[外電] JR和Novak:尼克奇怪的新Couple

看板Knicks作者 (狗狗)時間11年前 (2013/01/20 01:30), 編輯推噓20(20010)
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原文網址:http://ppt.cc/z3T3 In many ways, the two couldn't be less similar. One dribbles and cuts to create his own shot. The other catches in rhythm and waits for the perfect moment to strike. One went straight from high school to the NBA. The other went to a local university for four years. 在許多方面,這兩個人一點也不像。其中一個人會運球後創造自己的進攻機會,而另一個 人則是保持好手感並且得到最佳機會去投球。其中一個高中畢業就進了NBA,另一個則是 乖乖念完當地的大學。 From afar, it may not seem like J.R. Smith and Steve Novak have much in common, but in a recent interview with MSG’s Tina Cervasio, the two pegged as “The Odd Couple” sat down to discuss this misconception. 長遠的來看,JR跟Novak看起來幾乎沒有共通點,但是在最近一個Tina的訪問裡,這兩個 被稱為「怪異情人」的傢伙坐下來好好談論這奇妙的事情。 Said Smith: “When I grew up, my dad was my coach, and Michael Jordan was my favorite player—my idol, my role model. Until once I really understood who my dad was, and who he is now, I was like, ‘This is my idol, this is my role model.’” Novak couldn’t agree more. “I’m just a huge believer in where you get in life has so much to do with how you’re raised, who raised you… what opportunities your were given. There’s no doubt that I am where I am today because he [my father] was a high school basketball coach when I was born…I grew up in a gym. I grew up shooting, being at a hoop by myself with a men’s ball trying to chuck it up as high as I could when I was just a little guy.” JR說:「在我長大的過程中,我爸是我的教練,而喬丹則是我的偶像,我的學習典範。直 到我真正了解我爸是怎樣的人之後,我就想:『這才是我的偶像,這才是我的榜樣。』」 Novak不能同意他更多了:「我深信,你在什麼環境下出生會大大的影響你長大的過程,以 及是誰養大你……還有,你將獲得什麼樣的機會。毫無疑問,我會在這裡是因為我出生時 ,我爸是高中籃球的教練,所以我是在體育館長大的。在我還很小的時候,我就努力的想 要投球、長得更高。」 Both Novak and Smith also want to continue the path that both of their fathers started to pave. Novak mentioned in his interview, “I have a son, and little nephews, so they’re all gonna be little ballers too.” Smith responded by saying, “I just can’t wait to have my boy and start the same thing.” 他們兩人也都希望繼續走他們父親的路。Novak說:「我有個兒子,而且我也有小姪子們。 所以他們也會變成小小球員」JR則這麼說來回應他:「我等不及也要有個自己的兒子來教 他們打球了。」 Since joining forces on the Knicks last season, the similarities that Smith and Novak share with one another have grown even more. They thrive playing off each other. Their on-court success is rooted in their deep respect for each other’s game. When Smith drives through the lane and draws a double team, he’s thrilled that’s its Novak on the receiving end of his kick-out pass. Even when he’s on the bench, Smith said, “We got a little joke going that whenever he’s open, find him. I’m yelling, ‘Find him, find him, find him!’ Before you know it they find him and he’s hitting 6-7 threes a game.” 上季在尼克聚首之後,JR和Novak之間的共通點越來越多。他們激勵彼此的表現。他們在場 上如此的成功完全來自於他們對對方的表現彼此尊重。當JR在場上遭到包夾的時候,他知 道Novak將會在他傳球路線的盡頭等著他。甚至當他在場上的時候,JR說︰「我們之間有個 小玩笑。當他有空檔的時候,不管怎樣我都要傳給他。我會在板凳上大叫:『找到他!找 到他!找到他!』而在你注意到之前,他就已經在三場比賽裡投7中6了。」 Their mutual feeling of respect is apparent. While discussing Smith’s game, Novak said, “He doesn’t get enough credit for how multi-dimensional he is. Guys know he can score in streaks, but he can be a really, really, really good defender…and the way he passes the ball and sees the floor, I think is so valuable because he can truly play the point guard spot, but he’s big enough to bang with some 3’s and 4’s. It’s just such a valuable piece to a team when you can play so many spots.” 他們之間的尊重溢於言表。當談論到JR的表現時,Novak說:「他沒有得到足夠的信心,他 的表現那麼的多面向。大家都知道他是很棒的得分手,但他也非常、非常、非常的會防守 ……而且他傳球的方式和觀察球賽的能力,我覺得他真的非常物超所值,因為他真的可以 打控衛這一個點,而他又大得足以去打三號或四號衛。