[情報] Lakers History: Lakers Win First NBA …

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Lakers History湖人簡史之三 1949-51: Lakers Win First NBA Finals 1949-51:湖人贏得第一座美國職業籃球聯賽總冠軍 來源:http://0rz.tw/3f4b4 The BAA and the NBL merged after that season, and the NBA was born for the 1949-50 campaign. In its first year the NBA consisted of 17 teams competing in three divisions. Minneapolis was assigned to the Central Division (the new circuit's strongest division), where the team once again went head-to-head with Rochester. BAA以及NBL兩個聯盟在1949-50球季前合併成為美國職業籃球聯賽NBA。NBA在第一年總共有 17支球隊分成三組。明尼阿波里斯被分在中央組(新聯盟最強的一組),與羅徹斯特分在 同一組。 If anything, the Lakers were even better than they had been the season before. The team included a trio of promising first-year players in forward Vern Mikkelsen and guards Slater Martin and Bud Grant. (Grant went on to greater fame as coach of the football Minnesota Vikings.) 如果有什麼區別的話,那就是湖人比前幾季又更強大了。隊上新來了三位潛力新星,包括 前鋒Vern Mikkersen以及後衛Slater Martin與Bud Grant。 (不過Grant最有名還是以教練身份執教明尼蘇達維京美式足球隊) Minneapolis seemed to have a lock on the top spot in the Central Division, but Rochester put together a 15-game winning streak as the campaign wound down, and the teams ended the regular season tied for first with identical 51-17 records. The Lakers then edged the Royals by a single basket in a one-game playoff to claim the division title. 明尼阿波里斯似乎已經鎖定了分組的龍頭地位,但是羅徹斯特一開季就15連勝,並且在例 行賽結束時以51勝17敗並列第一。之後湖人在季後賽分組冠軍系列中以一球之差慘遭皇家 淘汰。 For the second season in a row Minneapolis waltzed through the preliminary rounds of the postseason. The powerful Lakers felled the Chicago Stags in the Central Division Semifinals, swept the Fort Wayne Pistons in two games in the division finals, and then dusted the Anderson Duffey Packers in two games in the NBA Semifinals. 第二季明尼阿波里斯如同跳華爾茲一般輕鬆滑過季後賽第一輪。強大的湖人在分組準決賽 擊退Chicago Stags,分組冠軍賽橫掃了Fort Wayne Pistons,然後在NBA準決賽中羞辱了 Anderson Duffey Packers。 The first NBA Finals pitted the Lakers against the Syracuse Nationals. The Nats had the home-court advantage, but the Lakers took Game 1 in Syracuse when reserve guard Bob Harrison heaved in a 40-foot shot at the buzzer to give Minneapolis a two-point victory. The Nationals evened the series the next night. When the Finals reconvened in Minnesota five days later, Minneapolis pounded out a 91-77 win, then followed that with a victory in Game 4. Syracuse postponed the inevitable by shutting down Mikan in Game 5, but the Lakers came back with a 110-95 victory in Game 6 to earn the first NBA Championship. Mikan, who had led the league in scoring during the regular season with 27.4 points per game (only one other player topped 20.0 ppg), poured in 31.3 points per contest in the playoffs. 湖人第一次進入NBA總決賽對上的是Syracuse Nationals。Nationals擁有主場優勢,但是 湖人替補後衛Bob Harrison在比賽終了前的一記40呎壓哨出手讓湖人以兩分之差在 Syracuse拿下第一場。不過Nationals隔天晚上就讓系列打平。當總決賽四天後在明尼蘇達 再度開打時,明尼阿波里斯以91-77獲勝,然後第四戰又再度贏球。Syracuse第五戰封鎖了 Mikan讓系列再度延長,但是湖人第六戰就以110-95拿下勝利並贏得第一座NBA冠軍。Mikan 再次在例行賽以平均27.4分領先全聯盟(而且只有一位球員平均得分超過20分),在季後 賽更平均每場攻下31.3分。 A slimmed-down NBA fielded 11 teams in the 1950-51 campaign and went back to a two-division format, with the Lakers returning to the Western Division. With the best players from the six disbanded clubs distributed throughout the remaining teams, the offseason attrition helped to raise the level of competition in the two-year-old league. 在1950-51球季NBA聯盟只剩下11隊,並且縮編為兩組,湖人回到西組。六支解散球隊中最 好的球員流向了剩下的這幾支球隊,休賽期間的縮編反而提高了兩歲大的聯盟的水準。 The Lakers were favored to repeat as NBA champs that season. In addition to Mikan, the team boasted a solid frontcourt in Jim Pollard and Vern Mikkelsen and a better-than-average backcourt in Bob Harrison and Slater Martin. Minneapolis took the Western Division by three games and posted the league's best record at 44-24. But the playoffs didn't go according to plan. Minneapolis lost a game to the Indianapolis Olympians in the division semifinals, marking the Lakers' first-ever loss in a preliminary playoff round. They nevertheless won the series, two games to one, and advanced to face old rival Rochester in the Western Division Finals. The Lakers won Game 1, but the Royals came back with three straight victories to take the best-of-five series. 湖人希望能再次獲得總冠軍。除了Mikan以外,球隊還以Jim Pollard以及Vern Mikkelsen 組成堅實的前場,還有Bob Harrison與Slater Martin搭配的高於水準的後場。明尼阿波里 斯以三場之差坐上分組龍頭,並有著聯盟最佳44勝24敗的戰績,但是季後賽並不如預期。 在分組半決賽系列中輸了一場給Indianapolis Olympians,是湖人成立以來第一次在季後 賽第一輪輸球,不過他們還是以2-1晉級了,而且在分組決賽中再次碰上老對手羅徹斯特。 湖人贏下第一場,但是皇家接著在這個五戰三勝制系列連拿三場淘汰了湖人。 待續... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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