[外電] Knicks' Smith finally finds his shot

看板Knicks作者 (狗狗)時間11年前 (2012/12/20 22:35), 編輯推噓24(24024)
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原文網址:http://ppt.cc/TcQa Mike Woodson has done something no coach ever has done. 武僧做了一些從來沒有任何教練會做的事。 He’s told J.R. Smith not to hesitate when he shoots. 他叫JR在出手的時候別猶豫。 “Other than Coach Woodson, I’ve never been told I was hesitating,” Smith said with a smile after shooting 7 of 11 and scoring 19 points last night in the Knicks’ 100-86 win over the Nets at the Garden. 「除了武僧之外,我從來沒被誰要求過不要猶豫。」JR微笑地說。這個晚上他11投7中, 得到19分。 “They say I’ve never seen a shot I didn’t like, and I’ve been trying to live up to his expectations,” Smith said. “On the defensive end more than anything. The offensive end has been kind of easy.” 「他們說我從來沒有不滿意我投出的哪一球,而我努力地想要去達到武僧的期待。」JR說 。「沒有比防守端更重要的事情。進攻對我來說蠻容易的。」 No complaints anywhere last night. Smith, in addition to scoring, had three assists, five rebounds and just one turnover. 昨晚毫無怨念。JR除了得分之外還有三助攻、五籃板,而且只有一失誤。 “He bounced back from the other night,” Woodson said. “He and I had a conversation about his last game and we had an opportunity to work on the floor [Tuesday]. I thought he was very focused when he stepped on the floor, and it carried through the game. I couldn’t be more proud of the way the young man played.” 「他從其他糟糕的夜晚裡解脫出來了。」武僧說:「在打完火箭之後他和我談了話,而我 們這晚正好有個機會來改正場上的問題。我認為他上場之後非常專注,而且這狀態持續了 整場比賽。我對他的表現感到驕傲至極。」 And Smith did all he was asked — and even what he wasn’t asked to do. He kept his cool in the first quarter on a little rough play with Kris Humphries, who drew a technical foul. JR做到了所有武僧要求他做的--那些武僧沒特別要他做的,他也做了。他第一節在和憨 佛的衝突裡保持了冷靜,而憨佛吃了T。 “I didn’t realize they were going to call a technical. It was just being physical, going for the ball,” Smith said. “I didn’t think he deserved a tech.” 「我不覺得這應該要吃T。那只是為了爭球而有了一點肢體碰撞。」JR說:「我不覺得他 應該要吃T。」 Smith now has shot 14 of 24 (.583) after a shaky eight-game run of 40 of 124 (.323). 在打出了八場124投只有40中的低迷比賽之後,現在的JR24投14中,命中率有0.583。 “Coach just didn’t want me to hesitate,” Smith said. “Take less dribbles, be more efficient on the offensive end and take better shots.” 「教練只是告訴我別猶豫。」JR說:「減少盤球,在進攻端更有效率,並且投得更好。」 Done. Done. Done. And then so were the Nets. 進球,進球,再進球。然後籃網掰掰。 ----- 武僧好爸爸不解釋。 -- .‥…──∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────── \  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ _ ─-.╳ ︶- ρ\ `, ▲ ─────∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/20 22:36, , 1F
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12/20 22:37, , 2F
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12/20 22:37, , 3F
真的好像在炫耀兒子 「我兒子表現得超好哼哼!」
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12/20 22:41, , 5F
我要來翻這個唷 http://ppt.cc/o1Hg
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12/20 22:42, , 6F
Knicks, Anthony bury Nets in Garden
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12/20 22:43, , 7F
JR不只一次說他爸爸要他不要猶豫要投籃 說之前不會這樣的
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12/20 23:02, , 25F
defendce ,and just shot the Damn Ball
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12/20 23:03, , 26F
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12/20 23:03, , 27F
我相信阿罵也會被拉正的 阿罵拜託別打我臉
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12/20 23:04, , 29F
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12/20 23:05, , 30F
阿罵不要打我臉+1 不然我就要轉職罵黑報復他O_<
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12/20 23:07, , 31F
阿罵別打臉+1 要是Novak都比你會防的話我要笑你喔0_0
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12/20 23:07, , 32F
武僧跟阿罵根本也父與子XD 想到阿罵和武僧就想到訓練營時記
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12/20 23:08, , 33F
Novak的進攻手段也增加了 還有 10->15的走位 XD
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12/20 23:08, , 34F
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12/20 23:09, , 35F
所以我真的好期待阿罵回來 XDD 我也想看武僧把他教練念XDD
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12/20 23:49, , 37F
想看武僧把他教練叫來唸 那不就要把冷笑話叫來立正訓話了XD
12/20 23:49, 37F

12/20 23:51, , 38F
樓上煩捏!!!!!!!!!! XDD
12/20 23:51, 38F

12/20 23:52, , 39F
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12/20 23:57, , 40F
訓一下應該還不錯喔 那畫面應該很逗趣
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12/20 23:58, , 41F
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12/21 00:00, , 42F
聖誕節叫武僧去訓訓看 哈哈....
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12/21 00:19, , 44F
忘記看ID了 這篇翻的真好 看兩遍我也願意
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文章代碼(AID): #1Gqo8LMd (Knicks)