[外電] 夏季聯賽開打!!菜鳥們的訪問

看板Knicks作者 (BSH99)時間11年前 (2013/07/13 12:34), 編輯推噓11(1108)
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http://ppt.cc/6G-F 第一個被訪問的當然是我們的夏季大隊長-香波 LAS VEGAS -- The Knicks tipped off their summer league play on Friday with five roster spots for next season up for grabs. Will one of them go to Kenyon Martin? After GM Glen Grunwald said on Thursday that the veteran power forward will get "full consideration" for an offer, Iman Shumpert confirmed his former teammate is thinking about a return. 上週GG說K罵將會收到一個值得考慮的報價。今天香波說K罵想回來。 "I spoke to him. The Knicks are still on his mind," Shumpert told ESPNNewYork.com on Friday. "I didn't talk to him in detail about any of that. I was just checking on him being a good teammate. He's a great guy to have on my team; I learned a lot from him. So I just keep in touch with him." 香波:"我有跟他談過了,尼克的確是他的選擇之一,我們沒有談到太細節的部分,我只是想 說他是個很棒的隊友,他讓我學到很多,所以我跟他保持聯絡。" Shumpert is already ecstatic that one Knick will be back: J.R. Smith. "You know I'm happy; that's my guy," he said. "J.R. will come back and we've got our core group back. We've got Pablo [Prigioni] back. I'm really excited about next year." 香波談JR:"超開心的,JR回來囉,老普也回來囉,我們保住核心了,我現在超興奮阿!!" "[Mike Woodson] wanted me to come out here and make sure I played point guard, working on facilitating a little bit more and making some plays," he said. I felt like I had a good run. ... I felt like I did what I needed to do as far as just working on trying to push the pace, trying to keep guys on the same page." 香波談到夏季聯賽打PG:"武僧希望我來這,然後想讓我打PG,這將對我的打法有幫助" "我認為我可以組織一支球隊,我認為我需要好好練習一下,試著組織好一支球隊。" "It's huge," he said. "It's nice to go from the rookie that everybody is like 'just shut your mouth' and now it's like I'm the only one talking. I think it's contagious when anybody talks, and the more and more I talk, I think the rest of the guys really picked up on the chatter." 香波談今天的成績:"我想我得要負起很大的責任,跟菜鳥們一起打球蠻好玩的。" "我終於可以說:"閉上你的嘴,菜鳥",在這裡我是最有資格說這句話的人。 我認為當大家都開始溝通時,那種感覺是會傳染的,大家會開始提出自己的想法,或是 該怎麼做。" Shumpert said he's been trying to stress talking on defense to his mostly younger teammates. "The biggest thing that I've been preaching to these guys this whole time in summer league is just communication," he said. "When you have a lot of communication, it picks up the aggressiveness with everybody on the court. And I think we started to understand that more in the second quarter, and that's when we evened out the score. Early on, we didn't do any talking and that was a bad look for us." 香波:"我試著跟大家說防守上要多溝通。" "最重要的是我鼓勵大家要多溝通,這會讓大夥在場上更積極,我想我們在第二節才開始 溝通,而我們就是在這節扳平比數,在這之前我們完全沒再溝通,這看起來很糟。" Shumpert will only play in the next two summer league games -- he'll miss the playoffs -- because he's leaving to China on Monday for an NBA-sanctioned trip. "Just doing some camps and clinics," he said. "It will be my first time going to China ... it will be a lot of fun." 香波接下來只會再打一場比賽,因為他之後要來亞洲~~ 香波:"這可是我第一次去中國欸!!!一定很好玩。" -------------------------------------------------- http://ppt.cc/IGhl 新的菜鳥-小哈德威 "He does a good job of just letting the game come to him. He doesn't really force much," Iman Shumpert said afterward. "He's really good with the step back. He can finish in the lane, so I really like his game. I'm excited for him." 香波談小哈德威:"他做得很棒,他習慣比賽,他今天表現得很棒,我真的超喜歡他的。" "I was very comfortable [today]," he said. "The shots in the second half were there; I just didn't knock it down. I'll get better as the process continues. I played in front of 75,000 people not many months ago. No big deal." 小哈德威:"我今天感覺超舒服~,下半場感覺還是不錯,只是沒投進,我會變得更好的, 我以前有在7萬5千人面前比賽過,所以緊張嗎?我想這不是大問題。" "We've got great chemistry going," Hardaway Jr. said. "We're doing a great job reading and playing off each other. It's great having a veteran to get through the process." 