, a journeyman guard who has a knack for playing well against the Knicks. 有兩位全明星Melo、JJ在場上,第四節卻是由老鷹隊板凳後衛Willie Green所掌控 Green scored 15 of his 20 points in the final period as the Hawks defeated the Knicks 100-90 Friday night. Johnson led the Hawks with 28 points and Josh Smith scored 23 but it was Green who made every clutch shot, including a pair of jumpers after Anthony cut Atlanta’s lead to 80-78 with nine minutes left. The basket was Anthony’s lone fourth quarter field goal. He led all scorers with 36 points on 11-for-24 shooting, including 1-for-5 in the fourth. Green的20分有15分在第四節得到,讓老鷹在週五晚上以100-90擊敗尼克。 JJ得到了全隊最高28分,JS得到23分 blah blah..... Melo在第四節只進了一個FG將分數追到80-78,全場得到36分24投11中(第四節5投1中) Iman Shumpert, who played his college ball at nearby Georgia Tech, added 25 but he and Anthony were the only two Knicks to score in double figures. The bench scored just 14 points with JR Smith shooting 2-for-10. The loss dropped the Knicks to 26-26 overall while Atlanta, a team Woodson coached of six years, improved to 31-22. 香波大學所屬的Georgia Tech就在老鷹主場附近,今天得了25分,他和Melo是唯二得分 破兩位數的尼克球員,尼克板凳只得到14分,丁尺10投只2中。今晚的敗仗讓尼克的戰績 變成26-26,武僧曾經執教的老鷹戰績31-22 The Knicks played their third straight game without Amar’e Stoudemire and Jeremy Lin. When the status of both starters was addressed early Friday, Woodson created a media firestorm when he said he didn’t know “when” or “ if” both Lin and Stoudemire would play again this season. 尼克連續三場比賽沒有阿罵和Lin,武僧說不知道他們倆這季什麼時候會回來 “Still day to day,” Woodson said. “Amare’s out. Had his epidural shot yesterday. He’s day to day with Lin. I have no idea when these guys are going to return, if they’re going to return. I just don’t know.” "還是day to day"武僧說"阿罵昨天做了注射治療,我不知道他們什麼時會回來, 如果他們有要回來的話,我什麼都不知道啦" Woodson also revealed that Lin had an MRI on his sore left knee and that he didn’t know the results. The Knicks scrambled to clarify Woodson’s remarks, claiming that Lin could be available for Tuesday’s game against Indiana. In fact, Woodson then did an about face and said he’s not ruling out Lin for Saturday’s home game against Cleveland. Stoudemire is out at least two weeks with a bulging disc in his back. 武僧也透漏Lin酸痛的左膝已經做了MRI,但是他不知道結果。尼克高層隊伍僧所說的 不願多加說明,只說Lin週二對溜馬可以上場。隨後改變態度表示他並沒有限制Lin在 週六的主場出賽。阿罵因為椎間盤突出會缺席兩週 Lin’s code of silence has only added to the mystery. The media darling has suddenly turned camera shy. He declined to speak to reporters early Friday and went out of his way to avoid the media 90 minutes prior to last night’s game. Lin的沉默讓一切變得更加神祕,媒體寵兒突然間對攝影機害羞了起來,週五的比賽前 他拒絕對記者發言,也逃離了賽前90分鐘的媒體時間。 The Knicks nearly had as many turnovers (11) as field goals (15) in the first half which is why they found themselves trailing 52-40. Anthony scored 19 of the Knicks 40 points but he was having a difficult time keeping Josh Smith away from the basket. Smith scored 17 including a pair of thunderous dunks. 尼克上半場的失誤(11)快跟FG(15)一樣多,因此也讓分數變成52-40落後。Melo上半場 得了19分卻很難讓JS遠離藍框,JS得了17分包括兩次的爆扣。 Smith’s put back dunk gave Atlanta a 57-44 third quarter lead but Sumpert answered with a 3-pointer and the Knicks slowly crawled their way back into it. Anthony scored 12 points including a deep three with 0.8 seconds left in the period. JS第三節的空中補灌讓老鷹57-44領先,香波馬上回敬三分,讓尼克慢慢的找回 追分節奏。Melo得了12分,包括了0.8秒的深遠三分。 It was Anthony’s three-point play with 9:08 left that closed the Hawks lead to 80-78. The Knicks had a chance to draw even but Davis missed badly on a driving lay-up. After Willie Green hit his third straight shot, Woodson called time out in order to remove Davis and go back with Shumpert, who was by far the Knicks best two-way player. 因為Melo在第四節9:08時的三分打,讓比分追成80-78。尼克原本有機會追平因為BD 離譜的切入上籃而錯失。之後Willie Green連進三球讓武僧喊了暫停換下BD,換上 尼克目前攻守最佳的香波。 His post defense on Smith frustrated the Hawks forward. True, it doesn’t take much to throw Smith off his game but Shumpert’s strength and quickness were enough to put Smith, who received a third quarter technical, over the top. 他對JS低位的防守讓JS陷入困境,雖然沒有完全讓JS失去比賽節奏,但是香波的 力量和速度卻足以和JS抗衡,讓JS在第三節重要時刻領了一個技術犯規。 So with Smith on the verge of a meltdown, the ball starting finding Green, who has a history of playing well against the Knicks dating back to his days with the Sixers. Green had two baskets during a 9-0 Hawks run and after J.R. Smith’s 3-pointer cut Atlanta’s lead to 91-84, Green hit two more jumpers including a corner 3-pointer and his two free throws with 3:21 left made it 96-84. 當JS接近崩潰邊緣,球權轉移到了一直以來打尼克都很有心得的Green手裡,Green 在老鷹一波9-0的攻勢裡進了兩球,在丁尺的三分球將分數再追到91-84時,Green 又連進兩顆外線包括了底線的三分球以及兩次的罰球,再將分數拉開到96-84。 The Knicks looked to be dead and buried but Shumpert scored four quick points but Green answered with a runner and Johnson’s floater made it a 10-point game with 1:48 left. 在尼克半死將被埋葬之際,香波的快攻連得四分,但Green和JJ的tear drop再次 將比數拉回10分直到終場。 -- PLAYERS MIN FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A +/- OR DR TR AS PF ST TO BS BA PTS EFF C.Anthony F 40:24 11-24 1-4 13-14 - 7 3 6 9 2 3 5 5 2 1 36 35