一個球隊能有個能打這麼多位置的 球員真的很有價值。」 Smith has highlight reels with electrifying finishes and passes. Novak is a pure shooter and it’s a beauty to watch when his feet are set. Their chemistry during games is undeniable. Thriving together on the court has led people to wonder if there is more than meets the eye with these two off the court. JR可以在傳球和攻擊都表現得非常亮眼。Novak是一個純粹的射手,而且當他準備的時候, 你可以看球看得非常舒服。他們倆在場上的化學效應無可否認。他們在場上彼此激勵的樣 子讓人不禁好奇他們倆在場外有什麼比眼神接觸更多的連繫。 The relationship continued through last season, into the summer and going through free agency. Both wanted to return, but neither knew if he would be back with the Knicks. Novak spoke of their off-season contact: “People are always surprised, for whatever reason that me and Smith stayed in touch in the summer…I guess part of it is he passes me the ball so much [laughing].” Smith took a more sensible approach when asked what they spoke about. “For one, free agency. We were so nervous and scared that we wouldn’t be on the same team anymore, and we got so close within that little time that I got here at the end of the season last year…” 他們的關係從上一季開始、直到暑假,然後走到了自由球員的合約問題。他們兩個都想留 下,但他們兩個都不能確定自己到底能不能待在尼克。Novak談到他們在休季時的連繫: 「很多人都很意外我跟他居然在暑假還有繼續保持聯絡……我想大概是因為他傳太多球給 我了(大笑)。」而JR說的則更有理性一點:「我們談論的事情之一,就是我們實在很擔 心也很害怕我們不能在同一隊打球了。而且我們在我加入尼克之後如此短的時間之內就變 得如此的親密……」 Coach Mike Woodson, along with the new veteran players on the team, gets a lot of credit for fostering a harmonious culture within the locker room this year. It’s quite evident that this humility and modest approach to the game shows through with Smith and Novak. “He’s just such a humble guy, there’s nothing you can say bad about Steve”, said Smith. “I think it helped his confidence out. I mean Steve is so…he likes to talk, I like to talk. It makes it great for us, our relationship, especially as shooters. You know, we do shooting drills every day after practice together.” Novak went on to say, “It’s just kind of funny the reputation he [Smith] has. I feel because he has such a big heart, and he’s a smart kid, and a good guy. Sometimes friends are just…I don’t know what draws people to each other, but he’s just a good guy.” 武僧在這一季引來了許多老將,努力在休息室裡建立一個和諧的文化。而這樣的謙虛謙遜 就表現在JR和Novak上場的表現裡。JR說:「NOVAK是個非常謙虛的人。你完全找不到他哪裡不好。我覺得這讓他更有信心。 你知道,STEVE是一個非常愛說話的人,我也是,這對我們兩個來說很好,對我們的關係 很好,尤其我們都是射手。你知道嗎?我們每場比賽之後都會一起進行投籃訓練。」 NOVAK接著說:「我覺得JR在外的名聲真的很有趣。因為我覺得,他有一顆寬廣的心,他 是一個非常聰明的孩子,而且他真的是一個很棒的人。有時候朋友就是……我不知道什麼 東西會讓兩個人走在一塊,但他就是一個很棒的人。」 It’s clear that this year’s Knicks squad has shown up to play the team game the right way. They pass, they defend and they put in that extra effort when it is needed most. A team’s on-court persona is fueled by their off-the-court character; all distinctive personalities must gel. When you look at J.R. Smith and Steve Novak, it’s no wonder it was so easy for this team to unite. 很明顯的,這一季尼克的表現有目共睹,他們讓球隊正確地打著團隊籃球。他們傳球, 他們防守,而且當哪一端最有需要的時候,他們會在那裡投注更多的努力。一個球隊的 球員們在場上的表現取決於他們在場外是什麼樣子,任何一點小小的東西都會影響。 當你看看JR和Novak,你一點都不需要懷疑這個球隊為什麼可以這麼輕易的就變成一體。 ----- 簡易版: JR:Novak真是棒透了! Novak:JR真是棒透了! 作者:尼克真是棒透了! 沒了。 ----- 好久沒在隊板PO文結果一PO就是這種文章…… 我該說他們兩個感情真好恭喜老爺賀喜夫人嗎冏 Novak你對JR的這個評價已經不是尊重了是狂熱了吧! 我翻到後面整個快吐了(欸) 套句我朋友說的, 尼克的巫術又添一樁:讓你不想離開隊友。 他們乾脆全部帶著家庭搬到同一棟大樓裡面算了XD 這樣就可以整天黏在一起了喔啾咪>WO 好啦以上, 總之我之後又會繼續在隊板幫忙翻譯了, 最近大家翻譯辛苦了! -- .‥…──∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────── \  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ _ ─-.╳ ︶- ρ\ `, ▲ ─────∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/20 02:00, , 1F
攻擊禁區 吸人 ? 內傳外 重砲攻擊 : 街籃上籃秀 -> Gooooood
01/20 02:00, 1F