小哈德威談香波:"我們很有默契,我想我們的配合很不錯,很高興有個老手在身旁。" "Defensively, I have to be a lot better, making plays for teammates," he said. "But when shots weren't falling, I still kept my head up, still confident. ... It was a good showing. I need to be a lot better; I know that. It's the first game, playing with guys for the first time for three days." 小哈德威談自己該如何變強:"防守,我還得要做得更好,還有就是為隊友創造機會。" "另外就是打鐵後得要讓自己更有信心,這次是個不錯的試驗,我需要變得更好才行, 我知道這只是第一場比賽,第一次跟這些人一起打球。" -------------------------------------------------- TOURE TURNS IT UP AT POINT 由於這記者很喜歡Toure Murry ,所以他也去訪問他了。 In fact, a player source said the Knicks expressed an interest in him this past D-League season because of his ability to defend and make plays in transition. With the Knicks putting a great emphasis on running, Murry, who had 11 points in only 12 minutes on Friday, finished a few breakaway plays with scoring and passing. His biggest area of improvement is in pick-and-rolls. 有消息表示尼克很喜歡這位發展聯盟的PG,他的防守跟組織都不錯,他今天僅僅12分鐘就 拿了11分,還做了一些漂亮的得分跟傳球,他最厲害的就是P&R。 (補充一下這支去年在發展聯盟好像是防守第二隊,防守評價好像不錯。 身高6"6的PG!!) (在補充武僧最愛的一點,他能扛到F!) What's key for you in the pick-and-roll game? "You've got to read everybody. You've got to read the big man coming out [of a screen]. My main thing is be aggressive coming off the screen first and then look for the second option." 茉莉談P&R:"你得要理解每一個人,你得要想想大個子在SCREEN後的動作,最主要的就是 SCREEN完要很積極,並且找找第二選擇。" Last season, the Knicks ranked last in the league in fast-break points per game (8.8). Do you think you can help in that area? "Definitely. All season in the D-League, that was our offense -- pushing the ball. I feel like the Knicks really enjoyed that and they took that upon themselves to bring me to summer league. I feel like I did pretty good today." 茉莉談對尼克快攻的幫助:"當然,我在發展聯盟最常打的就是快速推進,我認為尼克應該 也是一樣的想法,所以才會帶我來這,我覺得我今天打得不錯。" They want to add a point guard or two. Does that provide extra motivation for you? "Definitely it's motivation. Any time there's an open spot, it's up for grabs. My main thing is just go out there every second and play as hard as I can, and try to take that spot. I'll leave it up to the coaching staff if they want me to come here, and I'll be willing to come." 茉莉談尼克想再找PG:"這當然是個動機,這裡有個機會,就看我能不能抓住這個機會, 我現在就是上場,然後拼命打好每一分鐘,再來就看看教練需不需要我囉,如果他們需要 我就能再回到尼克。" -------------------------------------------------- 大綱 香波:"終於有這個機會了,你們都給我閉嘴!!!菜鳥!!!"(去年香波尼克唯一一個25歲以下) 小哈德威:"我跟香波很來電>.^" 記者表示一個PG的好選擇-Toure Murry -------------------------------------------------- -- ─∥ ── ="’. ∵ ◆ ψsherry821224 ────────────── \ Teammates don't  ̄◣  ̄╲  ̄╲ ‵、λ﹀ play with each _ ─-.╳ ︶- other, they play ρ\ `, ▲ FOR each other. ─∥ _╱ ╲╲_◢ | ────────…‥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/13 12:39, , 1F
4助攻就4失誤 還想擺老
07/13 12:39, 1F

07/13 13:09, , 2F
07/13 13:09, 2F

07/13 13:12, , 3F
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07/13 13:14, , 4F
一樓兇兇的 XD
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07/13 14:04, , 5F
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07/13 14:04, , 6F
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07/13 14:05, , 8F
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07/13 14:49, , 9F
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07/13 14:50, , 10F
希望可以簽回KMART 他打得滿好的
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07/13 18:49, , 11F
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07/13 19:29, , 12F
Elton Brand有機會來嘛?怎麼後來都沒消息了?
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07/13 22:44, , 13F
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07/14 01:00, , 14F
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07/15 12:29, , 15F
對不起 >.<~
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07/15 20:50, , 16F
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07/16 00:32, , 17F
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07/16 10:38, , 18F
DNP x 2 了...教練我想打球 O_Q
07/16 10:38, 18F

07/16 10:40, , 19F
07/16 10:40, 19F
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