melo 投了28 球 加上七球犯規球 出手三十幾次


24球 兩分 4球三分 這樣是幾球?
angellll :看錯了@@ Melo御用抹黑陰謀論大師最新力作 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/31 13:18, , 1F
03/31 13:18, 1F

03/31 13:19, , 2F
03/31 13:19, 2F

03/31 13:20, , 3F
03/31 13:20, 3F

03/31 13:20, , 4F
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03/31 13:21, , 5F
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03/31 13:22, , 6F
03/31 13:22, 6F

03/31 13:23, , 7F
03/31 13:23, 7F

03/31 13:24, , 8F
很重要的一點是josh的單防能力夠 不需要包夾melo
03/31 13:24, 8F

03/31 13:25, , 9F
03/31 13:25, 9F

03/31 13:25, , 10F
沒有double team就不好傳出空檔加上今天BD一直往藍下衝
03/31 13:25, 10F

03/31 13:26, , 11F
@@ 才輸一場連人緣差都可以腦補了,那上一場的壓哨三分,是
03/31 13:26, 11F

03/31 13:26, , 12F
novak真的太功能性了 今天他沒發揮一點也不意外
03/31 13:26, 12F

03/31 13:26, , 13F
novak自己搶球得來的囉?! = =
03/31 13:26, 13F

03/31 13:29, , 14F
03/31 13:29, 14F

03/31 13:33, , 15F
03/31 13:33, 15F

03/31 13:35, , 16F
你知道novak準 老鷹會不知道? 會乖乖讓他有空檔?
03/31 13:35, 16F

03/31 13:36, , 17F
這場BD跟JR不是普通的慘呀 兩人相加EFF還-2 XD
03/31 13:36, 17F

03/31 13:36, , 18F
03/31 13:36, 18F

03/31 13:39, , 19F
今天打起來 單打機率太高 這樣根本沒法拉開距離
03/31 13:39, 19F

03/31 13:39, , 20F
novak這種情況 根本沒機會出手
03/31 13:39, 20F

03/31 13:41, , 21F
一堆一日球迷說都不把球給NOVAK投 也要看他有沒有空檔吧
03/31 13:41, 21F

03/31 13:41, , 22F
03/31 13:41, 22F

03/31 13:42, , 23F
如果守他的球員不放棄他去協防其他人 他真的也沒折
03/31 13:42, 23F

03/31 13:43, , 24F
03/31 13:43, 24F

03/31 13:43, , 25F
哪個隊員有空檔 或 執行戰術讓隊員幫隊員製造空檔
03/31 13:43, 25F

03/31 13:44, , 26F
03/31 13:44, 26F

03/31 13:44, , 27F
03/31 13:44, 27F

03/31 13:45, , 28F
尤其戰情膠著或落後時 場上的人可能很難冷靜到去注意
03/31 13:45, 28F

03/31 13:45, , 29F
03/31 13:45, 29F

03/31 13:48, , 30F
03/31 13:48, 30F

03/31 13:51, , 31F
03/31 13:51, 31F

03/31 13:54, , 32F
03/31 13:54, 32F

03/31 13:55, , 33F
03/31 13:55, 33F

03/31 13:58, , 34F
03/31 13:58, 34F

03/31 14:01, , 35F
03/31 14:01, 35F
還有 43 則推文
03/31 15:12, , 79F
03/31 15:12, 79F

03/31 15:13, , 80F