01/20 03:49, , 2F
01/20 03:49, 2F

01/20 07:44, , 3F
大白目花心鬼,感覺他跟誰都可以組個CP了 XDDDD
01/20 07:44, 3F

01/20 07:46, , 4F
01/20 07:46, 4F

01/20 07:47, , 5F
特愛新歡老PP的餵球灌籃 XDDD
01/20 07:47, 5F

01/20 07:48, , 6F
01/20 07:48, 6F

01/20 07:49, , 7F
然後跟武僧的父子情眾所皆知 XD
01/20 07:49, 7F

01/20 11:02, , 8F
這個愛情故事真感人 祝福他們
01/20 11:02, 8F

01/20 16:25, , 9F
01/20 16:25, 9F

01/20 18:08, , 10F
01/20 18:08, 10F

01/20 18:18, , 11F
這時候要附圖了 (誤 XDD
01/20 18:18, 11F

01/20 18:29, , 13F
01/20 18:29, 13F

01/20 18:33, , 14F
01/20 18:33, 14F

01/20 20:02, , 15F
01/20 20:02, 15F

01/20 20:19, , 16F
01/20 20:19, 16F

01/20 20:19, , 17F
01/20 20:19, 17F

01/20 20:24, , 18F
01/20 20:24, 18F

01/20 21:06, , 19F
JR:白天不懂夜的黑 你卻懂得我的美 誰說不能黑白配~~
01/20 21:06, 19F

01/20 21:17, , 20F
官方欽定的Couple了 (香波表示:....)
01/20 21:17, 20F

01/20 21:46, , 21F
http://ppt.cc/BY4~ 上一場連線後的兩人 XD
01/20 21:46, 21F

01/20 23:33, , 22F
01/20 23:33, 22F

01/20 23:56, , 23F
1/25 是 ESPN 轉播 看有沒有人要來我這看第四台 (大概沒 科)
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01/21 01:51, , 24F
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01/21 06:37, , 25F
樓上兩位怎麼那麼沒人氣,找個女板友幫忙約立刻報名爆滿 XD
01/21 06:37, 25F

01/21 06:43, , 26F
樓上不該戳宅男的痛處 (哭著跑開) 還有傑發兄比我人氣多多了
01/21 06:43, 26F

01/21 16:45, , 27F
01/21 16:45, 27F

01/21 16:53, , 28F
人氣多多!? 那些都是黑我的人!
01/21 16:53, 28F

01/21 22:28, , 29F
好久沒來一來就看到JR~~~狗狗大~~GJ 最愛"你"的文章XDDDD
01/21 22:28, 29F

01/22 20:47, , 30F
01/22 20:47, 30F
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