03/31 15:13, 80F

03/31 15:13, , 81F
Novak的身手符合他身價和定位 是大家把他當成兩千萬或Frye看
03/31 15:13, 81F

03/31 15:15, , 82F
03/31 15:15, 82F

03/31 15:15, , 83F
03/31 15:15, 83F

03/31 15:15, , 84F
03/31 15:15, 84F

03/31 15:17, , 85F
唉 去年尼克還是三分部隊 今年變倒數...
03/31 15:17, 85F

03/31 15:19, , 86F
03/31 15:19, 86F

03/31 15:40, , 87F
LF 最近實在低迷的可以. 總覺得少了什麼
03/31 15:40, 87F

03/31 15:42, , 88F
03/31 15:42, 88F

03/31 15:45, , 89F
1f去年3分命中率有4成 今年掉了15%
03/31 15:45, 89F

03/31 15:47, , 90F
03/31 15:47, 90F

03/31 15:47, , 91F
03/31 15:47, 91F

03/31 15:51, , 92F
算命能信 今年就世界末日了
03/31 15:51, 92F

03/31 15:59, , 93F
明天就4月了欸= =
03/31 15:59, 93F

03/31 16:01, , 94F
若以美國時間來算的話 對上溜馬時才是4月的第一場
03/31 16:01, 94F

03/31 16:03, , 95F
03/31 16:03, 95F

03/31 16:11, , 96F
03/31 16:11, 96F

03/31 16:15, , 97F
算命是說農曆三月底再掀高潮 都4/10以後了來得及嗎
03/31 16:15, 97F

03/31 16:18, , 98F
這種說法跟天氣魔咒一樣= =
03/31 16:18, 98F

03/31 16:22, , 99F
03/31 16:22, 99F

03/31 16:47, , 100F
天氣魔咒也真恐怖 昨晚下雨時就有不妙的感覺 話說 我也
03/31 16:47, 100F

03/31 16:48, , 101F
03/31 16:48, 101F

03/31 16:49, , 102F
03/31 16:49, 102F

03/31 17:06, , 103F
看到農曆三月底我笑了 不過是很認真期待的笑了
03/31 17:06, 103F

03/31 17:21, , 104F
03/31 17:21, 104F

03/31 17:23, , 105F
03/31 17:23, 105F

03/31 17:25, , 106F
03/31 17:25, 106F

03/31 17:53, , 107F
03/31 17:53, 107F

03/31 17:54, , 108F
到香坡手裡基本上是打掉的 JR也差不多
03/31 17:54, 108F

03/31 18:25, , 109F
03/31 18:25, 109F

03/31 19:04, , 110F
正面思考: 希望台北雨之魔咒能由林來打破 XD
03/31 19:04, 110F

03/31 19:05, , 111F
我真心希望能看到台北下雨日尼克還能贏球 XD
03/31 19:05, 111F

03/31 19:07, , 112F
03/31 19:07, 112F

03/31 19:22, , 113F
今天早上其實雨就停了...結果還是輸~真要說不準 XD
03/31 19:22, 113F

03/31 20:08, , 114F
希望明天台北不要下雨> <
03/31 20:08, 114F

03/31 22:23, , 115F
打溜馬那場台灣時間是星期二韓星期三啊@@ 預報禮拜二雨天
03/31 22:23, 115F

03/31 22:24, , 116F
03/31 22:24, 116F

03/31 22:25, , 117F
03/31 22:25, 117F

03/31 22:48, , 118F
推翻譯 推簽名檔lol
03/31 22:48, 118F
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